Valence-band offset of the lattice-matched beta-FeSi2(100)/Si(001) heterostructure
Journal Article
Al-Allak, H., & Clark, S. (2001). Valence-band offset of the lattice-matched beta-FeSi2(100)/Si(001) heterostructure. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 63(3), Article 033311.
Outputs (41)
Nanosecond pulsed field magnetization reversal in thin-film NiFe studied by Kerr effect magnetometry (2001)
Journal Article
Atkinson, D., Allwood, D., Cooke, M., & Cowburn, R. (2001). Nanosecond pulsed field magnetization reversal in thin-film NiFe studied by Kerr effect magnetometry. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 34, 3019-3023.
Photoemission study of chemisorption of C₆₀ on InP(100) (2001)
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Chao, Y., Svensson, K., Radosavkić, D., Dhanak, V., Šiller, L., & Hunt, M. (2001). Photoemission study of chemisorption of C₆₀ on InP(100). Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 64(23), Article 235331.
Variable wavelength grazing incidence x-ray reflectivity measurements of structural changes on annealing Cu/NiFe multilayers (2001)
Journal Article
Luo, G., Mai, Z., Hase, T., Fulthorpe, B., Tanner, B., Marrows, C., & Hickey, B. (2001). Variable wavelength grazing incidence x-ray reflectivity measurements of structural changes on annealing Cu/NiFe multilayers. Physical Review B, 64, 245404-
In situ x-ray topography measurement of the growth temperature dependence of the critical thickness of epitaxial InGaAs on GaAs (2001)
Journal Article
Tanner, B., Parbrook, P., Whitehouse, C., Keir, A., Johnson, A., Jones, J., …Hogg, J. (2001). In situ x-ray topography measurement of the growth temperature dependence of the critical thickness of epitaxial InGaAs on GaAs. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 34, A109-A113
Effect of the Cu capping thickness on the magnetic properties of thin Ni/Cu(001) films (2001)
Journal Article
Vaz, C., Lauhoff, G., Bland, J., Fulthorpe, B., Hase, T., Tanner, B., …Penfold, J. (2001). Effect of the Cu capping thickness on the magnetic properties of thin Ni/Cu(001) films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226, 1618-1620
X-ray reflection anomalous fine structure analysis of the stability of permalloy/copper multilayers (2001)
Journal Article
Luo, G., Mai, Z., Hase, T., Fulthorpe, B., Tanner, B., Marrows, C., & Hickey, B. (2001). X-ray reflection anomalous fine structure analysis of the stability of permalloy/copper multilayers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226, 1728-1729
Brillouin Scattering Investigation Of Melting In Sn Nanoparticles (2001)
Journal Article
Bottani, C., Bassi, A., Tanner, B., Stella, A., Tognini, P., Cheyssac, P., & Kofman, R. (2001). Brillouin Scattering Investigation Of Melting In Sn Nanoparticles. Materials Science and Engineering: C, 15, 41-43
Measurement Of The Elastic Constants Of Nanometric Films (2001)
Journal Article
Beghi, M., Bottani, C., Bassi, A., Tanner, B., Ferrari, A., Teo, K., & Robertson, J. (2001). Measurement Of The Elastic Constants Of Nanometric Films. Proceedings of SPIE, 4449, 119-130
Kinetics Of Native Oxide Film Growth On Epiready Gaas (2001)
Journal Article
Tanner, B., Allwood, D., & Mason, N. (2001). Kinetics Of Native Oxide Film Growth On Epiready Gaas. Materials Science and Engineering: B, 80, 99-103
Determination Of The Depth Distribution Of Subsurface Damage During Polishing Of Alumina (2001)
Journal Article
Tanner, B., Hase, T., & Wu, H. (2001). Determination Of The Depth Distribution Of Subsurface Damage During Polishing Of Alumina. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 81, 351-355
Structural and magnetic changes on annealing permalloy/copper multilayers (2001)
Journal Article
Fulthorpe, B., Hase, T., Tanner, B., Marrows, C., & Hickey, B. (2001). Structural and magnetic changes on annealing permalloy/copper multilayers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226, 1733-1734
Internal dynamics of poly(methylphenylsiloxane) chains as revealed by picosecond time resolved fluorescence (2001)
Journal Article
Dias, F., Lima, J., Pierola, I., Horta, A., & Macanita, A. (2001). Internal dynamics of poly(methylphenylsiloxane) chains as revealed by picosecond time resolved fluorescence. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 105(45), 10286-10295.
Soft X-ray magnetic scattering study of rotational magnetisation processes in cobalt/copper multilayers (2001)
Journal Article
Hase, T., Fulthorpe, B., Wilkins, S., Tanner, B., Marrows, C., & Hickey, B. (2001). Soft X-ray magnetic scattering study of rotational magnetisation processes in cobalt/copper multilayers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 226, 1717-1719
High-resolution x-ray diffraction studies of roughness and mosaic defects in epitaxial Fe/Au multilayers (2001)
Journal Article
Fulthorpe, B., Ryan, P., Hase, T., Tanner, B., & Hickey, B. (2001). High-resolution x-ray diffraction studies of roughness and mosaic defects in epitaxial Fe/Au multilayers. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 34, A203-A207
Interaction between metallic p orbitals and the pi orbitals of organic molecules: The binding between ethylene and aluminum (2001)
Journal Article
King, E., Clark, S., Verdozzi, C., & Ackland, G. (2001). Interaction between metallic p orbitals and the pi orbitals of organic molecules: The binding between ethylene and aluminum. Journal of Physical Chemistry B (Soft Condensed Matter and Biophysical Chemistry), 105(3), 641-645.
Orientationally ordered island growth of higher fullerenes on Ag/Si(111)-(3×3)R30° (2001)
Journal Article
Butcher, M., Nolan, J., Hunt, M., Beton, P., Dunsch, L., Kuran, P., …Dennis, T. (2001). Orientationally ordered island growth of higher fullerenes on Ag/Si(111)-(3×3)R30°. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 64(19), Article 195401.
Valence-band offset of the lattice-matched beta-FeSi(2)(100)/Si(001) heterostructure (2001)
Journal Article
Al-Allak, H., & Clark, S. (2001). Valence-band offset of the lattice-matched beta-FeSi(2)(100)/Si(001) heterostructure. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter), 63(3), Article 033311
Diffraction and transmission of light in low-refractive index Penrose-tiled photonic quasicrystals (2001)
Journal Article
Kaliteevski, M., Brand, S., Abram, R., Krauss, T., Millar, P., & DeLa Rue, R. (2001). Diffraction and transmission of light in low-refractive index Penrose-tiled photonic quasicrystals. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 13(46), 10459-10470. report the measurements of the diffraction pattern of a two-dimensional Penrose-tiled photonic quasicrystal, obtained by etching air cylinders in a silica substrate, and the modelling of the light propagation and dispersion relations of photons in... Read More about Diffraction and transmission of light in low-refractive index Penrose-tiled photonic quasicrystals.
Matrix dependence of light emission from TCNQ adducts (2001)
Journal Article
Bloor, D., Kagawa, Y., Szablewski, M., Ravi, M., Clark, S., Cross, G., …Rumbles, G. (2001). Matrix dependence of light emission from TCNQ adducts. Journal of materials chemistry, 11(12), 3053-3062. reactions of primary and secondary amines with 7,7,8,8-tetracyano-p-quinodimethane(TCNQ) lead to mono- and di-substituted adducts. Fluorescence emission has been observed for several of these compounds. The luminescence property of the TCNQ adduc... Read More about Matrix dependence of light emission from TCNQ adducts.