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The impact of interactive whiteboards on classroom interaction and learning in primary schools in the UK

Higgins, S.E.

The impact of interactive whiteboards on classroom interaction and learning in primary schools in the UK Thumbnail



M. Thomas

E. Cutrim-Schmid


The UK Government's Primary National Strategy undertook a pilot programme "Embedding ICT in the Literacy and Numeracy Strategies" where interactive whiteboards were installed in the classrooms of teachers of 9-11 year old students in more than 80 schools in six regions of England. Research to evaluate this project collected multiple sources of data, including students' attainment, structured lesson observations and the perceptions of teachers and students. Results suggest that the use of the interactive whiteboards did lead to significant changes in teachers' practices in the use of technology and in aspects of classroom interaction, and that the perceptions of those involved were overwhelmingly positive, but that the impact in terms of students' attainment on national tests was very small and short-lived. This raises questions about the integration of new technologies into classroom teaching and how such technologies might improve teaching and learning.


Higgins, S. (2010). The impact of interactive whiteboards on classroom interaction and learning in primary schools in the UK. In M. Thomas, & E. Cutrim-Schmid (Eds.), Interactive whiteboards for education : theory, research and practice (86-101). IGI Global.

Publication Date Jan 1, 2010
Deposit Date May 6, 2010
Publicly Available Date May 28, 2010
Publisher IGI Global
Pages 86-101
Book Title Interactive whiteboards for education : theory, research and practice.
ISBN 9781615207152
Public URL
Publisher URL


Published Book Chapter (1.1 Mb)

Copyright Statement
This chapter appears in
'Interactive whiteboards for education : theory, research and practice' edited by Michael Thomas and Euline Cutrim Schmid. Copyright 2010, IGI Global, Posted by permission of the publisher.

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