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Professor Richard Hardy's Outputs (84)

Predicting flow resistance in rough‐bed rivers from topographic roughness: Review and open questions (2024)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R. I., Hardy, R. J., Hodge, R. A., Houseago, R. C., Yager, E. M., & Yamasaki, T. N. (online). Predicting flow resistance in rough‐bed rivers from topographic roughness: Review and open questions. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms,

Most ways of predicting flow resistance in shallow rivers with a partial or complete cover of coarse sediment use a bed‐sediment grain diameter as a roughness length scale. However, beds with the same grain size distribution differ in roughness and f... Read More about Predicting flow resistance in rough‐bed rivers from topographic roughness: Review and open questions.

Global-scale evaluation of precipitation datasets for hydrological modelling (2024)
Journal Article
Gebrechorkos, S. H., Leyland, J., Dadson, S. J., Cohen, S., Slater, L., Wortmann, M., Ashworth, P. J., Bennett, G. L., Boothroyd, R., Cloke, H., Delorme, P., Griffith, H., Hardy, R., Hawker, L., McLelland, S., Neal, J., Nicholas, A., Tatem, A. J., Vahidi, E., Liu, Y., …Darby, S. E. (2024). Global-scale evaluation of precipitation datasets for hydrological modelling. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 28(14), 3099-3118.

Precipitation is the most important driver of the hydrological cycle, but it is challenging to estimate it over large scales from satellites and models. Here, we assessed the performance of six global and quasi-global high-resolution precipitation da... Read More about Global-scale evaluation of precipitation datasets for hydrological modelling.

A high-resolution daily global dataset of statistically downscaled CMIP6 models for climate impact analyses (2023)
Journal Article
Gebrechorkos, S., Leyland, J., Slater, L., Wortmann, M., Ashworth, P. J., Bennett, G. L., …Darby, S. E. (2023). A high-resolution daily global dataset of statistically downscaled CMIP6 models for climate impact analyses. Scientific Data, 10(1), Article 611.

A large number of historical simulations and future climate projections are available from Global Climate Models, but these are typically of coarse resolution, which limits their effectiveness for assessing local scale changes in climate and attendan... Read More about A high-resolution daily global dataset of statistically downscaled CMIP6 models for climate impact analyses.

Fluvial processes and landforms (2022)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R. I., Lewin, J., & Hardy, R. J. (2022). Fluvial processes and landforms. Memoirs, 58(1), 257-270.

The period 1965–2000 saw a sustained increase in research and publications on fluvial processes and landforms. The trend towards generalization and/or mechanistic understanding, rather than site-specific history, continued. Research was multidiscipli... Read More about Fluvial processes and landforms.

The Influence of Three‐Dimensional Topography on Turbulent Flow Structures Over Dunes in Unidirectional Flows (2021)
Journal Article
Hardy, R., Best, J., Marjoribanks, T., Parsons, D., & Ashworth, P. (2021). The Influence of Three‐Dimensional Topography on Turbulent Flow Structures Over Dunes in Unidirectional Flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(12),

Dunes are the most prevalent bedform present in sand-bedded rivers and their morphology typically comprises multiple scales of three-dimensional topography. However, our understanding of flow over dunes is predicated largely on two-dimensional models... Read More about The Influence of Three‐Dimensional Topography on Turbulent Flow Structures Over Dunes in Unidirectional Flows.

The Effect of Biofilms on Turbulent Flow over Permeable Beds (2020)
Journal Article
Kazemifar, F., Blois, G., Aybar, M., Calleja, P., Nerenberg, R., Sinha, S., Hardy, R., Best, J., Sambrook Smith, G., & Christensen, K. (2021). The Effect of Biofilms on Turbulent Flow over Permeable Beds. Water Resources Research, 57(2), Article e2019WR026032.

Despite an increasingly large body of work advancing our understanding of flow interactions occurring at the interface of a turbulent flow overlying a permeable bed, little is known concerning how such flow may be affected by the presence of biofilms... Read More about The Effect of Biofilms on Turbulent Flow over Permeable Beds.

