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Scaling research and practice of scholarships impact for peace: The role of theory (2024)
Journal Article
Almassri, A. (2024). Scaling research and practice of scholarships impact for peace: The role of theory. International Journal of Educational Research, 128, Article 102467.

The scope of appraising international higher education scholarships’ potential impact on peace should be broadened beyond assessing their contribution to technical recovery and development. Extant research often limits appreciation of this contributi... Read More about Scaling research and practice of scholarships impact for peace: The role of theory.

‘Sir, if I let you blow me, will you not put a behaviour point on?’ The working-class, gay teacher and the limits of neoliberal inclusion (2024)
Journal Article
Llewellyn, A. (online). ‘Sir, if I let you blow me, will you not put a behaviour point on?’ The working-class, gay teacher and the limits of neoliberal inclusion. Education, Citizenship and Social Justice,

This study examines social-class and sexuality in the context of being a teacher in a secondary school in England. It is pertinent as some levels of LGBT inclusion, are currently expected in English schools, however this varies within and across scho... Read More about ‘Sir, if I let you blow me, will you not put a behaviour point on?’ The working-class, gay teacher and the limits of neoliberal inclusion.

A critical evaluation of regression discontinuity studies in school effectiveness research (2024)
Journal Article
Simpson, A. (online). A critical evaluation of regression discontinuity studies in school effectiveness research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education,

School start regulations allocate children born immediately either side of a given date to different life paths: those slightly older starting school a full year earlier. School effectiveness literature exploits this to estimate causal effects descri... Read More about A critical evaluation of regression discontinuity studies in school effectiveness research.

Post-16 students’ experience of practical science during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on students’ self-efficacy in practical work (2024)
Journal Article
Cramman, H., Arenas, B., Awais, R., Balaban, C., Cropper, C., Dennis, F., Finch, K., Gray, H., Hall, A., Kitchen, G., Norman, K., O’Driscoll, L., Petts, P., Petri, S., Robson, J., Rosenburgh, A., Shields, L., Swift, G. P., & Vaughan, H. (2024). Post-16 students’ experience of practical science during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on students’ self-efficacy in practical work. Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2, 39-69.

This paper presents the findings from a detailed study investigating UK undergraduate students’ experience of practical science in their post-16 studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also examines their perceived confidence and preparedness in rel... Read More about Post-16 students’ experience of practical science during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on students’ self-efficacy in practical work.

Uncovering individualised treatment effects for educational trials (2024)
Journal Article
Xiao, Z., Hauser, O., Kirkwood, C., Li, D. Z., Ford, T., & Higgins, S. (2024). Uncovering individualised treatment effects for educational trials. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 22606.

Large-scale Randomised Controlled Trials (RCTs) are widely regarded as “the gold standard” for testing the causal effects of school-based interventions. RCTs typically present the statistical significance of the average treatment effect (ATE), which... Read More about Uncovering individualised treatment effects for educational trials.

Improving the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What is the evidence on the best approach? (2024)
Journal Article
See, B., Gorard, S., Gao, Y., Hitt, L., Demie, F., Tereshchenko, A., Siddiqui, N., & el Soufi, N. (in press). Improving the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What is the evidence on the best approach?. Review of Education,

This paper reports on the findings of a comprehensive structured review of the factors that can help explain and perhaps improve the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers in schools. This issue has been a policy concern in several cou... Read More about Improving the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What is the evidence on the best approach?.

State of Effectiveness Research on Support to Children’s Education in Conflicts and Protracted Crises (2024)
Diazgranados, S., Sloane, P., Thuo, B., & N. Almassri, A. (2024). State of Effectiveness Research on Support to Children’s Education in Conflicts and Protracted Crises. Education Research in Conflict and Protracted Crisis (ERICC) Consortium

This policy brief synthesises findings from a forthcoming review of effectiveness research on education interventions in conflict and protracted crisis settings. It outlines the types of effectiveness research available, the populations targeted, and... Read More about State of Effectiveness Research on Support to Children’s Education in Conflicts and Protracted Crises.

Exploring the development of adolescents’ scientific creativity among science fair winners through the lens of resilience (2024)
Journal Article
Chiang, J.-L., Yeh, Y.-C., & Lee, J.-Y. (2024). Exploring the development of adolescents’ scientific creativity among science fair winners through the lens of resilience. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 54, Article 101647.

Scientific creativity plays a crucial role in formulating innovative solutions to complex scientific problems. This study explored the development and performance of scientific creativity among winners of a national science fair (NSF) through the per... Read More about Exploring the development of adolescents’ scientific creativity among science fair winners through the lens of resilience.

The academic achievement gap between students with and without special educational needs and disabilities (2024)
Journal Article
Daniel, J. (online). The academic achievement gap between students with and without special educational needs and disabilities. European Journal of Special Needs Education,

Legislative frameworks in England have been designed to support children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). Despite efforts from policy makers, achievement gaps persist between students with SEND and their typically developing pe... Read More about The academic achievement gap between students with and without special educational needs and disabilities.