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Outputs (158)

The impact of high-speed railway on tourism spatial structures between two adjoining metropolitan cities in China: Beijing and Tianjin (2019)
Journal Article
Yin, P., Lin, Z., & Prideaux, B. (2019). The impact of high-speed railway on tourism spatial structures between two adjoining metropolitan cities in China: Beijing and Tianjin. Journal of Transport Geography, 80, Article 102495.

This study examines the impact of HSR services on the tourism spatial interactions between Beijing and Tianjin in China. Data were collected from official statistical reports. A method of derivation was developed and several indexes, such as tourism... Read More about The impact of high-speed railway on tourism spatial structures between two adjoining metropolitan cities in China: Beijing and Tianjin.

From West to East: British Sojourners’ acculturation in China (2019)
Journal Article
Yu, Q., Yen, D., Cappellini, B., & Wang, C. (2021). From West to East: British Sojourners’ acculturation in China. International Marketing Review, 38(4), 671-689.

Purpose: Previous literature has often focused on Asian migrants’ acculturation to Western cultures with data collected in the Western contexts. This study will explore Western consumers’ acculturation to East Asian cultures and their consumption beh... Read More about From West to East: British Sojourners’ acculturation in China.

International networking and knowledge acquisition of Chinese SMEs: The role of global mind-set and international entrepreneurial orientation (2019)
Journal Article
Lin, Z., Cao, X., & Cottam, E. (2020). International networking and knowledge acquisition of Chinese SMEs: The role of global mind-set and international entrepreneurial orientation. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 32(5-6), 449-465.

Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are increasing their international networking and knowledge acquisition activities. This paper attempts to explain this phenomenon by examining the joint influence of leader global mind-set and firms’... Read More about International networking and knowledge acquisition of Chinese SMEs: The role of global mind-set and international entrepreneurial orientation.

The effectiveness of the legal system and inbound tourism (2019)
Journal Article
Gozgor, G., Lau, C., Zeng, Y., & Lin, Z. (2019). The effectiveness of the legal system and inbound tourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 76, 24-35.

This paper investigates the impacts of the effectiveness of the legal system and protection of the property rights on tourism development using a panel data of 152 countries over the period 1995–2015. The paper considers the fixed-effects, Hausman–Ta... Read More about The effectiveness of the legal system and inbound tourism.

Creating a high-performance exhibitor team: A temporary organization perspective (2019)
Journal Article
He, H., Li, C., Lin, Z., & Liang, S. (2019). Creating a high-performance exhibitor team: A temporary organization perspective. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 81(21-29), 21-29.

Participation in business events such as meetings, conventions and exhibitions is costly, and building a high-performance team is vital. This study examines the key influential factors of team performance from the perspective of the “temporary organi... Read More about Creating a high-performance exhibitor team: A temporary organization perspective.

Segmenting global tourism markets: A panel club convergence approach (2019)
Journal Article
Lin, Z., You, K., Lau, C., & Demir, E. (2019). Segmenting global tourism markets: A panel club convergence approach. Annals of Tourism Research, 75, 165-185.

This study adopts an advanced panel club convergence approach to analyzing global tourism market segmentation. We empirically examine the convergence process of Turkish global tourism source markets over the period of 2001–2015, covering 81 markets.... Read More about Segmenting global tourism markets: A panel club convergence approach.

The Italian breakfast: Mulino Bianco and the advent of a family practice (1975-1995) (2018)
Journal Article
Pirani, D., Cappellini, B., & Harman, V. (2018). The Italian breakfast: Mulino Bianco and the advent of a family practice (1975-1995). European Journal of Marketing, 52(12), 2478-2498.

Purpose This paper aims to examine how Mulino Bianco, an iconic Italian bakery brand, has reshaped the symbolic and material aspects of breakfast in Italy, transforming a declining practice into a common family occasion. Design/methodology/approach A... Read More about The Italian breakfast: Mulino Bianco and the advent of a family practice (1975-1995).

Bridging technology divide to improve business environment: Insights from African nations (2018)
Journal Article
You, K., Dal Bianco, S., Lin, Z., & Amankwah-Amoah, J. (2019). Bridging technology divide to improve business environment: Insights from African nations. Journal of Business Research, 97, 268-280.

Bridging the technology divide remains one of the contemporary business issues, yet limited scholarly attention has been devoted to exploring the gap between regional developing nations. This study examined the state of technological progress in Afri... Read More about Bridging technology divide to improve business environment: Insights from African nations.

Cycling into headwinds: analysing mobility practices that inhibit sustainability (2018)
Journal Article
Scheurendrand, K., Parsons, E., Cappellini, B., & Patterson, A. (2018). Cycling into headwinds: analysing mobility practices that inhibit sustainability. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 37(2), 227-244.

Using the example of cycling, the authors contribute to public policy debates surrounding sustainability. They employ practice theory to shift the debate away from consumer choice and agency to examine instead why sustainable practices are not always... Read More about Cycling into headwinds: analysing mobility practices that inhibit sustainability.

The influences of transformational leadership on employee employability: Evidence from China (2018)
Journal Article
Xie, Y., Baranchenko, Y., Lin, Z., Lau, C., & Ma, J. (2019). The influences of transformational leadership on employee employability: Evidence from China. Employee Relations, 41(1), 101-118.

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the mediating role of job characteristics and social exchange in transformational leadership (TFL) and employability relationship. Design/methodology/approach The sample is composed of 760 participants... Read More about The influences of transformational leadership on employee employability: Evidence from China.

