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Prototyping for public health in a local context: a streamlined evaluation of a community-based weight management programme (Momenta), Northumberland, UK

Dodd-Reynolds, CJ; Nevens, L; Oliver, EJ; Finch, T; Lake, AA; Hanson, CL

Prototyping for public health in a local context: a streamlined evaluation of a community-based weight management programme (Momenta), Northumberland, UK Thumbnail


L Nevens

T Finch

AA Lake

CL Hanson


Objectives: Stakeholder co-production in design of public health programmes may reduce the ‘implementation gap’ but can be time-consuming and costly. Prototyping, iterative refining relevant to delivery context, offers a potential solution. This evaluation explored implementation and lessons learnt for a 12-week referral-based weight-management programme, ‘Momenta’, along with feasibility of an iterative prototyping evaluation framework. Design: Mixed methods evaluation: Qualitative implementation exploration with referrers and service users; preliminary analysis of anonymised quantitative service data (12 and 52 weeks). Setting: Two leisure centres in Northumberland, North East England. Participants: Individual interviews with referring professionals (n=5) and focus groups with service users (n=13). Individuals (n=182) referred by healthcare professionals (quantitative data). Interventions: Three 12-week programme iterations: Momenta (n=59), Momenta-Fitness membership (n=58) and Fitness membership only (n=65). Primary and secondary outcome measures: Primary outcome: Qualitative themes developed through stakeholder-engagement. Secondary outcomes included preliminary exploration of recruitment, uptake, retention, and changes in weight, body mass index, waist circumference and psychological well-being. Results: Service users reported positive experiences of Momenta. Implementation gaps were revealed around the referral process and practitioner knowledge. Prototyping enabled iterative refinements such as broadening inclusion criteria. Uptake and 12-week retention were higher for Momenta (84.7%, 45.8%) and Momenta-Fitness (93.1%, 60.3%) versus Fitness only (75.4%, 24.6%). Exploration of other preliminary outcomes (completers only) suggested potential for within-group weight loss and increased psychological well-being for Momenta and Momenta-Fitness at 12 weeks. 52 week follow-up data were limited (32%, 33% and 6% retention for those who started Momenta, Momenta-Fitness and Fitness, respectively) but suggested potential weight loss maintenance for Momenta-Fitness. Conclusions: Identification of issues within the referral process enabled real-time iterative refinement, while lessons learnt may be of value for local implementation of ‘off-the-shelf’ weight management packages more generally. Our preliminary data for completers suggest Momenta may have potential for weight loss, particularly when offered with a fitness membership.


Dodd-Reynolds, C., Nevens, L., Oliver, E., Finch, T., Lake, A., & Hanson, C. (2019). Prototyping for public health in a local context: a streamlined evaluation of a community-based weight management programme (Momenta), Northumberland, UK. BMJ Open, 9(10), Article e029718.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Sep 5, 2019
Online Publication Date Oct 31, 2019
Publication Date Oct 31, 2019
Deposit Date Aug 18, 2018
Publicly Available Date Nov 1, 2019
Journal BMJ Open
Electronic ISSN 2044-6055
Publisher BMJ Publishing Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 9
Issue 10
Article Number e029718
Public URL


Published Journal Article (375 Kb)

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