The Left Hand of Data: Designing Education Data for Justice: By Matthew Berland and Antero Garcia. Book Reviewed by Cristina Costa
Journal Article
Costa, C. (online). The Left Hand of Data: Designing Education Data for Justice: By Matthew Berland and Antero Garcia. Book Reviewed by Cristina Costa. British Journal of Sociology of Education,
Dr Cristina Costa's Outputs (42)
Digital Footprint (2024)
Costa, C., McIlvaney, N., & Simpson, J. (Eds.). (2024). Digital Footprint. book is part of a three-book collection focused on different aspects of young people’s (pre-teens) experiences with the digital world. It is also a resource for teachers, parents, mentors, and guardians in supporting conversations with and about... Read More about Digital Footprint.
Digital Privacy and Safety (2024)
Costa, C., McIlvaney, N., & Simpson, J. (Eds.). (2024). Digital Privacy and Safety. Durham. book is part of a three-book collection focused on different aspects of young people’s (pre-teens) experiences with the digital world. It is also a resource for teachers, parents, mentors, and guardians in supporting conversations with and about... Read More about Digital Privacy and Safety.
Social Media (2024)
Costa, C., McIlvaney, N., & Simpson, J. (Eds.). (2024). Social Media. Durham. book is part of a three-book collection focused on different aspects of young people’s (pre-teens) experiences with the digital world. It is also a resource for teachers, parents, mentors, and guardians in supporting conversations with and about... Read More about Social Media.
International Literacy Day: How picture books can open up discussion about social media with children (2024)
Newspaper / Magazine
Costa, C. (2024). International Literacy Day: How picture books can open up discussion about social media with childrenShould we ban young children from social media? Do children know the pitfalls of TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat? To coincide with the celebration of International Literacy Day, we talked to Dr Cristina Costa, from our School of Education, who has bee... Read More about International Literacy Day: How picture books can open up discussion about social media with children.
HodgeRank as a new tool to explore the structure of a social representation (2024)
Journal Article
Oliveira, L. R. N., Lunardi, J. T., Calçada, M., Pereira, A. . L., de Jesuz, D. A. F., & Costa, C. (2024). HodgeRank as a new tool to explore the structure of a social representation. Frontiers in Physics, 12, Article 23. representation theory is a branch of social psychology that aims to identify the framework of concepts, ideas, opinions, beliefs, or feelings shared by the individuals within a social group, regarding a social object. Two main problems arise i... Read More about HodgeRank as a new tool to explore the structure of a social representation.
Internationalising teacher education at home: developing empathy through the sense of otherness in language learning (2023)
Journal Article
Li, H., & Costa, C. (online). Internationalising teacher education at home: developing empathy through the sense of otherness in language learning. European Journal of Teacher Education, 1-19. study explored how Chinese and Scottish student-teachers from two case-study universities perceived their experiences in foreign language learning in both formal and informal contexts within their home countries, and how the status of a foreign... Read More about Internationalising teacher education at home: developing empathy through the sense of otherness in language learning.
Digital Education Colonized by Design: Curriculum Reimagined (2023)
Journal Article
Costa, C., Bhatia, P., Murphy, M., & Pereira, A. L. (2023). Digital Education Colonized by Design: Curriculum Reimagined. Education Sciences, 13(9), Article 895. paper enlists Paulo Freire’s work to explore the interplay between technology and pedagogy from a decolonial approach, thus stressing the importance of adopting a critical stance to the facilitation of digital education experiences. It starts by... Read More about Digital Education Colonized by Design: Curriculum Reimagined.
Digital cultural knowledge and curriculum: the experiences of international students as they moved from on-campus to on-line education during the pandemic (2023)
Journal Article
Costa, C., & Li, H. (online). Digital cultural knowledge and curriculum: the experiences of international students as they moved from on-campus to on-line education during the pandemic. Learning, Media and Technology, paper explores how COVID-19 affected the experiences of international students enrolled to UK on-campus universities and how they made sense, navigated and lived out the on-line university as the possible educational alternative put in place dur... Read More about Digital cultural knowledge and curriculum: the experiences of international students as they moved from on-campus to on-line education during the pandemic.