A cultural approach to brand equity: The role of brand mianzi and brand popularity in China (2018)
Journal Article
Filieri, R., Lin, Z., D'Antone, S., & Chatzopoulou, E. (2019). A cultural approach to brand equity: The role of brand mianzi and brand popularity in China. Journal of Brand Management, 26(4), 376-394.

International marketers face a challenge in applying Western-derived theory in emerging markets such as China where there has been rapid economic growth and sociocultural transition. This study develops “culturally contextualized” determinants of bra... Read More about A cultural approach to brand equity: The role of brand mianzi and brand popularity in China.

Shouting on Social Media? A borderscapes perspective on a contentious hashtag (2018)
Journal Article
Cappellini, B., Kravets, O., & Reppel, A. (2019). Shouting on Social Media? A borderscapes perspective on a contentious hashtag. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 145, 428-437.

This article extends the concept of borderscapes to understand the role of hashtags, a social media content sorting device, in organizing public conversations on important social issues. We examine a highly contentious hashtag, shout your abortion, t... Read More about Shouting on Social Media? A borderscapes perspective on a contentious hashtag.

The relationships between shop floor management and QCCs to support Kaizen (2018)
Journal Article
Ma, J., Jiao, F., Lau, C., & Lin, Z. (2018). The relationships between shop floor management and QCCs to support Kaizen. International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 35(9), 1941-1955.

Purpose - The purpose of this study is to develop and redefine the ‘classic’ roles of shop floor management and Quality Control Cycles (QCCs) in Kaizen. In specific, it aims to examine the linkage between shop floor management and QCCs, and test the... Read More about The relationships between shop floor management and QCCs to support Kaizen.

Evaluating the symbiosis status of tourist towns: The case of Guizhou Province, China (2018)
Journal Article
Yang, C., Huang, J., Lin, Z., Zhang, D., Zhu, Y., Xu, X., & Chen, M. (2019). Evaluating the symbiosis status of tourist towns: The case of Guizhou Province, China. Annals of Tourism Research, 72, 109-125.

This study examines the symbiosis status of tourist towns by analyzing the dynamism between two subsystems of tourist town development: the town subsystem and the tourism subsystem. Drawing on the Lotka-Volterra model, we first developed a model for... Read More about Evaluating the symbiosis status of tourist towns: The case of Guizhou Province, China.

Unpacking the lunchbox: biopedagogies, mothering and social class (2018)
Journal Article
Cappellini, B., & Harman, V. (2018). Unpacking the lunchbox: biopedagogies, mothering and social class. Sociology of Health & Illness, 40(7), 1200-1214.

This study investigates how mothers respond to school surveillance of their children's packed lunches. In a context where increasing attention is focused on healthy eating, we adopt a biopedagogical approach to illustrate different positions and stra... Read More about Unpacking the lunchbox: biopedagogies, mothering and social class.

Evaluating Highway Traffic Safety: An Integrated Approach (2018)
Journal Article
Yang, Y., Easa, S. M., Lin, Z., & Zheng, X. (2018). Evaluating Highway Traffic Safety: An Integrated Approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2018, Article 4598985.

This paper presents a novel methodology for determining the overall highway safety level by integrating statistical analysis and analytic network process (ANP) with set pair analysis (SPA) which is applied in the evaluation of the overall highway saf... Read More about Evaluating Highway Traffic Safety: An Integrated Approach.

An advanced analytical framework for improving customer satisfaction: A case of air passengers (2018)
Journal Article
Lin, Z., & Vlachos, I. (2018). An advanced analytical framework for improving customer satisfaction: A case of air passengers. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 114, 185-195.

Having an appropriate and advanced analytical framework is essential for transport service managers to optimize resource allocation to improve customer satisfaction. This study proposes a novel analytical framework, the “Importance-Performance-Impact... Read More about An advanced analytical framework for improving customer satisfaction: A case of air passengers.

Consumer perceptions of information helpfulness and determinants of purchase intention in online consumer reviews of services (2018)
Journal Article
Filieri, R., Mcleay, F., Tsui, B., & Lin, Z. (2018). Consumer perceptions of information helpfulness and determinants of purchase intention in online consumer reviews of services. Information and Management, 55(8), 956-970.

Online consumer reviews offer an unprecedented amount of information for consumers to evaluate services before purchase. We use the dual process theory to investigate consumer perceptions about information helpfulness (IH) in electronic word-of-mouth... Read More about Consumer perceptions of information helpfulness and determinants of purchase intention in online consumer reviews of services.

Prioritizing destination attributes for optimal resource allocation: A study of Chinese tourists visiting Britain (2018)
Journal Article
Lin, Z., Vlachos, I., & Ollier, J. (2018). Prioritizing destination attributes for optimal resource allocation: A study of Chinese tourists visiting Britain. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, 35(8), 1013-1026.

This study assesses the importance, performance and the interrelationships of key destination attributes for marketing managers to prioritize resource allocation. A three-dimensional analysis of Importance-Performance-Impact factors (IPIA), based upo... Read More about Prioritizing destination attributes for optimal resource allocation: A study of Chinese tourists visiting Britain.

Consumer loyalty toward smartphone brands: The determining roles of deliberate inertia and cognitive lock-in (2018)
Journal Article
Shi, X., Lin, Z., Liu, J., & Hui, Y. (2018). Consumer loyalty toward smartphone brands: The determining roles of deliberate inertia and cognitive lock-in. Information and Management, 55, 866-876.

Research in commitment–trust perspective overlooks the effect of status quo bias on consumer brand loyalty. This study aims to integrate the bias including consumers’ deliberate inertia and cognitive lock-in with consumers’ trust and commitment in th... Read More about Consumer loyalty toward smartphone brands: The determining roles of deliberate inertia and cognitive lock-in.