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All Outputs (42)

Drag reduction properties of superhydrophobic mesh pipes (2017)
Journal Article
Geraldi, N. R., Dodd, L. E., Xu, B. B., Wells, G. G., Wood, D., Newton, M. I., & McHale, G. (2017). Drag reduction properties of superhydrophobic mesh pipes. Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 5(3), Article 034001.

Even with the recent extensive study into superhydrophobic surfaces, the fabrication of such surfaces on the inside walls of a pipe remains challenging. In this work we report a convenient bi-layered pipe design using a thin superhydrophobic metallic... Read More about Drag reduction properties of superhydrophobic mesh pipes.

Drop transport and positioning on lubricant-impregnated surfaces (2017)
Journal Article
Hui Guan, J., Ruiz-Gutiérrez, É., Xu, B. B., Wood, D., McHale, G., Ledesma-Aguilar, R., & George Wells, G. (2017). Drop transport and positioning on lubricant-impregnated surfaces. Soft Matter, 13(18), 3404-3410.

We demonstrate the transport and positioning of water droplets on macro-patterned lubricant-impregnated surfaces. The macro-patterning produces menisci features in the impregnating liquid layer which interact with a droplet via a capillary mechanism... Read More about Drop transport and positioning on lubricant-impregnated surfaces.

High-performance rectifiers fabricated on a flexible substrate (2016)
Journal Article
Etor, D., Dodd, L., Wood, D., & Balocco, C. (2016). High-performance rectifiers fabricated on a flexible substrate. Applied Physics Letters, 109(19), Article 193110.

We report on the fabrication and testing of metal-insulator-metal (MIM) diodes on a flexible substrate where the thin insulating layer self-assembles as a monolayer sandwiched between the two metal electrodes. The current-voltage characteristic has a... Read More about High-performance rectifiers fabricated on a flexible substrate.

Low friction droplet transportation on a substrate with a selective Leidenfrost effect (2016)
Journal Article
Dodd, L. E., Geraldi, N. R., Xu, B. B., McHale, G., Wells, G. G., Stuart-Cole, S., …Wood, D. (2016). Low friction droplet transportation on a substrate with a selective Leidenfrost effect. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 8(34), 22658-22663.

An energy saving Leidenfrost levitation method is introduced to transport micro-droplets with virtually frictionless contact between the liquid and solid substrate. By micro-engineering the heating units, selective areas of the whole substrate can be... Read More about Low friction droplet transportation on a substrate with a selective Leidenfrost effect.

An ultrathin organic insulator for metal-insulator-metal diodes (2016)
Journal Article
Etor, D., Dodd, L., Wood, D., & Balocco, C. (2016). An ultrathin organic insulator for metal-insulator-metal diodes. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 63(7), 2887-2891.

The design and fabrication metal-insulator-metal (MIM) diodes using an ultrathin organic insulator are presented. The insulating layer was found to be compact, highly conformal, and uniform, effectively overcoming the main design challenge in MIM dio... Read More about An ultrathin organic insulator for metal-insulator-metal diodes.

Leidenfrost transition temperature for stainless steel meshes (2016)
Journal Article
Geraldi, N., McHale, G., Xu, B., Wells, G., Dodd, L., Wood, D., & Newton, M. (2016). Leidenfrost transition temperature for stainless steel meshes. Materials Letters, 176, 205-208.

On surfaces well above 100 °C water does not simply boil away. When there is a sufficient heat transfer between the solid and the liquid a continuous vapour layer instantaneous forms under a droplet of water and the drop sits on a cushion of vapour,... Read More about Leidenfrost transition temperature for stainless steel meshes.

A New Si/TiO2/Pt p-n Junction Semiconductor to Demonstrate Photoelectrochemical CO2 Conversion (2015)
Journal Article
Guaraldo, T., de Brito, J., Wood, D., & Boldrin Zanoni, M. (2015). A New Si/TiO2/Pt p-n Junction Semiconductor to Demonstrate Photoelectrochemical CO2 Conversion. Electrochimica Acta, 185, 117-124.

This work presents a new Si/TiO2/Pt p-n junction semiconductor prepared by sputtering, chemical vapor deposition (CVD), photolithography and lift-off techniques. XRD, EDS, FE-SEM, diffuse reflectance (DRS) and photocurrent vs potential curves had bee... Read More about A New Si/TiO2/Pt p-n Junction Semiconductor to Demonstrate Photoelectrochemical CO2 Conversion.

Evaporation of Sessile Droplets on Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS) (2015)
Journal Article
Guan, J., Wells, G., Xu, B., McHale, G., Wood, D., Martin, J., & Stuart-Cole, S. (2015). Evaporation of Sessile Droplets on Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS). Langmuir, 31(43), 11781-11789.

Over the past decade, the most common approach to creating liquid shedding surfaces has been to amplify the effects of nonwetting surface chemistry, using micro/nanotexturing to create superhydrophobic and superoleophobic surfaces. Recently, an alter... Read More about Evaporation of Sessile Droplets on Slippery Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS).

Fabrication of micron scale metallic structures on photo paper substrates by low temperature photolithography for device applications (2015)
Journal Article
Cooke, M., & Wood, D. (2015). Fabrication of micron scale metallic structures on photo paper substrates by low temperature photolithography for device applications. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 25(11), Article 115017.

Using commercial standard paper as a substrate has a significant cost reduction implication over other more expensive substrate materials by approximately a factor of 100 (Shenton et al 2015 EMRS Spring Meeting; Zheng et al 2013 Nat. Sci. Rep. 3 1786... Read More about Fabrication of micron scale metallic structures on photo paper substrates by low temperature photolithography for device applications.

