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Professor Alexander Densmore's Outputs (91)

Modelling post-earthquake cascading hazards: Changing patterns of landslide runout following the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal (2022)
Journal Article
Kincey, M., Rosser, N., Densmore, A., Robinson, T., Shrestha, R., Pujara, D., Horton, P., Swirad, S., Oven, K., & Arrell, K. (2023). Modelling post-earthquake cascading hazards: Changing patterns of landslide runout following the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 48(3), 537-554.

Coseismic landslides represent the first stage of a broader cascading sequence of geohazards associated with high-magnitude continental earthquakes, with the subsequent remobilization of coseismic landslide debris posing a long-term post-seismic lega... Read More about Modelling post-earthquake cascading hazards: Changing patterns of landslide runout following the 2015 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal.

Automated determination of landslide locations after large trigger events: advantages and disadvantages compared to manual mapping (2022)
Journal Article
Milledge, D., Bellugi, D., Watt, J., & Densmore, A. (2022). Automated determination of landslide locations after large trigger events: advantages and disadvantages compared to manual mapping. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 22(2), 481-508.

Earthquakes in mountainous areas can trigger thousands of co-seismic landslides, causing significant damage, hampering relief efforts, and rapidly redistributing sediment across the landscape. Efforts to understand the controls on these landslides re... Read More about Automated determination of landslide locations after large trigger events: advantages and disadvantages compared to manual mapping.

Strongly heterogeneous patterns of groundwater depletion in northwestern India (2021)
Journal Article
Joshi, S., Gupta, S., Sinha, R., Densmore, A., Rai, S., Shekhar, S., Mason, P., & van Dijk, W. (2021). Strongly heterogeneous patterns of groundwater depletion in northwestern India. Journal of Hydrology, 598, Article 126492.

Northwestern India has been identified as a significant hotspot of groundwater depletion, with major implications for groundwater sustainability caused by excessive abstraction. We know relatively little about the detailed spatial and temporal change... Read More about Strongly heterogeneous patterns of groundwater depletion in northwestern India.

Evolution of coseismic and post‐seismic landsliding after the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal (2021)
Journal Article
Kincey, M. E., Rosser, N. J., Robinson, T. R., Densmore, A. L., Shrestha, R., Pujara, D. S., Oven, K. J., Williams, J. G., & Swirad, Z. M. (2021). Evolution of coseismic and post‐seismic landsliding after the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 126(3), Article e2020JF005803.

Coseismic landslides are a major hazard associated with large earthquakes in mountainous regions. Despite growing evidence for their widespread impacts and persistence, current understanding of the evolution of landsliding over time after large earth... Read More about Evolution of coseismic and post‐seismic landsliding after the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake, Nepal.

Simple rules to minimise exposure to coseismic landslide hazard (2019)
Journal Article
Milledge, D., Densmore, A., Bellugi, D., Rosser, N., Watt, J., Li, G., & Oven, K. (2019). Simple rules to minimise exposure to coseismic landslide hazard. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19(4), 837-856.

Landslides constitute a hazard to life and infrastructure and their risk is mitigated primarily by reducing exposure. This requires information on landslide hazard on a scale that can enable informed decisions. Such information is often unavailable t... Read More about Simple rules to minimise exposure to coseismic landslide hazard.

Needs and uses of scientific information for earthquake and monsoon contingency planning by humanitarian clusters in Nepal (2024)
Journal Article
Sijapati, S., Robinson, T., Densmore, A., Raj Awasthi, P., Dunant, A., Li, S., Man Rajbhandari, R., Rosser, N., Johnson, A., Oven, K., van Wyk de Vries, M., & Heiselberg, S. (2025). Needs and uses of scientific information for earthquake and monsoon contingency planning by humanitarian clusters in Nepal. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 117, Article 105166.

Embedding scientific knowledge in policy and practice is crucial for effective disaster risk reduction and planning, but key barriers remain in using science effectively for these purposes. In countries like Nepal, subjected to frequent multi-hazards... Read More about Needs and uses of scientific information for earthquake and monsoon contingency planning by humanitarian clusters in Nepal.

Review of landslide inventories for Nepal between 2010 and 2021 reveals data gaps in global landslide hotspot (2024)
Journal Article
Harvey, E., Kincey, M., Rosser, N., Gadtaula, A., Collins, E., Densmore, A., Dunant, A., Arrell, K., Oven, K., Basyal, G., Dhital, M. R., Robinson, T., de Vries, M., Paudyal, S., Pujara, D., & Shrestha, R. (online). Review of landslide inventories for Nepal between 2010 and 2021 reveals data gaps in global landslide hotspot. Natural Hazards,

A review of landslide inventories provides an essential assessment of the state of knowledge around landslide hazard and can guide the focus of future studies. This is especially true in Nepal, which is highly prone to landslides, but lacks a compreh... Read More about Review of landslide inventories for Nepal between 2010 and 2021 reveals data gaps in global landslide hotspot.

