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Outputs (1097)

Late Pliocene upwelling in the Southern Benguela region (2015)
Journal Article
Petrick, B., McClymont, E., Felder, S., Rueda, G., Leng, M., & Rosell-Melé, A. (2015). Late Pliocene upwelling in the Southern Benguela region. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 429, 62-71.

The Late Pliocene has been proposed as a possible analogue for understanding future climate change and for testing climate models. Previous work has shown that during the Pliocene the major upwelling systems were relatively warm, and that this meant... Read More about Late Pliocene upwelling in the Southern Benguela region.

Aridland constructed treatment wetlands I: Macrophyte productivity, community composition, and nitrogen uptake (2015)
Journal Article
Weller, N., Childers, D., Turnbull, L., & Upham, R. (2016). Aridland constructed treatment wetlands I: Macrophyte productivity, community composition, and nitrogen uptake. Ecological Engineering, 97, 649-657.

Urbanized areas increasingly rely on constructed treatment wetlands (CTW) for cost effective and environmentally-based wastewater treatment. Constructed treatment wetlands are particularly attractive treatment options in arid urban environments where... Read More about Aridland constructed treatment wetlands I: Macrophyte productivity, community composition, and nitrogen uptake.

Assessing vegetation structure and ANPP dynamics in a grassland–shrubland Chihuahuan ecotone using NDVI–rainfall relationships (2015)
Journal Article
Moreno-de las Heras, M., Diaz-Sierra, R., Turnbull, L., & Wainwright, J. (2015). Assessing vegetation structure and ANPP dynamics in a grassland–shrubland Chihuahuan ecotone using NDVI–rainfall relationships. Biogeosciences, 12(10), 2907-2925.

Climate change and the widespread alteration of natural habitats are major drivers of vegetation change in drylands. In the Chihuahuan Desert, large areas of grasslands dominated by perennial grass species have transitioned over the last 150 years to... Read More about Assessing vegetation structure and ANPP dynamics in a grassland–shrubland Chihuahuan ecotone using NDVI–rainfall relationships.

Oceanographic variability on the West Antarctic Peninsula during the Holocene and the influence of upper circumpolar deep water (2015)
Journal Article
Peck, V., Allen, C., Kender, S., McClymont, E., & Hodgson, D. (2015). Oceanographic variability on the West Antarctic Peninsula during the Holocene and the influence of upper circumpolar deep water. Quaternary Science Reviews, 119, 54-65.

Recent intensification of wind-driven upwelling of warm upper circumpolar deep water (UCDW) has been linked to accelerated melting of West Antarctic ice shelves and glaciers. To better assess the long term relationship between UCDW upwelling and the... Read More about Oceanographic variability on the West Antarctic Peninsula during the Holocene and the influence of upper circumpolar deep water.

A combined biogeochemical and paleobotanical approach to study permafrost environments and past dynamics (2015)
Journal Article
Ronkainen, T., Väliranta, M., McClymont, E., Biasi, C., Salonen, S., Fontana, S., & Tuittila, E. (2015). A combined biogeochemical and paleobotanical approach to study permafrost environments and past dynamics. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(3), 189-200.

When investigating past peatland processes and related carbon cycle dynamics, it is essential to identify and separate different peat environments: bogs, fens and permafrost, and their historical plant assemblages. Bog peat layers contain relatively... Read More about A combined biogeochemical and paleobotanical approach to study permafrost environments and past dynamics.

Surface morphology of fans in the high-Arctic periglacial environment of Svalbard: Controls and processes (2015)
Journal Article
de Haas, T., Kleinhans, M., Carbonneau, P., Rubensdotter, L., & Hauber, E. (2015). Surface morphology of fans in the high-Arctic periglacial environment of Svalbard: Controls and processes. Earth-Science Reviews, 146, 163-182.

Fan-shaped landforms occur in all climatic regions on Earth. They have been extensively studied in many of these regions, but there are few studies on fans in periglacial, Arctic and Antarctic regions. Fans in such regions are exposed to many site-sp... Read More about Surface morphology of fans in the high-Arctic periglacial environment of Svalbard: Controls and processes.

Dominant mechanisms for the delivery of fine sediment and phosphorus to fluvial networks draining grassland dominated headwater catchments (2015)
Journal Article
Perks, M., Owen, G., Benshin, C., Jonczyk, J., Deasy, C., Burke, S., …Haygarath, P. (2015). Dominant mechanisms for the delivery of fine sediment and phosphorus to fluvial networks draining grassland dominated headwater catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 523, 178-190.

Recent advances in monitoring technology have enabled high frequency, in-situ measurements of total phosphorus and total reactive phosphorus to be undertaken with high precision, whilst turbidity can provide an excellent surrogate for suspended sedim... Read More about Dominant mechanisms for the delivery of fine sediment and phosphorus to fluvial networks draining grassland dominated headwater catchments.

A geospatial framework to support integrated biogeochemical modelling in the United Kingdom (2015)
Journal Article
Greene, S., Johnes, P., Bloomfield, J., Reaney, S., Lawley, R., El Khatib, Y., …Percy, B. (2015). A geospatial framework to support integrated biogeochemical modelling in the United Kingdom. Environmental Modelling and Software, 68, 219-232.

