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The Gediz River fluvial archive: A benchmark for Quaternary research in Western Anatolia (2016)
Journal Article
Maddy, D., Veldkamp, A., Demir, Y., van Gorp, W., Wijbrans, J., van Hinsbergen, D., …Aytaç, A. (2017). The Gediz River fluvial archive: A benchmark for Quaternary research in Western Anatolia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 166, 289-306.

The Gediz River, one of the principal rivers of Western Anatolia, has an extensive Pleistocene fluvial archive that potentially offers a unique window into fluvial system behaviour on the western margins of Asia during the Quaternary. In this paper w... Read More about The Gediz River fluvial archive: A benchmark for Quaternary research in Western Anatolia.

The relationship between drainage density, erosion rate, and hilltop curvature: Implications for sediment transport processes (2016)
Journal Article
Clubb, F. J., Mudd, S. M., Attal, M., Milodowski, D. T., & Grieve, S. W. (2016). The relationship between drainage density, erosion rate, and hilltop curvature: Implications for sediment transport processes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121(10), 1724-1745.

Drainage density is a fundamental landscape metric describing the extent of the fluvial network. We compare the relationship between drainage density (Dd) and erosion rate (E) using the Channel‐Hillslope Integrated Landscape Development (CHILD) numer... Read More about The relationship between drainage density, erosion rate, and hilltop curvature: Implications for sediment transport processes.

Quantitative morphology of bedrock fault surfaces and identification of paleo-earthquakes (2016)
Journal Article
He, H., Wei, Z., & Densmore, A. (2016). Quantitative morphology of bedrock fault surfaces and identification of paleo-earthquakes. Tectonophysics, 693(Part A), 22-31.

The quantitative analysis of morphologic characteristics of bedrock fault surfaces may be a useful approach to study faulting history and identify paleo-earthquakes. It is an effective complement to trenching techniques, especially to identify paleo-... Read More about Quantitative morphology of bedrock fault surfaces and identification of paleo-earthquakes.

Cost-effective non-metric photogrammetry from consumer-grade sUAS: implications for direct georeferencing of structure from motion photogrammetry (2016)
Journal Article
Carbonneau, P., & Dietrich, J. (2017). Cost-effective non-metric photogrammetry from consumer-grade sUAS: implications for direct georeferencing of structure from motion photogrammetry. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(3), 473-486.

The declining costs of small Unmanned Aerial Systems (sUAS), in combination with Structure-from-Motion (SfM) photogrammetry have triggered renewed interest in image-based topography reconstruction. However, the potential uptake of sUAS-based topograp... Read More about Cost-effective non-metric photogrammetry from consumer-grade sUAS: implications for direct georeferencing of structure from motion photogrammetry.

Low-frequency Pliocene climate variability in the eastern Nordic Seas (2016)
Journal Article
Risebrobakken, B., Andersson, C., De Schepper, S., & McClymont, E. (2016). Low-frequency Pliocene climate variability in the eastern Nordic Seas. Paleoceanography, 31(9), 1154-1175.

The Pliocene (5.3–2.6 Ma) is often described as a relatively stable climatic period, with warm temperatures characterizing high latitudes. New suborbital resolved stable isotope records from ODP Hole 642B in the Eastern Nordic Seas document that the... Read More about Low-frequency Pliocene climate variability in the eastern Nordic Seas.

A Froude-scaled model of a bedrock-alluvial channel reach: 1. Hydraulics (2016)
Journal Article
Hodge, R., & Hoey, T. (2016). A Froude-scaled model of a bedrock-alluvial channel reach: 1. Hydraulics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121(9), 1578-1596.

The controls on hydraulics in bedrock-alluvial rivers are relatively poorly understood, despite the importance of the flow in determining rates and patterns of sediment transport and consequent erosion. To measure hydraulics within a bedrock-alluvial... Read More about A Froude-scaled model of a bedrock-alluvial channel reach: 1. Hydraulics.

A Froude-scaled model of a bedrock-alluvial channel reach: 2. Sediment cover (2016)
Journal Article
Hodge, R., & Hoey, T. (2016). A Froude-scaled model of a bedrock-alluvial channel reach: 2. Sediment cover. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121(9), 1597-1618.

Previous research into sediment cover in bedrock-alluvial channels has focussed on total sediment cover, rather than the spatial distribution of cover within the channel. The latter is important because it determines the bedrock areas that are protec... Read More about A Froude-scaled model of a bedrock-alluvial channel reach: 2. Sediment cover.