Impacts from cascading multi-hazards using hypergraphs: a case study from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal (2024)
Journal Article
Dunant, A., Robinson, T. R., Densmore, A. L., Rosser, N. J., Rajbhandari, R. M., Kincey, M., Li, S., Awasthi, P. R., Van Wyk de Vries, M., Guragain, R., Harvey, E., & Dadson, S. (in press). Impacts from cascading multi-hazards using hypergraphs: a case study from the 2015 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences,

The dynamic threat from landslides following large continental earthquakes (2024)
Journal Article
Arrell, K., Rosser, N., Kincey, M., Robinson, T., Horton, P., Densmore, A., Oven, K., Shrestha, R., & Pujara, D. (2024). The dynamic threat from landslides following large continental earthquakes. PLoS ONE, 19(8), Article e0308444.

Earthquake-triggered landslides show three important characteristics: they are often responsible for a considerable proportion of the damage sustained during mountain region earthquakes, they are non-randomly distributed across space, and they contin... Read More about The dynamic threat from landslides following large continental earthquakes.

Detection of slow‐moving landslides through automated monitoring of surface deformation using Sentinel‐2 satellite imagery (2024)
Journal Article
Van Wyk De Vries, M., Arrell, K., Basyal, G., Densmore, A., Dunant, A., Harvey, E. L., …Dadson, S. (2024). Detection of slow‐moving landslides through automated monitoring of surface deformation using Sentinel‐2 satellite imagery. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 49(4), 1397-1410.

Landslides are one of the most damaging natural hazards and have killed tens of thousands of people around the world over the past decade. Slow‐moving landslides, with surface velocities on the order of 10−2–102 m a−1, can damage buildings and infras... Read More about Detection of slow‐moving landslides through automated monitoring of surface deformation using Sentinel‐2 satellite imagery.

National‐Scale Rainfall‐Triggered Landslide Susceptibility and Exposure in Nepal (2024)
Journal Article
Kincey, M. E., Rosser, N. J., Swirad, Z. M., Robinson, T. R., Shrestha, R., Pujara, D. S., …Dunant, A. (2024). National‐Scale Rainfall‐Triggered Landslide Susceptibility and Exposure in Nepal. Earth's Future, 12(2), Article e2023EF004102.

Nepal is one of the most landslide‐prone countries in the world, with year‐on‐year impacts resulting in loss of life and imposing a chronic impediment to sustainable livelihoods. Living with landslides is a daily reality for an increasing number of p... Read More about National‐Scale Rainfall‐Triggered Landslide Susceptibility and Exposure in Nepal.

Controls on debris-flow avulsions: White Mountains of California and Nevada (2024)
Journal Article
Herbert, L., Santi, P., & Densmore, A. (2024). Controls on debris-flow avulsions: White Mountains of California and Nevada. Landslides, 21(4), 861-874.

The process by which debris flows shift from an active channel and branch out into new transport or depositional areas is termed “avulsion.” They pose serious risks for structures and populations on debris-flow fans, yet avulsion mechanisms are relat... Read More about Controls on debris-flow avulsions: White Mountains of California and Nevada.

Cosmogenic Nuclide Tracking of Sediment Recycling From a Frontal Siwalik Range in the Northwestern Himalaya (2023)
Journal Article
Mandal, S. K., Densmore, A. L., Kapannusch, R., Scherler, D., Barnes, J. B., & Insel, N. (2023). Cosmogenic Nuclide Tracking of Sediment Recycling From a Frontal Siwalik Range in the Northwestern Himalaya. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 128(12), Article e2023JF007164.

The Himalayan orogen exports millions of tons of sediment annually to the Indo‐Gangetic foreland basin, derived from both hinterland and foreland fold‐thrust belts (FTB). Although erosion rates in the hinterland are well‐constrained, erosion rates in... Read More about Cosmogenic Nuclide Tracking of Sediment Recycling From a Frontal Siwalik Range in the Northwestern Himalaya.

Hydrological control of river and seawater lithium isotopes (2022)
Journal Article
Zhang, F., Dellinger, M., Hilton, R. G., Yu, J., Allen, M. B., Densmore, A. L., Sun, H., & Jin, Z. (2022). Hydrological control of river and seawater lithium isotopes. Nature Communications, 13(1), Article 3359.