A catchment scale assessment of patterns and controls of historic 2D river planform adjustment (2020)
Journal Article
Joyce, H. M., Warburton, J., & Hardy, R. J. (2020). A catchment scale assessment of patterns and controls of historic 2D river planform adjustment. Geomorphology, 354, Article 107046.

The supply, transfer and deposition of sediment from channel headwaters to lowland sinks, is a fundamental process governing upland catchment geomorphology, and can begin to be understood by quantifying 2D river planform adjustments over time. This p... Read More about A catchment scale assessment of patterns and controls of historic 2D river planform adjustment.

The Importance of Monitoring Interval for Rockfall Magnitude-Frequency Estimation (2019)
Journal Article
Williams, J., Rosser, N., Hardy, R., & Brain, M. (2020). The Importance of Monitoring Interval for Rockfall Magnitude-Frequency Estimation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(12), 2841-2853.

The frequency distribution of rockfall sizes ('magnitude-frequency') is important for erosion and hazard modeling. This typically follows a power law, with few larger rockfalls compared to more numerous small events. Advances in LiDAR hardware and al... Read More about The Importance of Monitoring Interval for Rockfall Magnitude-Frequency Estimation.

Flexural rigidity and shoot reconfiguration determine wake length behind saltmarsh vegetation patches (2019)
Journal Article
Marjoribanks, T., Lague, D., Hardy, R., Boothroyd, R., Leroux, J., Mony, C., & Puijalon, S. (2019). Flexural rigidity and shoot reconfiguration determine wake length behind saltmarsh vegetation patches. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(8), 2176-2196.

Vegetation patches play an important role in controlling sediment deposition in shallow aquatic environments such as coastal saltmarshes and fluvial systems. However, predicting deposition around vegetation patches is difficult due to the complexity... Read More about Flexural rigidity and shoot reconfiguration determine wake length behind saltmarsh vegetation patches.

Flow resistance and hydraulic geometry in bedrock rivers with multiple roughness length scales (2019)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R., Hardy, R., & Hodge, R. (2019). Flow resistance and hydraulic geometry in bedrock rivers with multiple roughness length scales. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(12), 2437-2449.

Many models of incision by bedrock rivers predict water depth and shear stress from discharge; conversely, palaeoflood discharge is sometimes reconstructed from flow depth markers in rock gorges. In both cases assumptions are made about flow resistan... Read More about Flow resistance and hydraulic geometry in bedrock rivers with multiple roughness length scales.

The impact of non-equilibrium flow on the structure of turbulence over river dunes (2018)
Journal Article
Unsworth, C., Parsons, D., Hardy, R., Reesink, A., Best, J., Ashworth, P., & Keevil, G. (2018). The impact of non-equilibrium flow on the structure of turbulence over river dunes. Water Resources Research, 54(9), 6566-6584.

This piece of research expands our description of how rivers flow over dunes on a river bed. Most of the scientific communities' research to date has used unnaturally steady conditions to measure how water moves over dunes. Yet these flow conditions... Read More about The impact of non-equilibrium flow on the structure of turbulence over river dunes.

Evaluating the success of public participation in integrated catchment management (2018)
Journal Article
Rollason, E., Bracken, L., Hardy, R., & Large, A. (2018). Evaluating the success of public participation in integrated catchment management. Journal of Environmental Management, 228, 267-278.

Recognition of the need to manage the water environment in more holistic ways has resulted in the global growth of Integrated Catchment Management (ICM). ICM is characterised by horizontal integration, encouraging interdisciplinary working between tr... Read More about Evaluating the success of public participation in integrated catchment management.

The adaptation of dunes to changes in river flow (2018)
Journal Article
Reesink, A., Parsons, D., Ashworth, P., Best, J., Hardy, R., Murphy, B., McLelland, S., & Unsworth, C. (2018). The adaptation of dunes to changes in river flow. Earth-Science Reviews, 185, 1065-1087.

The dunes that cover the beds of most alluvial channels change in size and shape over time and in space, which in turn affects the flow and sediment-transport dynamics of the river. However, both the precise mechanisms of such adaptation of dunes, an... Read More about The adaptation of dunes to changes in river flow.