Patch-scale representation of vegetation within hydraulic models (2016)
Journal Article
Marjoribanks, T., Hardy, R., Lane, S., & Tancock, M. (2017). Patch-scale representation of vegetation within hydraulic models. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(5), 699-710.

Submerged aquatic vegetation affects flow, sediment and ecological processes within rivers. Quantifying these effects is key to effective river management. Despite a wealth of research into vegetated flows, the detailed flow characteristics around re... Read More about Patch-scale representation of vegetation within hydraulic models.

Quantitative reconstruction of late Holocene surface evolution on an alpine debris-flow fan (2016)
Journal Article
Schürch, P., Densmore, A., Ivy-Ochs, S., Rosser, N., Kober, F., Schlunegger, F., …Alfimov, V. (2016). Quantitative reconstruction of late Holocene surface evolution on an alpine debris-flow fan. Geomorphology, 275, 46-57.

Debris-flow fans form a ubiquitous record of past debris-flow activity in mountainous areas, and may be useful for inferring past flow characteristics and consequent future hazard. Extracting information on past debris flows from fan records, however... Read More about Quantitative reconstruction of late Holocene surface evolution on an alpine debris-flow fan.

Reduced fine sediment flux and channel change in response to the managed diversion of an upland river channel (2016)
Journal Article
Perks, M., & Warburton, J. (2016). Reduced fine sediment flux and channel change in response to the managed diversion of an upland river channel. Earth Surface Dynamics, 4(3), 705-719.

This paper describes the implementation of a novel mitigation approach and subsequent adaptive management, designed to reduce the transfer of fine sediment (< 2 mm) in Glaisdale Beck, a small, predominantly upland catchment in the UK. Hydro-meteorolo...

Seed-bank structure and plant-recruitment conditions regulate the dynamics of a grassland-shrubland Chihuahuan ecotone (2016)
Journal Article
Moreno-de las Heras, M., Turnbull, L., & Wainwright, J. (2016). Seed-bank structure and plant-recruitment conditions regulate the dynamics of a grassland-shrubland Chihuahuan ecotone. Ecology, 97(9), 2303-2318.

Large areas of desert grasslands in southwestern USA have shifted to sparse shrublands dominated by drought-tolerant woody species over the last 150 years, accompanied by accelerated soil erosion. An important step towards the understanding of patter... Read More about Seed-bank structure and plant-recruitment conditions regulate the dynamics of a grassland-shrubland Chihuahuan ecotone.

On the evolution and form of coherent flow structures over a gravel bed: Insights from whole flow field visualization and measurement (2016)
Journal Article
Hardy, R., Best, J., Parsons, D., & Marjoribanks, T. (2016). On the evolution and form of coherent flow structures over a gravel bed: Insights from whole flow field visualization and measurement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 121(8), 1472-1493.

The microtopography of a gravel bed river has been shown to generate turbulent flow structures that originate from shear flow generated in the near bed region. Although field and laboratory measurements have shown that such flows contain a range of c... Read More about On the evolution and form of coherent flow structures over a gravel bed: Insights from whole flow field visualization and measurement.

Long-term record of Barents Sea Ice Sheet advance to the shelf edge from a 140,000 year record (2016)
Journal Article
Pope, E., Talling, P., Hunt, J., Dowdeswell, J., Allin, J., Cartigny, M., …Watts, M. (2016). Long-term record of Barents Sea Ice Sheet advance to the shelf edge from a 140,000 year record. Quaternary Science Reviews, 150, 55-66.

The full-glacial extent and deglacial behaviour of marine-based ice sheets, such as the Barents Sea Ice Sheet, is well documented since the Last Glacial Maximum about 20,000 years ago. However, reworking of older sea-floor sediments and landforms dur... Read More about Long-term record of Barents Sea Ice Sheet advance to the shelf edge from a 140,000 year record.

Seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on an East Antarctic outlet glacier (2016)
Journal Article
Langley, E., Leeson, A., Stokes, C., & Jamieson, S. (2016). Seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on an East Antarctic outlet glacier. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(16), 8563-8571.