Seawater lithium isotopes (δ7Li) record changes over Earth history, including a ∼9‰ increase during the Cenozoic interpreted as reflecting either a change in continental silicate weathering rate or weathering feedback strength, associated with tecton... Read More about Hydrological control of river and seawater lithium isotopes.

Pulsed carbon export from mountains by earthquake-triggered landslides explored in a reduced-complexity model (2021)
Journal Article
Croissant, T., Hilton, R. G., Li, G. K., Howarth, J., Wang, J., Harvey, E. L., Steer, P., & Densmore, A. L. (2021). Pulsed carbon export from mountains by earthquake-triggered landslides explored in a reduced-complexity model. Earth Surface Dynamics, 9(4), 823-844.

In mountain ranges, earthquakes can trigger widespread landsliding and mobilize large amounts of organic carbon by eroding soil and vegetation from hillslopes. Following a major earthquake, the landslide-mobilized organic carbon can be exported from... Read More about Pulsed carbon export from mountains by earthquake-triggered landslides explored in a reduced-complexity model.

Changing Significance of Landslide Hazard and Risk After The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake (2021)
Journal Article
Rosser, N., Kincey, M., Oven, K., Densmore, A., Robinson, T., Pujara, D., Shrestha, R., Smutny, J., Gurung, K., Lama, S., & Dhital, M. (2021). Changing Significance of Landslide Hazard and Risk After The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake. Progress in disaster science, 10, Article 100159.

The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake triggered in excess of 20,000 landslides across 14 districts of Central and Western Nepal. Whilst the instantaneous impact of these landslides was significant, the ongoing effect of the earthquake on changing... Read More about Changing Significance of Landslide Hazard and Risk After The 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake.

Modelling water levels of northwestern India in response to improved irrigation use efficiency (2020)
Journal Article
Shekhar, S., Kumar, S., Densmore, A., van Dijk, W., Sinha, R., Kumar, M., Joshi, S., Rai, S., & Kumar, D. (2020). Modelling water levels of northwestern India in response to improved irrigation use efficiency. Scientific Reports, 10, Article 13452.

The groundwater crisis in northwestern India is the result of over-exploitation of groundwater resources for irrigation. The Government of India has targeted a 20 percent improvement in irrigation groundwater use efficiency. In this perspective, and... Read More about Modelling water levels of northwestern India in response to improved irrigation use efficiency.

Long-term patterns of hillslope erosion by earthquake-induced landslides shape mountain landscapes (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Howarth, J. D., McClymont, E. L., Densmore, A. L., Fitzsimons, S. J., Croissant, T., Grocke, D. R., West, M. D., Harvey, E. L., Frith, N. V., Garnett, M. H., & Hilton, R. G. (2020). Long-term patterns of hillslope erosion by earthquake-induced landslides shape mountain landscapes. Science Advances, 6(23), Article eaaz6446.

Widespread triggering of landslides by large storms or earthquakes is a dominant mechanism of erosion in mountain landscapes. If landslides occur repeatedly in particular locations within a mountain range, then they will dominate the landscape evolut... Read More about Long-term patterns of hillslope erosion by earthquake-induced landslides shape mountain landscapes.

Creating an earthquake scenario in China: A case study in Weinan City, Shaanxi province (2020)
Journal Article
Rodgers, J., Su, G., Qi, W., Milledge, D., Densmore, A., Davis, C., England, P., Young, J., Cao, Y., Chakos, A., Li, X., Sim, T., So, E., Parsons, B., Sun, L., Yu, J., & Guo, C. (2020). Creating an earthquake scenario in China: A case study in Weinan City, Shaanxi province. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 42, Article 101305.

In efforts to address government-identified gaps between top-down policies and local-level preparedness approaches, a team from China, the UK and the US undertook a transdisciplinary, participatory project to develop an earthquake scenario for two ad... Read More about Creating an earthquake scenario in China: A case study in Weinan City, Shaanxi province.

Spatial variation of groundwater response to multiple drivers in a depleting alluvial aquifer system, northwestern India (2019)
Journal Article
van Dijk, W. M., Densmore, A. L., Jackson, C. R., Mackay, J. D., Joshi, S. K., Sinha, R., Shekhar, S., & Gupta, S. (2020). Spatial variation of groundwater response to multiple drivers in a depleting alluvial aquifer system, northwestern India. Progress in Physical Geography, 44(1), 94-119.

Unsustainable exploitation of groundwater in northwestern India has led to extreme but spatially variable depletion of the alluvial aquifer system in the region. Mitigation and management of groundwater resources require an understanding of the drive... Read More about Spatial variation of groundwater response to multiple drivers in a depleting alluvial aquifer system, northwestern India.