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Professor Kieran Fernandes' Outputs (63)

Does supply chain concentration improve sustainability performance: the role of operational slack and information transparency (2023)
Journal Article
Jia, F., Xu, Y., Chen, L., & Fernandes, K. (2025). Does supply chain concentration improve sustainability performance: the role of operational slack and information transparency. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 45(1),

Purpose: Despite the increasing interest in the role of supply chain concentration (SCC) in improving performance, its influence on firms’ sustainability performance remains unexplored, as do the underlying mechanisms of this relationship. Drawing on... Read More about Does supply chain concentration improve sustainability performance: the role of operational slack and information transparency.

Dual networks: how does knowledge network embeddedness affect firms' supply chain learning? (2023)
Journal Article
Yan, J., Yu, Z., Fernandes, K., & Xiong, Y. (2023). Dual networks: how does knowledge network embeddedness affect firms' supply chain learning?. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 43(8), 1277-1303.

Purpose: To explore the mechanism that shapes firms' supply chain learning (SCL) practices, this study examines the relationship between firms' knowledge network embeddedness and their SCL practice in a supply chain network, as well as the moderating... Read More about Dual networks: how does knowledge network embeddedness affect firms' supply chain learning?.

The impact of corporate social responsibility decoupling on financial performance: The role of customer structure and operational slack (2023)
Journal Article
He, C., Jia, F., Wang, L., Chen, L., & Fernandes, K. (2023). The impact of corporate social responsibility decoupling on financial performance: The role of customer structure and operational slack. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 43(12), 1859-1890.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) decoupling indicates a misalignment between how firms report CSR and what firms actually practice with respect to CSR. The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between CSR decoupling and... Read More about The impact of corporate social responsibility decoupling on financial performance: The role of customer structure and operational slack.

The secrets to successful entrepreneurship: How occupational experience shapes the creation and performance of start-ups (2022)
Journal Article
Wu, Y., Maas, G., Zhang, Y., Chen, F., Xia, S., Fernandes, K., & Tian, K. (2023). The secrets to successful entrepreneurship: How occupational experience shapes the creation and performance of start-ups. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 29(2), 354-384.

Purpose Previous experience is a critical factor affecting entrepreneurial activities; however, it has not been fully studied in the existing literature. This study attempts to comprehensively reveal the routes and mechanisms of occupational experien... Read More about The secrets to successful entrepreneurship: How occupational experience shapes the creation and performance of start-ups.

A model for managing returns in a circular economy context: A case study from the Indian electronics industry (2022)
Journal Article
Choudhary, D., Qaiser, F. H., Choudhary, A., & Fernandes, K. (2022). A model for managing returns in a circular economy context: A case study from the Indian electronics industry. International Journal of Production Economics, 249, Article 108505.

The notion of a circular economy (CE) has recently gained significant attention, both in research and practice, due to increasing sustainability concerns and legislative requirements. Despite extensive research having been undertaken in this area, th... Read More about A model for managing returns in a circular economy context: A case study from the Indian electronics industry.

How to overcome path dependency through resource reconfiguration (2022)
Journal Article
Goumagias, N., Fernandes, K. J., Nucciarelli, A., & Li, F. (2022). How to overcome path dependency through resource reconfiguration. Journal of Business Research, 145, 78-91.

Firms reconfigure their resources when responding to changes in their external or internal environment, often by incorporating new knowledge and resources in collaboration with external stakeholders. However, the reconfiguration process is challengin... Read More about How to overcome path dependency through resource reconfiguration.

Contextualising the role of external partnerships to innovate the core and enabling processes of an organisation: A resource and knowledge-based view (2022)
Journal Article
Fernandes, K. J., Milewski, S., Chaudhuri, A., & Xiong, Y. (2022). Contextualising the role of external partnerships to innovate the core and enabling processes of an organisation: A resource and knowledge-based view. Journal of Business Research, 144, 146-162.

