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Outputs (1097)

Aridland constructed treatment wetlands II: Plant mediation of surface hydrology enhances nitrogen removal (2016)
Journal Article
Sanchez, C. A., Childers, D. L., Turnbull, L., Upham, R. F., & Weller, N. (2016). Aridland constructed treatment wetlands II: Plant mediation of surface hydrology enhances nitrogen removal. Ecological Engineering, 97, 658-665.

Constructed treatment wetlands have been well established as effective and sustainable solutions to the problem of urban water treatment and reuse. However, treatment wetlands located in aridland cities may behave differently relative to their more m... Read More about Aridland constructed treatment wetlands II: Plant mediation of surface hydrology enhances nitrogen removal.

Formation and erosion of sediment cover in an experimental bedrock-alluvial channel (2016)
Journal Article
Hodge, R., Hoey, T., Maniatis, G., & Leprêtre, E. (2016). Formation and erosion of sediment cover in an experimental bedrock-alluvial channel. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41(10), 1409-1420.

Sediment grains in a bedrock-alluvial river will be deposited within or adjacent to a sediment patch, or as isolated grains on the bedrock surface. Previous analysis of grain geometry has demonstrated that these arrangements produce significant diffe... Read More about Formation and erosion of sediment cover in an experimental bedrock-alluvial channel.

Mixed qualitative-simulation methods: understanding geography through thick and thin (2016)
Journal Article
Millington, J., & Wainwright, J. (2017). Mixed qualitative-simulation methods: understanding geography through thick and thin. Progress in Human Geography, 41(1), 68-88.

Across geography there has been variable engagement with the use of simulation and agent-based modelling. We argue that agent-based simulation provides a complementary method to investigate geographical issues which need not be used in ways that are... Read More about Mixed qualitative-simulation methods: understanding geography through thick and thin.

Linking the morphology of fluvial fan systems to aquifer stratigraphy in the Sutlej-Yamuna plain of northwest India (2016)
Journal Article
van Dijk, W., Densmore, A., Singh, A., Gupta, S., Sinha, R., Mason, P., …Rai, S. (2016). Linking the morphology of fluvial fan systems to aquifer stratigraphy in the Sutlej-Yamuna plain of northwest India. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121(2), 201-222.

The Indo–Gangetic foreland basin has some of the highest rates of groundwater extraction in the world, focused in the states of Punjab and Haryana in northwest India. Any assessment of the effects of extraction on groundwater variation requires under... Read More about Linking the morphology of fluvial fan systems to aquifer stratigraphy in the Sutlej-Yamuna plain of northwest India.

Evidence for late Middle Pleistocene glaciation of the British margin of the southern North Sea (2016)
Journal Article
White, T. S., Bridgland, D. R., Westaway, R., & Straw, A. (2017). Evidence for late Middle Pleistocene glaciation of the British margin of the southern North Sea. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(2), 261-275.

The timing and extent of late Middle Pleistocene glaciations in England and the southern North Sea are controversial topics. The recent Trent Valley Palaeolithic Project uncovered evidence for a post-Anglian, pre-Devensian glaciation that affected mu... Read More about Evidence for late Middle Pleistocene glaciation of the British margin of the southern North Sea.

The δ18O stratigraphy of the Hoxnian lacustrine sequence at Marks Tey, Essex, UK: implications for the climatic structure of MIS 11 in Britain (2016)
Journal Article
Tye, G., Sherriff, J., Candy, I., Coxon, P., Palmer, A., McClymont, E., & Schreve, D. (2016). The δ18O stratigraphy of the Hoxnian lacustrine sequence at Marks Tey, Essex, UK: implications for the climatic structure of MIS 11 in Britain. Journal of Quaternary Science, 31(2), 75-92.

Marine Isotope Stage 11 (MIS 11) is considered one of the best analogues for the Holocene. In the UK the long lacustrine sequence at Marks Tey, Essex, spans the entirety of the Hoxnian interglacial, the British correlative of MIS 11c. We present mult... Read More about The δ18O stratigraphy of the Hoxnian lacustrine sequence at Marks Tey, Essex, UK: implications for the climatic structure of MIS 11 in Britain.

Exploring Winter Mortality Variability in Five Regions of England Using Back Trajectory Analysis (2016)
Journal Article
Dimitriou, K., McGregor, G., Kassomenos, P., & Paschalidou, A. (2016). Exploring Winter Mortality Variability in Five Regions of England Using Back Trajectory Analysis. Earth Interactions, 20(1), 1-27.

This paper aims to define atmospheric pathways related with the occurrence of daily winter low temperature episodes (LTE) in England, for the 26-yr period 1974–99, and to reveal possible associations with increased mortality rates. For this purpose,... Read More about Exploring Winter Mortality Variability in Five Regions of England Using Back Trajectory Analysis.

Storm-triggered landslides in the Peruvian Andes and implications for topography, carbon cycles, and biodiversity (2016)
Journal Article
Clark, K., West, A., Hilton, R., Asner, G., Quesada, C., Silman, M., …Malhi, Y. (2016). Storm-triggered landslides in the Peruvian Andes and implications for topography, carbon cycles, and biodiversity. Earth Surface Dynamics, 4(1), 47-70.

