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Outputs (1097)

Performance assessment of a heat vulnerability index for greater London, United Kingdom (2014)
Journal Article
Wolf, T., McGregor, G., & Analitis, A. (2014). Performance assessment of a heat vulnerability index for greater London, United Kingdom. Weather, Climate, and Society, 6(1), 32-46.

This study reports on the assessment of a multivariate heat wave vulnerability index (HVI) developed for London, United Kingdom. The HVI is assessed in terms of its ability to predict whether mortality and ambulance callout attain above average level... Read More about Performance assessment of a heat vulnerability index for greater London, United Kingdom.

On the importance of very long-term water quality records (2014)
Journal Article
Burt, T., Howden, N., & Worrall, F. (2014). On the importance of very long-term water quality records. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, 1(1), 41-48.

This overview is concerned with the value of long-term records of water quality in river basin management. In a world where change rather than stasis is increasingly the norm, monitoring is an essential way to discover whether there are significant u... Read More about On the importance of very long-term water quality records.

The Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Expedition 341, Southern Alaska Margin. Expedition 341 of the riserless drilling platform Victoria, British Columbia (Canada), to Valdez, Alaska (USA) Sites U1417–U1421 29 May–29 July 2013. (2014)
Jaeger, J., Gulick, S., LeVay, L., & Scientists, T. E. 3. (2014). The Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, Expedition 341, Southern Alaska Margin. Expedition 341 of the riserless drilling platform Victoria, British Columbia (Canada), to Valdez, Alaska (USA) Sites U1417–U1421 29 May–29 July 2013. [No known commissioning body]

Persistent warmth across the Benguela upwelling system during the Pliocene epoch (2014)
Journal Article
Rosell-Melé, A., Martínez-Garcia, A., & McClymont, E. (2014). Persistent warmth across the Benguela upwelling system during the Pliocene epoch. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 386, 10-20.

A feature of Pliocene climate is the occurrence of “permanent El Niño-like” or “El Padre” conditions in the Pacific Ocean. From the analysis of sediment cores in the modern northern Benguela upwelling, we show that the mean oceanographic state off So... Read More about Persistent warmth across the Benguela upwelling system during the Pliocene epoch.

Resilience, self-organization, complexity and pattern formation. (2013)
Book Chapter
Jeltsch, F., Lefever, R., Turnbull, L., Scarsoglio, S., Alados, C., Rallart, F., …Grimm, V. (2013). Resilience, self-organization, complexity and pattern formation. In E. Mueller, J. Wainwright, A. Parsons, & L. Turnbull (Eds.), Patterns of Land Degradation in Drylands: Understanding Self-Organised Ecogeomorphic Systems. Springer Verlag

Approaches to modelling ecogeomorphic systems. (2013)
Book Chapter
Turnbull, L., Hochstrasser, T., Wieczorek, M., Baas, A., Wainwright, J., Scarsoglio, S., …Mueller, E. (2013). Approaches to modelling ecogeomorphic systems. In E. Mueller, J. Wainwright, A. Parsons, & L. Turnbull (Eds.), Patterns of Land Degradation in Drylands: Understanding Self-Organised Ecogeomorphic Systems. Springer Verlag

Dating fan deposits with cosmogenic radionuclides (2013)
Book Chapter
Ivy-Ochs, S., Duehnforth, M., Densmore, A., & Alfimov, V. (2013). Dating fan deposits with cosmogenic radionuclides. In M. Schneuwly-Bollschweiler, M. Stoffel, & F. Rudolf-Miklau (Eds.), Dating Torrential Processes on Fans and Cones (243-263). Springer Verlag

Long-range ecogeomorphic processes. (2013)
Book Chapter
Cerda, A., Gallart, R., Li, J., Papanastasis, V., Parmenter, R., Turnbull, L., …Wainwright, J. (2013). Long-range ecogeomorphic processes. In E. Mueller, J. Wainwright, A. Parsons, & L. Turnbull (Eds.), Patterns of Land Degradation in Drylands: Understanding Self-Organised Ecogeomorphic Systems. Springer Verlag

Land degradation in drylands: an ecogeomorphological approach. (2013)
Book Chapter
Mueller, E., Wainwright, J., Parsons, A., & Turnbull, L. (2013). Land degradation in drylands: an ecogeomorphological approach. In E. Mueller, J. Wainwright, A. Parsons, & L. Turnbull (Eds.), Patterns of Land Degradation in Drylands: Understanding Self-Organised Ecogeomorphic Systems. Springer Verlag

Integrating short-and long-range processes into .models: the emergence of pattern (2013)
Book Chapter
Caylor, K., Okin, G., Turnbull, L., Wainwright, J., Wiegand, T., Franz, T., & Parsons, A. (2013). Integrating short-and long-range processes into .models: the emergence of pattern. In E. Mueller, J. Wainwright, A. Parsons, & L. Turnbull (Eds.), Patterns of Land Degradation in Drylands: Understanding Self-Organised Ecogeomorphic Systems. Springer Verlag

Vegetation change in the southwestern USA: patterns and processes. (2013)
Book Chapter
Turnbull, L., Wainwright, J., & Ravi, S. (2013). Vegetation change in the southwestern USA: patterns and processes. In E. Mueller, J. Wainwright, A. Parsons, & L. Turnbull (Eds.), Patterns of Land Degradation in Drylands: Understanding Self-Organised Ecogeomorphic Systems. Springer Verlag