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A numerical investigation into the importance of bed permeability on determining flow structures over river dunes

Sinha, S.; Hardy, R.J.; Blois, G.; Best, J.L.; Sambrook Smith, G.H.

A numerical investigation into the importance of bed permeability on determining flow structures over river dunes Thumbnail


S. Sinha

G. Blois

J.L. Best

G.H. Sambrook Smith


Although permeable sediments dominate the majority of natural environments past work concerning bedform dynamics has considered the bed to be impermeable, and has generally neglected flow between the hyporheic zone and boundary layer. Herein, we present results detailing numerically modelled flow which allow the effects of bed permeability on bedform dynamics to be assessed. Simulation of an isolated impermeable bedform over a permeable bed shows that flow is forced into the bed upstream of the dune and returns to the boundary layer at the leeside, in the form of returning jets that generate horseshoe-shaped vortices. The returning flow significantly influences the leeside flow, modifying the separation zone, lifting the shear layer adjoining the separation zone away from the bed. Simulation of a permeable dune on a permeable bed reveals even greater modifications as the flow through the dune negates the formation of any flow separation in the leeside. With two dunes placed in series the flow over the downstream dune is influenced by the developing boundary layer on the leeside of the upstream dune. For the permeable bed case the upwelling flow lifts the separated flow from the bed, modifies the shear layer through the coalescence with vortices generated, and causes the shear layer to undulate rather than be parallel to the bed. These results demonstrate the significant effect that bed permeability has on the flow over bedforms that may be critical in affecting the flux of water and nutrients.


Sinha, S., Hardy, R., Blois, G., Best, J., & Sambrook Smith, G. (2017). A numerical investigation into the importance of bed permeability on determining flow structures over river dunes. Water Resources Research, 53(4), 3067-3086.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Mar 19, 2017
Online Publication Date Apr 15, 2017
Publication Date Apr 15, 2017
Deposit Date Oct 10, 2016
Publicly Available Date Mar 31, 2017
Journal Water Resources Research
Print ISSN 0043-1397
Electronic ISSN 1944-7973
Publisher Wiley
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 53
Issue 4
Pages 3067-3086
Public URL


Accepted Journal Article (3.3 Mb)

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Copyright Statement
© 2017. The Authors. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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