The Durham Digital Literacy Project (2023)
Costa, C., & Michaela, O. (2023). The Durham Digital Literacy Project. Durham: ESRC IAA
The Online Response of Higher Education to the Pandemic: A Snapshot of International Students’ Experiences in the UK (2022)
Costa, C., Li, H., & Singh, S. (. (2022). The Online Response of Higher Education to the Pandemic: A Snapshot of International Students’ Experiences in the UK. Leverhulme Trust
Social theory and methodology in education research: From conceptualisation to operationalisation (2022)
Book Chapter
Murphy, M., & Costa, C. (2022). Social theory and methodology in education research: From conceptualisation to operationalisation. In M. Murphy (Ed.), Social Theory and Education Research Understanding Foucault, Habermas,Bourdieu and Derrida (24-43). (2nd Edition). Routledge. chapter argues that the field of education should consider more fully the ways in which social theory is utilised in contemporary forms of education research. At the centre of this consideration should be a concern to develop a form of critical... Read More about Social theory and methodology in education research: From conceptualisation to operationalisation.
The Online Response of Higher Education to the Pandemic: A Snapshot of International Students’ Experiences in the UK (2022)
Costa, C., & Li, H. (2022). The Online Response of Higher Education to the Pandemic: A Snapshot of International Students’ Experiences in the UK. [No known commissioning body]
Social theory and methodology in education research: From conceptualisation to operationalisation (2021)
Book Chapter
education research: From conceptualisation to operationalisation. In M. Murphy (Ed.), Social Theory and Education Research Understanding Foucault, Habermas, Bourdieu and Derrida. (2nd Edition). Routledge
The Politics of Academic Life: Professional Identities and Intellectual Selves in Neo-Liberal Times (2020)
Book Chapter
Costa, C. (2020). The Politics of Academic Life: Professional Identities and Intellectual Selves in Neo-Liberal Times. In M. Murphy, C. Burke, C. Costa, & R. Raaper (Eds.), Social Theory and the Politics of Higher Education: Critical Perspectives on Institutional Research (87-96). Bloomsbury Academic
Social Theory and the Politics of Higher Education. Critical Perspectives on Institutional Research (2020)
Murphy, M., Burke, C., Costa, C., & Raaper, R. (Eds.). (2020). Social Theory and the Politics of Higher Education. Critical Perspectives on Institutional Research. Bloomsbury
Social Theory and the Politics of Higher Education: Critical Perspectives on Institutional Research (2020)
Murphy, M., Burke, C., Costa, C., & Raaper, R. (Eds.). (2020). Social Theory and the Politics of Higher Education: Critical Perspectives on Institutional Research. Bloomsbury Academic
‘Why Do We Think We Are Doing Everything Right [Just] Because We Do It’: What Transforms Chinese and Scottish Student-teachers’ Taken-for-granted Views in Study Abroad Experiences (2020)
Journal Article
Li, H., & Costa, C. (2022). ‘Why Do We Think We Are Doing Everything Right [Just] Because We Do It’: What Transforms Chinese and Scottish Student-teachers’ Taken-for-granted Views in Study Abroad Experiences. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 52(7), 1170-1188. paper reports on how varied study abroad experiences transformed understanding of difference of student-teachers from two universities. Data were collected through a qualitative questionnaire and semi-structured interviews with 14 Chinese and Sc... Read More about ‘Why Do We Think We Are Doing Everything Right [Just] Because We Do It’: What Transforms Chinese and Scottish Student-teachers’ Taken-for-granted Views in Study Abroad Experiences.
Student estrangement in higher education: identity formation and the struggle against stigma (2020)
Journal Article
Costa, C., Taylor, Y., Goodfellow, C., & Ecochard, S. (2020). Student estrangement in higher education: identity formation and the struggle against stigma. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 41(5), 685-700. investigation on family estrangement is growing within academic circles, research regarding the interconnection between experiences of estrangement and higher education (HE) is still limited. Sociological understandings of these issues are even... Read More about Student estrangement in higher education: identity formation and the struggle against stigma.
Estranged Students: (Widening) Participation Postcards (2020)
Digital Artefact
Singh, S. (., Taylor, Y., & Costa, C. (2020). Estranged Students: (Widening) Participation PostcardsThe ‘Estranged Students’ project aims to understand the challenges faced by estranged students. Funded by the Carnegie Trust and the Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), work is already informing policy, to ensure these students feel as... Read More about Estranged Students: (Widening) Participation Postcards.