The knowledge-based view (KBV) theory argues that organisations gain a competitive advantage by adopting strategies to capitalise on their knowledge resources, e.g., organisational culture, managerial decision-making and innovative new processes. Lar... Read More about Contextualising the role of external partnerships to innovate the core and enabling processes of an organisation: A resource and knowledge-based view.

A hybrid ensemble learning-based prediction model to minimize delay in air cargo transport using bagging and stacking (2021)
Journal Article
Sahoo, R., Pasayat, A., Bhowmick, B., Fernandes, K., & Tiwari, M. (2022). A hybrid ensemble learning-based prediction model to minimize delay in air cargo transport using bagging and stacking. International Journal of Production Research, 60(2), 644-660.

Manufacturing productivity is inextricably linked to air freight handling for the global delivery of finished and semi-finished goods. In this article, our focus is to capture the transport risk associated with air freight which is the difference bet... Read More about A hybrid ensemble learning-based prediction model to minimize delay in air cargo transport using bagging and stacking.

Improving social sustainability and reducing supply chain risks through blockchain implementation: role of outcome and behavioural mechanisms (2021)
Journal Article
Chaudhuri, A., Bhatia, M., Kayikci, Y., Fernandes, K., & FossoWamba, S. (2023). Improving social sustainability and reducing supply chain risks through blockchain implementation: role of outcome and behavioural mechanisms. Annals of Operations Research, 327, 401–433.

The implementation of blockchain technology holds promise for improving social sustainability and minimizing risks across the supply chain. A theory-driven analysis of how blockchain implementation affects social sustainability and minimizes risks (o... Read More about Improving social sustainability and reducing supply chain risks through blockchain implementation: role of outcome and behavioural mechanisms.

Bilevel Programming for Manufacturers Operating in an Omnichannel Retailing Environment (2021)
Journal Article
Gupta, V., Dakare, S., Fernandes, K., Thakur, L., & Tiwari, M. (2023). Bilevel Programming for Manufacturers Operating in an Omnichannel Retailing Environment. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(11), 3958 - 3975.

This paper presents a joint production, pricing and inventory control problem that can help manufacturers manage revenue in an omnichannel environment. The paper puts forward a multi-period Stackelberg game between a manufacturer and a retailer, assu... Read More about Bilevel Programming for Manufacturers Operating in an Omnichannel Retailing Environment.

Optimal pricing strategies for Manufacturing-as-a Service platforms to ensure business sustainability (2021)
Journal Article
Chaudhuri, A., Datta, P. P., Fernandes, K. J., & Xiong, Y. (2021). Optimal pricing strategies for Manufacturing-as-a Service platforms to ensure business sustainability. International Journal of Production Economics, 234, Article 108065.

Manufacturing as a Service (MaaS) is a service which delivers manufactured products by connecting its network of suppliers with its customers on a digital platform. The long term sustainability of the MaaS platforms depends on their pricing strategy... Read More about Optimal pricing strategies for Manufacturing-as-a Service platforms to ensure business sustainability.

The National Value of UNESCO Designations to the United Kingdom (2020)
Fernandes, K., Rabagiliati, M., Fergen, A., & Goumagias, N. (2020). The National Value of UNESCO Designations to the United Kingdom. [No known commissioning body]

The UK’s network of UNESCO designations is adding significant value to our economy and society. With additional support, this value can be enhanced, and the full potential of the UK’s UNESCO designations realised. These are the key findings of this r... Read More about The National Value of UNESCO Designations to the United Kingdom.

The Contribution of UNESCO Chairs toward achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (2018)
Journal Article
Bergman, Z., Bergman, M., Fernandes, K., Grossrieder, D., & Schneider, L. (2018). The Contribution of UNESCO Chairs toward achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Sustainability, 10(12), Article 4471.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) aims to enhance peace, security, and sustainable development by fostering international collaboration. Based on this aim, it stands to reason that the organization ought t... Read More about The Contribution of UNESCO Chairs toward achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Modeling, analysis, and improvement of integrated productivity and energy consumption in a serial manufacturing system (2018)
Journal Article
Bajpai, A., Fernandes, K. J., & Tiwari, M. K. (2018). Modeling, analysis, and improvement of integrated productivity and energy consumption in a serial manufacturing system. Journal of Cleaner Production, 199, 296-304.

