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Assessing the feasibility of using uniaxial accelerometers with an online support platform in the delivery of a community-based exercise-referral scheme

Hawkins, J.; Oliver, E.J.; Wyatt Williams, J.; Scale, E.; van Woerdon, H.

Assessing the feasibility of using uniaxial accelerometers with an online support platform in the delivery of a community-based exercise-referral scheme Thumbnail


J. Hawkins

J. Wyatt Williams

E. Scale

H. van Woerdon


Exercise referral schemes are established within community-based health care; however, they have been criticized for failing to evidence long-term behavior change relative to usual care. As such, recent reviews have called for refinement of their delivery with a focus on embedded strategies targeting client motivation. This research letter presents findings from an initial pilot trial conducted within Wales’ National Exercise Referral Scheme (NERS), examining the feasibility of using validated physical activity monitoring devices and an accompanying online platform within standard scheme delivery. 30 individuals referred to generic or cardiovascular pathways were offered the system; of these 17 agreed to participate. Common reasons for declining were clustered into lack of technology literacy or access, condition severity, or fear of costs associated with losing the device. Analysis of follow-up interviews after 4 weeks of use indicated that while participants found the monitoring devices practical and informative, only a minority (n = 4) were using the system in full. Crucially, the system element most aligned with contemporary theories of motivation (the online portal) was not used as expected. In addition, feedback from exercise referral professionals indicated that there were demands for support from clients, which might be mitigated by more effective independent system use. Recommendations for larger scale trials using similar systems include consideration of targeted patient groups, equity of access, and providing adequate technological support that is currently beyond the capacity of the NERS system.


Hawkins, J., Oliver, E., Wyatt Williams, J., Scale, E., & van Woerdon, H. (2014). Assessing the feasibility of using uniaxial accelerometers with an online support platform in the delivery of a community-based exercise-referral scheme. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health, 5(4), 288-290.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Oct 1, 2014
Deposit Date Jun 11, 2014
Publicly Available Date Nov 18, 2014
Journal Journal of Primary Care & Community Health
Print ISSN 2150-1319
Electronic ISSN 2150-1327
Publisher SAGE Publications
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 5
Issue 4
Pages 288-290
Keywords Accelerometer, Telehealth, Motivation, Exercise referral, Physical activity.
Public URL


Accepted Journal Article (226 Kb)

Copyright Statement
Hawkins, J. and Oliver, E.J. and Wyatt Williams, J. and Scale, E. and van Woerdon, H. (2014) 'Assessing the feasibility of using uniaxial accelerometers with an online support platform in the delivery of a community-based exercise-referral scheme.', Journal of primary care and community health., 5 (4). pp. 288-290. © The Author(s) 2014. Reprinted by permission of SAGE Publications.

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