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Outputs (1137)

Rarity and Endangerment: Why Do They Matter? (2023)
Journal Article
James, S. P. (2024). Rarity and Endangerment: Why Do They Matter?. Environmental Values, 33(3), 296–310.

It is often supposed that valuable organisms are more valuable if they are rare. Likewise if they belong to endangered species. I consider what kinds of value rarity and endangerment can add in such cases. I argue that individual organisms of a valua... Read More about Rarity and Endangerment: Why Do They Matter?.

The Concept of Human Rights in the UDHR and the Rule of Law for the World Today (2023)
Book Chapter
Beyleveld, D., & Pattinson, S. (2023). The Concept of Human Rights in the UDHR and the Rule of Law for the World Today. In M. Dahlin, J. Garland, A.-S. Lind, A. Singer, & S. Slokenberga (Eds.), Festskrift till Elisabeth Rynning: Integritet och rättssäkerhet inom och bortom den medicinska rätten (41–55). Iustus

A Future Orientated View of Autonomy (2023)
Book Chapter
Cave, E. (in press). A Future Orientated View of Autonomy. In L. Forsberg, I. Black, A. Skelton, & J. Herring (Eds.), Consenting Children: Autonomy, Well-being, Responsibility. Oxford University Press

This chapter considers qualifications to the view expressed by Lord Scarman in Gillick v West Norfolk and Wisbech Health Authority that ‘a minor’s capacity to make his or her own decision depends upon the minor having sufficient understanding and int... Read More about A Future Orientated View of Autonomy.

The relationship between speculation and translation in Bioethics: methods and methodologies (2023)
Journal Article
Johnson, T., & Romanis, E. C. (2023). The relationship between speculation and translation in Bioethics: methods and methodologies. Monash Bioethics Review, 41, 1–19.

There are increasing pressures for bioethics to emphasise 'translation'. Against this backdrop, we defend 'speculative bioethics'. We explore speculation as an important tool and line of bioethical inquiry. Further, we examine the relationship betwee... Read More about The relationship between speculation and translation in Bioethics: methods and methodologies.

Intergenerational Preparedness: Climate Change, Community Interest Obligations, and the Environmental Rule of Law (2023)
Journal Article
Minnerop, P. (2024). Intergenerational Preparedness: Climate Change, Community Interest Obligations, and the Environmental Rule of Law. Global Policy, 15(S5: Special Issue: Reflections on the Architecture of Climate Law), 20-41.

This article argues that the protection of ‘community interests’ in international law includes intertemporal obligations of States, in cases where it is scientifically foreseeable that (fully) maintaining the ‘status quo’ of a protected community int... Read More about Intergenerational Preparedness: Climate Change, Community Interest Obligations, and the Environmental Rule of Law.

Explaining China’s approach to investor-state dispute settlement reform: a contextual perspective (2023)
Journal Article
Du, M. (2023). Explaining China’s approach to investor-state dispute settlement reform: a contextual perspective. European Law Journal: Review of European Law in Context, 28(4-6), 281-303.

China's approach to ISDS reform is widely perceived as undecided and ambiguous. This paper provides the first detailed analysis of China's submission to the UNITRAL Working Group III and situates China's approach in the context of global dialogue of... Read More about Explaining China’s approach to investor-state dispute settlement reform: a contextual perspective.

‘Money probably has something to do with my life’: Discourse and materiality in the working lives of start-up entrepreneurs (2023)
Journal Article
Musilek, K., Jamie, K., & Learmonth, M. (2024). ‘Money probably has something to do with my life’: Discourse and materiality in the working lives of start-up entrepreneurs. Work, Employment and Society, 38(5), 1285-1306.

This article contributes to an understanding of work-intensive entrepreneurial lives as part of analysing the intensification of work in society. It offers an empirical extension of Foucauldian analyses which attribute commitment to work to the influ... Read More about ‘Money probably has something to do with my life’: Discourse and materiality in the working lives of start-up entrepreneurs.

Equality-enhancing potential of novel forms of assisted gestation: Perspectives of reproductive rights advocates (2023)
Journal Article
Romanis, E. C. (2023). Equality-enhancing potential of novel forms of assisted gestation: Perspectives of reproductive rights advocates. Bioethics, 37(7), 637-646.

Novel forms of assisted gestation—uterus transplantation and artificial placentas—are highly anticipated in the ethico-legal literature for their capacity to enhance reproductive autonomy. There are also, however, significant challenges anticipated i... Read More about Equality-enhancing potential of novel forms of assisted gestation: Perspectives of reproductive rights advocates.