The performance of a manufacturing system is measured by factors such as its productivity and energy efficiency. Current systems lack the required indices to measure its efficiency and highlight the areas of inefficiency in the system. The paper is a... Read More about Modeling, analysis, and improvement of integrated productivity and energy consumption in a serial manufacturing system.

Managing quality risk in supply chain to drive firm's performance: the roles of control mechanisms (2018)
Journal Article
Tse, Y., Zhang, M., Tan, K., Pawar, K., & Fernandes, K. (2018). Managing quality risk in supply chain to drive firm's performance: the roles of control mechanisms. Journal of Business Research, 97, 291-303.

Product harm scandal can be viewed as a company's nightmare. In many cases, the source of defective or unsafe components may not be the manufacturing firm itself; rather, there may be problems inherent in the supply network. This research aims to inv... Read More about Managing quality risk in supply chain to drive firm's performance: the roles of control mechanisms.

How the Business Model of Customizable Card Games Influences Player Engagement (2018)
Journal Article
Hodge, V., Sephton, N., Devlin, S., Cowling, P., Goumagias, N., Shao, J., …Li, F. (2019). How the Business Model of Customizable Card Games Influences Player Engagement. IEEE Transactions on Games, 11(4), 374-385.

In this article, we analyse the game play data of three popular customisable card games where players build decks prior to game play. We analyse the data from a player engagement perspective, how the business model affects players, how players influe... Read More about How the Business Model of Customizable Card Games Influences Player Engagement.

Effects of demand forecast and resource sharing on collaborative new product development in supply chain (2017)
Journal Article
Jha, A., Fernandes, K., Xiong, Y., Nie, J., Agarwal, N., & Tiwari, M. (2017). Effects of demand forecast and resource sharing on collaborative new product development in supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 193, 207-221.

In today's volatile global marketplace co-developing of new products is increasingly important, owing to the uncertainties of developing and launching a new product. The collaborative new product development process however, presents a new challenge... Read More about Effects of demand forecast and resource sharing on collaborative new product development in supply chain.

From value chains to technological platforms: The effects of crowdfunding in the digital game industry (2017)
Journal Article
Nucciarelli, A., Li, F., Fernandes, K., Goumagias, N., Cabras, I., Devlin, S., …Cowling, P. (2017). From value chains to technological platforms: The effects of crowdfunding in the digital game industry. Journal of Business Research, 78, 341-352.

This study contributes to understanding the effects of crowdfunding on the value creation process in the digital game industry. Specifically, it integrates the value chain logic with the platform logic to examine collaborative value creation enabled... Read More about From value chains to technological platforms: The effects of crowdfunding in the digital game industry.

Exploring survival rates of companies in the UK video-games industry: an empirical study (2016)
Journal Article
Cabras, I., Goumagias, N., Fernandes, K., Cowling, P., Li, F., Kudenko, D., & Nucciarelli, A. (2017). Exploring survival rates of companies in the UK video-games industry: an empirical study. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 117, 305-314.

The study presented in this paper investigates companies operating in the UK video-game industry with regard to their levels of survivability. Using a unique dataset of companies founded between 2009 and 2014, and combining elements and theories from... Read More about Exploring survival rates of companies in the UK video-games industry: an empirical study.

The impact of organizational culture on Concurrent Engineering, Design-for-Safety, and product safety performance (2016)
Journal Article
Zhu, A., von Zedtwitz, M., Assimakopoulos, D., & Fernandes, K. (2016). The impact of organizational culture on Concurrent Engineering, Design-for-Safety, and product safety performance. International Journal of Production Economics, 176, 69-81.

This paper empirically extends the research on the relationships between organizational culture, new product development (NPD) practices, and product safety performance (PSP). Using Schein's conceptualization of culture (i.e., underlying assumptions,... Read More about The impact of organizational culture on Concurrent Engineering, Design-for-Safety, and product safety performance.