Transferability of a calibrated numerical model of rock avalanche run-out: application to 20 rock avalanches on the Nuussuaq Peninsula, West Greenland (2018)
Journal Article
Benjamin, J., Rosser, N., Dunning, S., Hardy, R., Kelfoun, K., & Szczuciński, W. (2018). Transferability of a calibrated numerical model of rock avalanche run-out: application to 20 rock avalanches on the Nuussuaq Peninsula, West Greenland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 43(15), 3057-3073.

Long run‐out rock avalanches are one of the most hazardous geomorphic processes, and risk assessments of the potential threat they pose are often reliant on numerical modelling of their potential run‐out distance. The development of such models requi... Read More about Transferability of a calibrated numerical model of rock avalanche run-out: application to 20 rock avalanches on the Nuussuaq Peninsula, West Greenland.

Sediment continuity through the upland sediment cascade: geomorphic response of an upland river to an extreme flood event (2018)
Journal Article
Joyce, H., Hardy, R., Warburton, J., & Large, A. (2018). Sediment continuity through the upland sediment cascade: geomorphic response of an upland river to an extreme flood event. Geomorphology, 317, 45-61.

Hillslope erosion and accelerated lake sedimentation are often reported as the source and main stores of sediment in the upland sediment cascade during extreme flood events. While upland valley floodplain systems in the transfer zone have the potenti... Read More about Sediment continuity through the upland sediment cascade: geomorphic response of an upland river to an extreme flood event.

The importance of volunteered geographic information for the validation of flood inundation models (2018)
Journal Article
Rollason, E., Bracken, L., Hardy, R., & Large, A. (2018). The importance of volunteered geographic information for the validation of flood inundation models. Journal of Hydrology, 562, 267-280.

Two dimensional flood inundation models capable of simulating complex spatially and temporally differentiated floodplain flows are routinely used to model and predict flooding. However, advances in modelling techniques have not been matched by improv... Read More about The importance of volunteered geographic information for the validation of flood inundation models.

Rethinking flood risk communication (2018)
Journal Article
Rollason, E., Bracken, L., Hardy, R., & Large, A. (2018). Rethinking flood risk communication. Natural Hazards, 92(3), 1665-1686.

Flooding is a serious hazard across Europe, with over 200 major floods documented in the last two decades. Over this period, flood management has evolved, with a greater responsibility now placed on at-risk communities to understand their risk and ta... Read More about Rethinking flood risk communication.

Optimising 4-D surface change detection: an approach for capturing rockfall magnitude–frequency (2018)
Journal Article
Williams, J., Rosser, N., Hardy, R., Brain, M., & Afana, A. (2018). Optimising 4-D surface change detection: an approach for capturing rockfall magnitude–frequency. Earth Surface Dynamics, 6(1), 101-119.

We present a monitoring technique tailored to analysing change from near-continuously collected, high-resolution 3D data. Our aim is to fully characterise geomorphological change typified by an event magnitude frequency relationship that adheres to a... Read More about Optimising 4-D surface change detection: an approach for capturing rockfall magnitude–frequency.

A numerical investigation into the importance of bed permeability on determining flow structures over river dunes (2017)
Journal Article
Sinha, S., Hardy, R., Blois, G., Best, J., & Sambrook Smith, G. (2017). A numerical investigation into the importance of bed permeability on determining flow structures over river dunes. Water Resources Research, 53(4), 3067-3086.

Although permeable sediments dominate the majority of natural environments past work concerning bedform dynamics has considered the bed to be impermeable, and has generally neglected flow between the hyporheic zone and boundary layer. Herein, we pres... Read More about A numerical investigation into the importance of bed permeability on determining flow structures over river dunes.

Modeling complex flow structures and drag around a submerged plant of varied posture (2017)
Journal Article
Boothroyd, R., Hardy, R., Warburton, J., & Marjoribanks, T. (2017). Modeling complex flow structures and drag around a submerged plant of varied posture. Water Resources Research, 53(4), 2877-2901.

Although vegetation is present in many rivers, the bulk of past work concerned with modeling the influence of vegetation on flow has considered vegetation to be morphologically simple, and has generally neglected the complexity of natural plants. Her... Read More about Modeling complex flow structures and drag around a submerged plant of varied posture.