Anthropogenic impacts on the aquatic environment, especially in the context of nutrients, provide a major challenge for water resource management. The heterogeneous nature of policy relevant management units (e.g. catchments), in terms of environment... Read More about A geospatial framework to support integrated biogeochemical modelling in the United Kingdom.

Sediment storage and release from Himalayan piggyback basins and implications for downstream river morphology and evolution (2015)
Journal Article
Densmore, A., Sinha, R., Sinha, S., Tandon, S., & Jain, V. (2016). Sediment storage and release from Himalayan piggyback basins and implications for downstream river morphology and evolution. Basin Research, 28(4), 446-461.

Piggyback basins developed at the mountain fronts of collisional orogens can act as important, and transient, sediment stores along major river systems. It is not clear, however, how the storage and release of sediment in piggyback basins affects the... Read More about Sediment storage and release from Himalayan piggyback basins and implications for downstream river morphology and evolution.

What is suspended sediment? (2015)
Journal Article
Parsons, A., Cooper, J., & Wainwright, J. (2015). What is suspended sediment?. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(10), 1417-1420.

Suspended sediment is conventionally regarded as that sediment transported by a fluid that it is fine enough for turbulent eddies to outweigh settling of the particles through the fluid. Early work in the fluvial field attributed suspension to turbul... Read More about What is suspended sediment?.

Introduction to special issue on connectivity in water and sediment dynamics (2015)
Journal Article
Parsons, A., Bracken, L., Poeppl, R., Wainwright, J., & Keesstra, S. (2015). Introduction to special issue on connectivity in water and sediment dynamics. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 40(9), 1275-1277.

Connectivity has emerged in recent years as a significant conceptual framework within which to address the spatial and temporal variability in runoff and sediment transport. This special issue draws together several of the papers that were presented... Read More about Introduction to special issue on connectivity in water and sediment dynamics.

Connectivity in dryland landscapes: shifting concepts of spatial interactions (2015)
Journal Article
Okin, G., Moreno-de las Heras, M., Saco, P., Throop, H., Vivoni, E., Parsons, A., …Peters, D. (2015). Connectivity in dryland landscapes: shifting concepts of spatial interactions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 13(1), 20-27.

Dryland ecosystems are often characterized by patchy vegetation and exposed soil. This structure enhances transport of soil resources and seeds through the landscape (primarily by wind and water, but also by animals), thus emphasizing the importance... Read More about Connectivity in dryland landscapes: shifting concepts of spatial interactions.

Controls on fluvial evacuation of sediment from earthquake-triggered landslides (2015)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Jin, Z., Hilton, R., Zhang, F., Densmore, A., Li, G., & West, A. (2015). Controls on fluvial evacuation of sediment from earthquake-triggered landslides. Geology, 43(2), 115-118.

Large earthquakes in active mountain belts can trigger landslides, which mobilize large volumes of clastic sediment. Delivery of this material to river channels may result in aggradation and flooding, while sediment residing on hillslopes may increas... Read More about Controls on fluvial evacuation of sediment from earthquake-triggered landslides.

Preferential degradation of polyphenols from Sphagnum - 4-isopropenylphenol as a proxy for past hydrological conditions in Sphagnum-dominated peat (2015)
Journal Article
Schellekens, J., Bindler, R., Martínez-Cortizas, A., McClymont, E., Abbott, G., Biester, H., …Buurman, P. (2015). Preferential degradation of polyphenols from Sphagnum - 4-isopropenylphenol as a proxy for past hydrological conditions in Sphagnum-dominated peat. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 150, 74-89.

The net accumulation of remains of Sphagnum spp. is fundamental to the development of many peatlands. The effect of polyphenols from Sphagnum on decomposition processes is frequently cited but has barely been studied. The central area of the Rödmossa... Read More about Preferential degradation of polyphenols from Sphagnum - 4-isopropenylphenol as a proxy for past hydrological conditions in Sphagnum-dominated peat.

Basal topographic controls on rapid retreat of Humboldt Glacier, northern Greenland (2015)
Journal Article
Carr, J., Vieli, A., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Palmer, S., Christoffersen, P., …Young, D. (2015). Basal topographic controls on rapid retreat of Humboldt Glacier, northern Greenland. Journal of Glaciology, 61(225), 137-150.

Discharge from marine-terminating outlet glaciers accounts for up to half the recent mass loss from the Greenland ice sheet, yet the causal factors are not fully understood. Here we assess the factors controlling the behaviour of Humboldt Glacier (HG... Read More about Basal topographic controls on rapid retreat of Humboldt Glacier, northern Greenland.

Sediment erosion dynamics of a gullied debris slide: a medium-term record (2015)
Journal Article
Johnson, R., & Warburton, J. (2015). Sediment erosion dynamics of a gullied debris slide: a medium-term record. CATENA, 127, 152-169.

Medium-term post-event sediment flux investigations are rare for headwater catchments and particularly sparse for gullied hillslope failures. Repeat field observation, ground photography and cross section measurements of a debris slide scar at the We... Read More about Sediment erosion dynamics of a gullied debris slide: a medium-term record.