Supraglacial lakes are known to influence ice melt and ice flow on the Greenland ice sheet and potentially cause ice shelf disintegration on the Antarctic Peninsula. In East Antarctica, however, our understanding of their behavior and impact is more... Read More about Seasonal evolution of supraglacial lakes on an East Antarctic outlet glacier.

Reduced-complexity probabilistic reconstruction of alluvial aquifer stratigraphy, and application to sedimentary fans in northwestern India (2016)
Journal Article
van Dijk, W., Densmore, A., Sinha, R., Singh, A., & Voller, V. (2016). Reduced-complexity probabilistic reconstruction of alluvial aquifer stratigraphy, and application to sedimentary fans in northwestern India. Journal of Hydrology, 541(B), 1241-1257.

Generating a realistic model of subsurface stratigraphy that fits data from multiple well locations is a well-established problem in the field of aquifer characterization. This is particularly critical for the alluvial fan-hosted aquifers in northwes... Read More about Reduced-complexity probabilistic reconstruction of alluvial aquifer stratigraphy, and application to sedimentary fans in northwestern India.

How does grid-resolution modulate the topographic expression of geomorphic processes? (2016)
Journal Article
Grieve, S. W., Mudd, S. M., Milodowski, D. T., Clubb, F. J., & Furbish, D. J. (2016). How does grid-resolution modulate the topographic expression of geomorphic processes?. Earth Surface Dynamics, 4(3), 627-653.

In many locations, our ability to study the processes which shape the Earth are greatly enhanced through the use of high-resolution digital topographic data. However, although the availability of such datasets has markedly increased in recent years,... Read More about How does grid-resolution modulate the topographic expression of geomorphic processes?.

Preconditioning and triggering of offshore slope failures and turbidity currents revealed by most detailed monitoring yet at a fjord-head delta (2016)
Journal Article
Clare, M., Hughes Clarke, J., Talling, P., Cartigny, M., & Pratomo, D. (2016). Preconditioning and triggering of offshore slope failures and turbidity currents revealed by most detailed monitoring yet at a fjord-head delta. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 450, 208-220.

Rivers and turbidity currents are the two most important sediment transport processes by volume on Earth. Various hypotheses have been proposed for triggering of turbidity currents offshore from river mouths, including direct plunging of river discha... Read More about Preconditioning and triggering of offshore slope failures and turbidity currents revealed by most detailed monitoring yet at a fjord-head delta.

Pliocene-Pleistocene evolution of sea surface and intermediate water temperatures from the southwest Pacific (2016)
Journal Article
McClymont, E., Elmore, A., Kender, S., Leng, M., Greaves, M., & Elderfield, H. (2016). Pliocene-Pleistocene evolution of sea surface and intermediate water temperatures from the southwest Pacific. Paleoceanography, 31(6), 895-913.

Over the last 5 million years, the global climate system has evolved toward a colder mean state, marked by large-amplitude oscillations in continental ice volume. Equatorward expansion of polar waters and strengthening temperature gradients have been... Read More about Pliocene-Pleistocene evolution of sea surface and intermediate water temperatures from the southwest Pacific.

The accuracy and reliability of traditional surface flow type mapping: is it time for a new method of characterizing physical river habitat? (2016)
Journal Article
Woodget, A., Visser, F., Maddock, I., & Carbonneau, P. (2016). The accuracy and reliability of traditional surface flow type mapping: is it time for a new method of characterizing physical river habitat?. River Research and Applications, 32(9), 1902-1914.

Surface flow types (SFTs) are advocated as ecologically relevant hydraulic units, often mapped visually from the bankside to characterize rapidly the physical habitat of rivers. SFT mapping is simple, non-invasive and cost-efficient. However, it is a... Read More about The accuracy and reliability of traditional surface flow type mapping: is it time for a new method of characterizing physical river habitat?.

Mid Pleistocene foraminiferal mass extinction coupled with phytoplankton evolution (2016)
Journal Article
Kender, S., McClymont, E., Elmore, A., Emanuel, D., Leng, M., & Elderfield, H. (2016). Mid Pleistocene foraminiferal mass extinction coupled with phytoplankton evolution. Nature Communications, 7, Article 11970.

Understanding the interaction between climate and biotic evolution is crucial for deciphering the sensitivity of life. An enigmatic global mass extinction occurred in the deep oceans during the Mid Pleistocene, with a loss of over 100 species (20%) o... Read More about Mid Pleistocene foraminiferal mass extinction coupled with phytoplankton evolution.