NumberNet: Using Multi-tough Technology to Support Within and Between Group Mathematics Learning.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Hatch, A., Higgins, S., Joyce-Gibbons, A., & Mercier, E. (2011, December). NumberNet: Using Multi-tough Technology to Support Within and Between Group Mathematics Learning. Presented at Connecting CSCL to Policy and Practice: CSCL2011
Professor Steven Higgins' Outputs (150)
The impact of interactive whiteboard technology on medical students' achievement in ESL essay writing: an early study in Egypt (2011)
Journal Article
Albaaly, E., & Higgins, S. (2011). The impact of interactive whiteboard technology on medical students' achievement in ESL essay writing: an early study in Egypt. The Language Learning Journal, 40(2), 207-222. study investigated the impact of the interactive whiteboard on Egyptian medical students' achievement in essay writing in English as a second language (ESL). First, the writing micro-skills judged essential to help these students improve their e... Read More about The impact of interactive whiteboard technology on medical students' achievement in ESL essay writing: an early study in Egypt.
Every Child Counts: The Independent evaluation Executive Summary (2011)
Torgerson, C., Wiggins, A., Torgerson, D., Ainsworth, H., Barmby, P., Hewitt, C., …Tymms, P. (2011). Every Child Counts: The Independent evaluation Executive Summary. Department for Education (DfE)
Learning to learn in schools phase 4 and Learning to learn in further education. (2010)
Wall, K., Hall, E., Baumfield, V., Higgins, S., Rafferty, V., Remedios, R., …Woolner, P. (2010). Learning to learn in schools phase 4 and Learning to learn in further education. Research Centre for Learning and Teaching
Learning to Learn with Parents: lessons from two research projects (2010)
Book Chapter
Hall, E., Wall, K., Higgins, S., Stephens, L., Pooley, I., & Welham, J. (2010). Learning to Learn with Parents: lessons from two research projects. In A. Campbell, & S. Groundwater-Smith (Eds.), Action research in education : key examples of action research in schools within international settings (121-135). SAGE Publications
Teaching for understanding/understanding for teaching (2010)
Book Chapter
Barmby, P., Harries, A., & Higgins, S. (2010). Teaching for understanding/understanding for teaching. In I. Thompson (Ed.), Issues in teaching numeracy in primary schools (45-57). McGraw-Hill
The impact of interactive whiteboards on classroom interaction and learning in primary schools in the UK (2010)
Book Chapter
Higgins, S. (2010). The impact of interactive whiteboards on classroom interaction and learning in primary schools in the UK. In M. Thomas, & E. Cutrim-Schmid (Eds.), Interactive whiteboards for education : theory, research and practice (86-101). IGI Global. UK Government's Primary National Strategy undertook a pilot programme "Embedding ICT in the Literacy and Numeracy Strategies" where interactive whiteboards were installed in the classrooms of teachers of 9-11 year old students in more than 80 sch... Read More about The impact of interactive whiteboards on classroom interaction and learning in primary schools in the UK.
Learning to Learn for Life 3: Research and Practical Examples for Secondary Schools. (2009)
Goodbourn, R., Hartley, T., Higgins, S., & Wall, K. (2009). Learning to Learn for Life 3: Research and Practical Examples for Secondary Schools. Continuum
Primary mathematics: Teaching for understanding. (2009)
Barmby, P., Bilsborough, L., Harries, T., & Higgins, S. (2009). Primary mathematics: Teaching for understanding. Oxford Univesity Press
Catalytic tools: understanding the interaction of enquiry and feedback in teachers' learning. (2009)
Journal Article
Baumfield, V., Hall, E., Higgins, S., & Wall, K. (2009). Catalytic tools: understanding the interaction of enquiry and feedback in teachers' learning. European Journal of Teacher Education, 32(4), 423-435.
Reasoning in children and adolescents. (2009)
Journal Article
Resing, W., Elliott, J., & Higgins, S. (2009). Reasoning in children and adolescents. Educational and Child Psychology, 26(3),
Learning to Learn in Schools Phase 4 Year One Report. (2009)
Wall, K., Hall, E., Higgins, S., Leat, D., Thomas, U., Tiplady, L., …Woolner, P. (2009). Learning to Learn in Schools Phase 4 Year One Report. [No known commissioning body]
Developing effective multimedia instruction for expert learners. (2009)
Higgins, S., Baumfield, V., Newton, D., & Elliott, J. (2009). Developing effective multimedia instruction for expert learners
Teacher enquiry as a tool for professional development: investigating pupils' effective talk while learning. (2009)
Journal Article
Wall, K., Higgins, S., Glasner, E., Mahmout, U., & Gormally, J. (2009). Teacher enquiry as a tool for professional development: investigating pupils' effective talk while learning. Australian Educational Researcher, 36(2), 93-117.
The array representation and primary children's understanding and reasoning in multiplication (2009)
Journal Article
Barmby, P., Harries, T., Higgins, S., & Suggate, J. (2009). The array representation and primary children's understanding and reasoning in multiplication. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 70(3), 217-241. examine whether the array representation can support children’s understanding and reasoning in multiplication. To begin, we define what we mean by understanding and reasoning. We adopt a ‘representational-reasoning’ model of understanding, where u... Read More about The array representation and primary children's understanding and reasoning in multiplication.
Personalising learning: the learner perspective and their influence on demand Final report. (2008)
Robinson, C., Sebba, J., Mackrill, D., & Higgins, S. (2008). Personalising learning: the learner perspective and their influence on demand Final report. Becta
Personalising learning: the learner perspective and their influence on demand Review report. (2008)
Higgins, S., Sebba, J., roninson, C., & Mackrill, D. (2008). Personalising learning: the learner perspective and their influence on demand Review report. Becta
Mathematical learning and the use of information and communications technology in the early years. (2008)
Book Chapter
Higgins, S. (2008). Mathematical learning and the use of information and communications technology in the early years. In I. Thompson (Ed.), Teaching and Learning Early Number (214-221). (2nd). Open University Press
Learning to Learn Phase 3 evaluation: Final report. (2008)
Higgins, S., Baumfield, V., Hall, E., Moseley, D., Wall, K., & Woolner, P. (2008). Learning to Learn Phase 3 evaluation: Final report. [No known commissioning body]
Bridge Model Evaluation Final Report for the National College for School Leadership. (2008)
Higgins, S., Wiggins, A., & Searle, J. (2008). Bridge Model Evaluation Final Report for the National College for School Leadership. [No known commissioning body]