Southern Alaska Margin: interactions of tectonics, climate, and sedimentation
Expedition 341 Scientists, I. (2014). Southern Alaska Margin: interactions of tectonics, climate, and sedimentation. [No known commissioning body]
Outputs (1097)
Recognition of cyclic steps in sandy and gravelly turbidite sequences, and consequences for the Bouma facies model (2014)
Journal Article
Postma, G., Kleverlaan, K., & Cartigny, M. J. (2014). Recognition of cyclic steps in sandy and gravelly turbidite sequences, and consequences for the Bouma facies model. Sedimentology, 61(7), 2268-2290.
The Quaternary of the Lower Thames and eastern Essex (2014)
Bridgland, D., Allen, P., & White, T. (Eds.). (2014). The Quaternary of the Lower Thames and eastern Essex. Quaternary Research Association
Corrigendum to “The kinematics of central-southern Turkey and northwest Syria revisited” [Tectonophysics 618 (2014) 35–66] (2014)
Journal Article
Seyrek, A., Demir, T., Westaway, R., Guillou, H., Scaillet, S., White, T., & Bridgland, D. (2014). Corrigendum to “The kinematics of central-southern Turkey and northwest Syria revisited” [Tectonophysics 618 (2014) 35–66]. Tectonophysics, 630, 319-320.
Quaternary Palaeohydrology and River Terraces (2014)
Book Chapter
Bridgland, D., & Allen, P. (2014). Quaternary Palaeohydrology and River Terraces. In J. Catt, & I. Candy (Eds.), The History of the Quaternary Research Association. Quaternary Research Association
Geoconservation and the Quaternary Research Association (2014)
Book Chapter
Brown, E., Gordon, J., Burek, C., Campbell, S., & Bridgland, D. (2014). Geoconservation and the Quaternary Research Association. In J. Catt, & I. Candy (Eds.), The History of the Quaternary Research Association. Quaternary Research Association
Combining participatory mapping with Q-methodology to map stakeholder perceptions of complex environmental problems (2014)
Journal Article
Forrester, J., Cook, B., Bracken, L., Cinderby, S., & Donaldson, A. (2015). Combining participatory mapping with Q-methodology to map stakeholder perceptions of complex environmental problems. Applied Geography, 56, 199-208. is readily accepted that understanding socio-environmental challenges requires consideration of multiple stakeholder perspectives and knowledge claims. But a largely ignored question is ‘how best to analyse those competing perspectives and claims?... Read More about Combining participatory mapping with Q-methodology to map stakeholder perceptions of complex environmental problems.
The hydrological regime of a forested tropical Andean catchment (2014)
Journal Article
Clark, K., Torres, M., West, A., Hilton, R., New, M., Horwath, A., …Malhi, Y. (2014). The hydrological regime of a forested tropical Andean catchment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18(12), 5377-5397. hydrology of tropical mountain catchments plays a central role in ecological function, geochemical and biogeochemical cycles, erosion and sediment production, and water supply in globally important environments. There have been few studies quanti... Read More about The hydrological regime of a forested tropical Andean catchment.
Supercritical and subcritical turbidity currents and their deposits-A synthesis (2014)
Journal Article
Postma, G., & Cartigny, M. J. (2014). Supercritical and subcritical turbidity currents and their deposits-A synthesis. Geology, 42(11), 987-990.
A multi-dimensional stability model for predicting shallow landslide size and shape across landscapes (2014)
Journal Article
Milledge, D., Bellugi, D., McKean, J., Densmore, A., & Dietrich, W. (2014). A multi-dimensional stability model for predicting shallow landslide size and shape across landscapes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 119(11), 2481-2504. size of a shallow landslide is a fundamental control on both its hazard and geomorphic importance. Existing models are either unable to predict landslide size or are computationally intensive such that they cannot practically be applied across la... Read More about A multi-dimensional stability model for predicting shallow landslide size and shape across landscapes.
Quaternary fluvial archives and landscape evolution: a global synthesis (2014)
Journal Article
Bridgland, D., & Westaway, R. (2014). Quaternary fluvial archives and landscape evolution: a global synthesis. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125(5-6), 600-629. Cenozoic (and especially Quaternary) fluvial deposits and related landforms provide valuable information about landscape evolution, not just in terms of changing drainage patterns but also documenting changes in topography and relief. Recently c... Read More about Quaternary fluvial archives and landscape evolution: a global synthesis.
Seeing the climate through the trees: observing climate and forestry impacts on streamflow using a 60-year record (2014)
Journal Article
Burt, T., Howden, N., McDonnell, J., Jones, J., & Hancock, G. (2015). Seeing the climate through the trees: observing climate and forestry impacts on streamflow using a 60-year record. Hydrological Processes, 29(3), 473-480. watershed experiments involving the removal or manipulation of forest cover in one of the watersheds have been conducted for more than a century to quantify the impact of forestry operations on streamflow. Because climate variability is expect... Read More about Seeing the climate through the trees: observing climate and forestry impacts on streamflow using a 60-year record.