Translational or translationable? A call for ethno-immersion in (empirical) bioethics research (2023)
Journal Article
Parsons, J. A., Johal, H., Parker, J., & Romanis, E. C. (2024). Translational or translationable? A call for ethno-immersion in (empirical) bioethics research. Bioethics, 38(3), 252-261.

The shift towards "empirical bioethics" was largely triggered by a recognition that stakeholders' views and experiences are vital in ethical analysis where one hopes to produce practicable recommendations. Such perspectives can provide a rich resourc... Read More about Translational or translationable? A call for ethno-immersion in (empirical) bioethics research.

The Warnock Report on Human Fertilisation and Embryology (1984) (2023)
Book Chapter
Cave, E. (2023). The Warnock Report on Human Fertilisation and Embryology (1984). In S. Fovargue, & C. Purshouse (Eds.), Leading Works in Health Law and Ethics. London: Routledge.

When the Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Human Fertilisation and Embryology was published in the UK in 1984, human fertilisation and embryology was developing at pace. The same has been true since and remains the case today. And yet the Commi... Read More about The Warnock Report on Human Fertilisation and Embryology (1984).

Medicine, Patients and the Law (2023)
Brazier, M., Cave, E., & Heywood, R. (2023). Medicine, Patients and the Law. (7th edition). MUP

Embryo research, cloning, assisted conception, neonatal care, pandemic vaccine development, saviour siblings, organ transplants, drug trials - modern developments have transformed the field of medicine almost beyond recognition in recent decades and... Read More about Medicine, Patients and the Law.

United Kingdom's Parliamentary Administration (2023)
Book Chapter
Meakin, A., Yong, B., & Leston-Bandeira, C. (2023). United Kingdom's Parliamentary Administration. In T. Christiansen, E. Griglio, & N. Lupo (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Parliamentary Administrations. London: Routledge.

This chapter provides a brief overview of the structural framework within which the parliamentary administration of the UK Parliament operates, and then focuses on its governance structures and how these have developed over time. Supporting each Hous... Read More about United Kingdom's Parliamentary Administration.

The (mis)use of fetal viability as the determinant of non-criminal abortion in the Netherlands and England and Wales (2023)
Journal Article
Halliday, S., Romanis, E. C., De Proost, L., & Verweij, E. (. (online). The (mis)use of fetal viability as the determinant of non-criminal abortion in the Netherlands and England and Wales. Medical Law Review, 31(4), 538–563.

Time plays a fundamental role in abortion regulation. In this article, we compare the regulatory frameworks in England and Wales and the Netherlands as examples of the centrality accorded to viability in the determination of the parameters of non-cri... Read More about The (mis)use of fetal viability as the determinant of non-criminal abortion in the Netherlands and England and Wales.

Harmonisation, European Standardisation and the New Approach (2023)
Book Chapter
Van Leeuwen, B. (in press). Harmonisation, European Standardisation and the New Approach. In R. Schütze, & T. Tridimas (Eds.), Oxford Principles of European Union Law, Volume II: Internal Market. Oxford University Press

Estimating the impact of new high seas activities on the environment: the effects of ocean-surface macroplastic removal on sea surface ecosystems (2023)
Journal Article
Spencer, M., Culhane, F., Chong, F., Powell, M. O., Roland Holst, R. J., & Helm, R. (2023). Estimating the impact of new high seas activities on the environment: the effects of ocean-surface macroplastic removal on sea surface ecosystems. PeerJ – the Journal of Life & Environmental Sciences, 11, Article 15021.

The open ocean beyond national jurisdiction covers nearly half of Earth’s surface and is largely unexplored. It is also an emerging frontier for new types of human activity. Understanding how new activities interact with high seas ecosystems is criti... Read More about Estimating the impact of new high seas activities on the environment: the effects of ocean-surface macroplastic removal on sea surface ecosystems.

New Technology and the Protection of the Marine Environment (2023)
Book Chapter
Woker, H. J., Roland Holst, R. J., & Harden-Davies, H. (2023). New Technology and the Protection of the Marine Environment. In R. Rayfuse, A. Jaeckel, & N. Klein (Eds.), Research Handbook on International Marine Environmental Law (409-427). (Second Edition). Edward Elgar Publishing.

This chapter focusses on the multifaceted relationship between new technology, the protection of the marine environment, and law. It identifies four categories to classify and analyse this relationship: (1) new technologies for marine resource exploi... Read More about New Technology and the Protection of the Marine Environment.

Law and policy can do more to address adolescence in early adulthood (2023)
Digital Artefact
Cave, E., & Cave, H. (2023). Law and policy can do more to address adolescence in early adulthood. [Blog Post]

Emma Cave and Hannah Cave discuss their recently published work in which they call for responses in medical policy, law and practice to evidence about how adolescence can affect decision making by young adults