In this study, we assess the geomorphic role of a rare, large-magnitude landslide-triggering event and consider its effect on mountain forest ecosystems and the erosion of organic carbon in an Andean river catchment. Proximal triggers such as large r... Read More about Storm-triggered landslides in the Peruvian Andes and implications for topography, carbon cycles, and biodiversity.

Climate regulates the erosional carbon export from the terrestrial biosphere (2016)
Journal Article
Hilton, R. (2016). Climate regulates the erosional carbon export from the terrestrial biosphere. Geomorphology, 277, 118-132.

Erosion drives the export of particulate organic carbon from the terrestrial biosphere (POCbiosphere) and its delivery to rivers. The carbon transfer is globally significant and can result in drawdown of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) if the eroded... Read More about Climate regulates the erosional carbon export from the terrestrial biosphere.

The importance of accurately representing submerged vegetation morphology in the numerical prediction of complex river flow (2016)
Journal Article
Boothroyd, R., Hardy, R., Warburton, J., & Marjoribanks, T. (2016). The importance of accurately representing submerged vegetation morphology in the numerical prediction of complex river flow. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 41(4), 567-576.

This paper reports a novel method for the incorporation of complex plant morphologies into a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model, allowing the numerical prediction of flows around individual plants. The morphological complexity, which comprises... Read More about The importance of accurately representing submerged vegetation morphology in the numerical prediction of complex river flow.

Multiproxy approach to reconstruct the Pliocene climate (2015)
Rosell-Melé, A., McClymont, E., Dekens, P., Dowsett, H., Haywood, A., & Pelejero, C. (2015). Multiproxy approach to reconstruct the Pliocene climate

The Pliocene epoch has often been proposed as a climate analogue for future conditions on Earth. However, despite relatively small differences in climate control factors, including atmospheric CO2 concentration, the Pliocene climate was markedly diff... Read More about Multiproxy approach to reconstruct the Pliocene climate.

An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica (2015)
Journal Article
Jamieson, S., Ross, N., Greenbaum, J., Young, D., Aitken, A., Roberts, J., …Siegert, M. (2016). An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica. Geology, 44(2), 87-90.

The subglacial landscape of Princess Elizabeth Land (PEL) in East Antarctica is poorly known due to a paucity of ice thickness measurements. This is problematic given its importance for understanding ice sheet dynamics and landscape and climate evolu... Read More about An extensive subglacial lake and canyon system in Princess Elizabeth Land, East Antarctica.

Predicting microbial water quality with models: Over-arching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchments (2015)
Journal Article
Oliver, D., Porter, K., Pachepsky, Y., Muirhead, R., Reaney, S., Coffey, R., …Quilliam, R. (2016). Predicting microbial water quality with models: Over-arching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 544, 39-47.

The application of models to predict concentrations of faecal indicator organisms (FIOs) in environmental systems plays an important role for guiding decision-making associated with the management of microbial water quality. In recent years there has... Read More about Predicting microbial water quality with models: Over-arching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchments.

Mid-Pleistocene climate transition drives net mass loss from rapidly uplifting St. Elias Mountains, Alaska (2015)
Journal Article
Gulick, S., Jaeger, J., Mix, A., Asahi, H., Bahlburg, H., Belanger, C., …Swartz, J. (2015). Mid-Pleistocene climate transition drives net mass loss from rapidly uplifting St. Elias Mountains, Alaska. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(49), 15042-15047.

Erosion, sediment production, and routing on a tectonically active continental margin reflect both tectonic and climatic processes; partitioning the relative importance of these processes remains controversial. Gulf of Alaska contains a preserved sed... Read More about Mid-Pleistocene climate transition drives net mass loss from rapidly uplifting St. Elias Mountains, Alaska.

Humidity: A review and primer on atmospheric moisture and human health (2015)
Journal Article
David, R., McGregor, G., & Enfield, K. (2016). Humidity: A review and primer on atmospheric moisture and human health. Environmental Research, 144(Part A), 106-116.

Research examining associations between weather and human health frequently includes the effects of atmospheric humidity. A large number of humidity variables have been developed for numerous purposes, but little guidance is available to health resea... Read More about Humidity: A review and primer on atmospheric moisture and human health.

Seismically enhanced solute fluxes in the Yangtze River headwaters following the A.D. 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (2015)
Journal Article
Jin, Z., West, A., Zhang, F., An, Z., Hilton, R., Yu, J., …Wang, X. (2016). Seismically enhanced solute fluxes in the Yangtze River headwaters following the A.D. 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Geology, 44(1), 47-50.

Large earthquakes alter physical and chemical processes at Earth’s surface, triggering landslides, fracturing rock, changing large-scale permeability, and influencing hydrologic pathways. The resulting effects on global chemical cycles are not fully... Read More about Seismically enhanced solute fluxes in the Yangtze River headwaters following the A.D. 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.

On validating predictions of plant motion in coupled biomechanical-flow models (2015)
Journal Article
Marjoribanks, T., Hardy, R., & Parsons, D. (2015). On validating predictions of plant motion in coupled biomechanical-flow models. Journal of Hydraulic Research, 53(6), 808-813.

Recent developments in integrated biomechanical-flow models have enabled the prediction of the influence of vegetation on the flow field and associated feedback processes. However, to date, such models have only been validated on the hydraulic predic... Read More about On validating predictions of plant motion in coupled biomechanical-flow models.