The static and dynamic response of SU-8 electrothermal microgrippers of varying thickness (2015)
Journal Article
Dodd, L., Ward, S., Cooke, M., & Wood, D. (2015). The static and dynamic response of SU-8 electrothermal microgrippers of varying thickness. Microelectronic Engineering, 145, 82-85.

This work presents an investigation into the effect on dynamic response of SU-8 microgrippers due to varying thickness, and subsequent validation via COMSOL Multiphysics simulations and thermal camera profiling during actuation. The tweezer-like micr... Read More about The static and dynamic response of SU-8 electrothermal microgrippers of varying thickness.

Improving metal-oxide-metal (MOM) diode performance via the optimization of the oxide layer (2015)
Journal Article
Dodd, L., Shenton, S., Gallant, A., & Wood, D. (2015). Improving metal-oxide-metal (MOM) diode performance via the optimization of the oxide layer. Journal of Electronic Materials, 44(5), 1361-1366.

Small area metal-oxide-metal (MOM) diodes are being investigated in many research groups for the detection of THz frequency radiation. In order to create a high-speed rectifying device, the central oxide layer of the MOM structure must be thin and ha... Read More about Improving metal-oxide-metal (MOM) diode performance via the optimization of the oxide layer.

A microgripper sensor device capable of detecting ion efflux from whole cells (2014)
Journal Article
Daunton, R., Wood, D., Gallant, A., & Kataky, R. (2014). A microgripper sensor device capable of detecting ion efflux from whole cells. RSC Advances, 4(92), 50536-50541.

Electrothermally actuated microgripper sensor devices that are capable of simultaneous manipulation of live mouse oocytes and the sensing of potassium ion efflux are presented. The ion selective electrode technology applied to a microgripper device y... Read More about A microgripper sensor device capable of detecting ion efflux from whole cells.

Modelling and Experimental Verification of Heat Dissipation Mechanisms in an SU-8 Electrothermal Microgripper (2014)
Journal Article
Solano, B., Merrell, J., Gallant, A., & Wood, D. (2014). Modelling and Experimental Verification of Heat Dissipation Mechanisms in an SU-8 Electrothermal Microgripper. Microelectronic Engineering, 124, 90-93.

Within this work, a microgripper based on a hot–cold arm principle was tested to give a greater understanding of the associated heat dissipation methods. Experiments were conducted in air at atmospheric and sub-atmospheric pressure, and in helium, ar... Read More about Modelling and Experimental Verification of Heat Dissipation Mechanisms in an SU-8 Electrothermal Microgripper.

Development of Phase Shift Lithography for the Production of Metal-Oxide-Metal Diodes (2014)
Journal Article
Dodd, L., Rosamond, M., Gallant, A., & Wood, D. (2014). Development of Phase Shift Lithography for the Production of Metal-Oxide-Metal Diodes. Micro and Nano Letters, 9(7), 437-440.

Metal-oxide-metal (MOM) diodes have been produced by combining two novel techniques: a reactive ion etche and subsequent plasma oxidation, and a phase shift lithography process. This has resulted in a significant reduction in device feature sizes, do... Read More about Development of Phase Shift Lithography for the Production of Metal-Oxide-Metal Diodes.

Controlled reactive ion etching and plasma regrowth of titanium oxides of known thickness for production of metal-oxide-metal diodes (2013)
Journal Article
Dodd, L., Gallant, A., & Wood, D. (2013). Controlled reactive ion etching and plasma regrowth of titanium oxides of known thickness for production of metal-oxide-metal diodes. Micro and Nano Letters, 8(8), 476-478.

The successful production, via two different oxidation processes, of metal-oxide-metal (MOM) diodes is presented. An innovative reactive ion etching and plasma assisted regrowth process has been used to provide oxides, which are in the thickness rang... Read More about Controlled reactive ion etching and plasma regrowth of titanium oxides of known thickness for production of metal-oxide-metal diodes.

Micromachined Devices for Use in Terahertz Applications (2013)
Journal Article
Wood, D., Chamberlain, M., Baragwanath, A., Dodd, L., Hill, C., & Gallant, A. (2013). Micromachined Devices for Use in Terahertz Applications. Advances in Science and Technology, 81, 20-27.

Here we present results from key aspects of our interest in using micromachined devices in the THz region. First, our early work on making filters from rods of gold-coated SU8 is described. Pass (up to 97%) and stop bands can be observed which are th... Read More about Micromachined Devices for Use in Terahertz Applications.

Manipulation of exposure dose parameters to improve production of high aspect ratio structures using SU-8 (2012)
Journal Article
Daunton, R., Gallant, A., & Wood, D. (2012). Manipulation of exposure dose parameters to improve production of high aspect ratio structures using SU-8. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 22(7), Article 075016.

The detailed consideration of the chemistry occurring during the fabrication process is very important for SU-8 compared to other photoresists. In SU-8, the solvent does far more than just act as a carrier for the photoactive compounds: it plays a pr... Read More about Manipulation of exposure dose parameters to improve production of high aspect ratio structures using SU-8.

Microelectrode arrays for electroanalytical sensing : Comparison of electroplating and electron-beam metallisation. (2011)
Journal Article
Delcourt Lancon, A., Kataky, R., Wood, D., & Gallant, A. (2011). Microelectrode arrays for electroanalytical sensing : Comparison of electroplating and electron-beam metallisation. Electrochemistry Communications, 13(5), 414-417.

This paper demonstrates the differences in electrochemical response obtained by two distinct methods of gold microelectrode array fabrication. An array of 306 gold recessed microelectrodes (45 μm in diameter) was fabricated using lithography, metalli... Read More about Microelectrode arrays for electroanalytical sensing : Comparison of electroplating and electron-beam metallisation..