Rivers through geological time: the fluvial contribution to understanding of our planet (2014)
Journal Article
Bridgland, D., Bennett, J., McVicar-Wright, S., & Scrivener, R. (2014). Rivers through geological time: the fluvial contribution to understanding of our planet. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association, 125(5-6), 503-510. rocks and sediments form an important part of the geological record from the terrestrial environment, from the Archaean to the recent. Precambrian fluvial archives record the change in Earth's atmosphere from anoxic to oxygen-rich, while the... Read More about Rivers through geological time: the fluvial contribution to understanding of our planet.
The Glacial Geomorphology of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Bed (2014)
Journal Article
Jamieson, S., Stokes, C., Ross, N., Rippin, D., Bingham, R., Wilson, D., …Bentley, M. (2014). The Glacial Geomorphology of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Bed. Antarctic Science, 26(6), 724-741. 1976, David Sugden and Brian John developed a classification for Antarctic landscapes of glacial erosion based upon exposed and eroded coastal topography, providing insight into the past glacial dynamics of the Antarctic ice sheets. We extend this... Read More about The Glacial Geomorphology of the Antarctic Ice Sheet Bed.
The hydraulic description of vegetated river channels: the weaknesses of existing formulations and emerging alternatives (2014)
Journal Article
Marjoribanks, T., Hardy, R., & Lane, S. (2014). The hydraulic description of vegetated river channels: the weaknesses of existing formulations and emerging alternatives. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 1(6), 549-560., many of the methods used to predict the effect of vegetation on river flow suffer from one or both of the following problems: (1) a strong dependence on parameters that have a poor physical basis and which are only readily determined using... Read More about The hydraulic description of vegetated river channels: the weaknesses of existing formulations and emerging alternatives.
An analysis of rainfall across the British Isles in the 1870s (2014)
Journal Article
Burt, T., Jones, P., & Howden, N. (2015). An analysis of rainfall across the British Isles in the 1870s. International Journal of Climatology, 35(10), 2934-2947. records for the period 1871–1970 from 91 stations across the British Isles are used to place very high rainfall totals during the 1870s, 1872 and 1876–1877 in particular, in context. Comparisons are drawn with 2012 and the winter of 2013–2014... Read More about An analysis of rainfall across the British Isles in the 1870s.
Low-cost inundation modelling at the reach scale with sparse data in the Lower Damodar River basin, India (2014)
Journal Article
Sanyal, J., Carbonneau, P., & Densmore, A. (2014). Low-cost inundation modelling at the reach scale with sparse data in the Lower Damodar River basin, India. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59(12), 2086-2102. unavailability is the main reason for limited applications of hydrodynamic models for predicting inundation in the developing world. This paper aims to generate moderately high-resolution hybrid terrain data by merging height information from lo... Read More about Low-cost inundation modelling at the reach scale with sparse data in the Lower Damodar River basin, India.
High-resolution numerical modelling of flow-vegetation interactions (2014)
Journal Article
Marjoribanks, T., Hardy, R., Lane, S., & Parsons, R. (2014). High-resolution numerical modelling of flow-vegetation interactions. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 52(6), 775-793. this paper, we present and apply a new three-dimensional model for the prediction of canopy-flow and turbulence dynamics in open-channel flow. The approach uses a dynamic immersed boundary technique that is coupled in a sequentially staggered mann... Read More about High-resolution numerical modelling of flow-vegetation interactions.
Stormwater Infrastructure Controls Runoff and Dissolved Material Export from Arid Urban Watersheds (2014)
Journal Article
Hale, R., Turnbull, L., Earl, S., Childers, D., & Grimm, N. (2015). Stormwater Infrastructure Controls Runoff and Dissolved Material Export from Arid Urban Watersheds. Ecosystems, 18(1), 62-75. alters watershed ecosystem functioning, including nutrient budgets and processes of nutrient retention. It is unknown, however, how variation in stormwater infrastructure design affects the delivery of water and materials from urban wate... Read More about Stormwater Infrastructure Controls Runoff and Dissolved Material Export from Arid Urban Watersheds.
Rainfall distributions in Sri Lanka in time and space: an analysis based on daily rainfall data (2014)
Journal Article
Burt, T., & Weerasinghe, K. (2014). Rainfall distributions in Sri Lanka in time and space: an analysis based on daily rainfall data. Climate, 2(4), 242-263. rainfall totals are analyzed for the main agro-climatic zones of Sri Lanka for the period 1976–2006. The emphasis is on daily rainfall rather than on longer-period totals, in particular the number of daily falls exceeding given threshold totals... Read More about Rainfall distributions in Sri Lanka in time and space: an analysis based on daily rainfall data.