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Outputs (1097)

UAV-based training for fully fuzzy classification of Sentinel-2 fluvial scenes (2020)
Journal Article
Carbonneau, P., Belletti, B., Micotti, M., Lastoria, B., Casaioli, M., Mariani, S., Marchetti, G., & Bizzi, S. (2020). UAV-based training for fully fuzzy classification of Sentinel-2 fluvial scenes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 45(13), 3120-3140.

An estimated 76% of global stream area is occupied by channels with widths above 30 meters. Sentinel‐2 imagery with resolutions of 10m could supply information about the composition of river corridors at national and global scales. Fuzzy classificati... Read More about UAV-based training for fully fuzzy classification of Sentinel-2 fluvial scenes.

Modelling water levels of northwestern India in response to improved irrigation use efficiency (2020)
Journal Article
Shekhar, S., Kumar, S., Densmore, A., van Dijk, W., Sinha, R., Kumar, M., Joshi, S., Rai, S., & Kumar, D. (2020). Modelling water levels of northwestern India in response to improved irrigation use efficiency. Scientific Reports, 10, Article 13452.

The groundwater crisis in northwestern India is the result of over-exploitation of groundwater resources for irrigation. The Government of India has targeted a 20 percent improvement in irrigation groundwater use efficiency. In this perspective, and... Read More about Modelling water levels of northwestern India in response to improved irrigation use efficiency.

Empowering Women through Participatory Action Research in Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts (2020)
Journal Article
Ruszczyk, H., Upadhyay, B., Kwong, Y., Khanal, O., Bracken, L., Pandit, S., & Bastola, R. (2020). Empowering Women through Participatory Action Research in Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51, Article 101763.

The role of women in community-based disaster risk reduction efforts (CBDRR) is an area of limited academic research and continues to be a thorny issue for policy and practice. This research paper describes a comparative case study of participatory a... Read More about Empowering Women through Participatory Action Research in Community-Based Disaster Risk Reduction Efforts.

Çatalhöyük and Its Landscapes (2020)
Journal Article
Ayala, G., & Wainwright, J. (2020). Çatalhöyük and Its Landscapes. Near Eastern Archaeology, 83(2), 88-97.

T he landscape surrounding the site of Çatalhöyük has been transformed by centuries of land use and agricultural improvements (fig. 1). The most recent transformations started in the early twentieth century aiming to improve agricultural productivity... Read More about Çatalhöyük and Its Landscapes.

What do models tell us about water and sediment connectivity? (2020)
Journal Article
Baartman, J. E., Nunes, J. P., Masselink, R., Darboux, F., Bielders, C., Degre, A., Cantreul, V., Cerdan, O., Grangeon, T., Fiener, P., Wilken, F., Schindewolf, M., & Wainwright, J. (2020). What do models tell us about water and sediment connectivity?. Geomorphology, 367, Article 107300.

Connectivity has been embraced by the geosciences community as a useful concept to understand and describe hydrological functioning and sediment movement through catchments. Mathematical modelling has been used for decades to quantify and predict ero... Read More about What do models tell us about water and sediment connectivity?.

The Seasonality of Wetland and Riparian Taskscapes at Çatalhöyük (2020)
Journal Article
Wolfhagen, J., Veropoulidou, R., Ayala, G., Filipović, D., Kabukcu, C., Lancelotti, C., Madella, M., Pawłowska, K., Santiago-Marrero, C., & Wainwright, J. (2020). The Seasonality of Wetland and Riparian Taskscapes at Çatalhöyük. Near Eastern Archaeology, 83(2), 98-109.

Seasonal variation in the natural world of Neolithic Çatalhöyük shaped the organization of daily life and the social world of its residents. Seasonal cycles in climatic patterns, hydrology, growing seasons of wild and domestic plants, and seasonal be... Read More about The Seasonality of Wetland and Riparian Taskscapes at Çatalhöyük.

Basin inversion: A worldwide Late Cenozoic phenomenon (2020)
Journal Article
Bridgland, D. R., Westaway, R., & Hu, Z. (2020). Basin inversion: A worldwide Late Cenozoic phenomenon. Global and Planetary Change, 193, Article 103260.

The occurrence of endorheic basins on the Tibetan Plateau, both in its Pleistocene history and (fewer in number) at the present day, has been attributed to the ‘basin-and-range’ character of the orogen; the understanding of their conversion to exorhe... Read More about Basin inversion: A worldwide Late Cenozoic phenomenon.

Rapidly-migrating and internally-generated knickpoints can control submarine channel evolution (2020)
Journal Article
Heijnen, M. S., Clare, M. A., Cartigny, M. J., Talling, P. J., Hage, S., Lintern, D. G., Stacey, C., Parsons, D. R., Simmons, S. M., Chen, Y., Sumner, E. J., Dix, J. K., & Hughes Clarke, J. E. (2020). Rapidly-migrating and internally-generated knickpoints can control submarine channel evolution. Nature Communications, 11(1), Article 3129.

Submarine channels are the primary conduits for terrestrial sediment, organic carbon, and pollutant transport to the deep sea. Submarine channels are far more difficult to monitor than rivers, and thus less well understood. Here we present 9 years of... Read More about Rapidly-migrating and internally-generated knickpoints can control submarine channel evolution.

Quantifying the three‐dimensional stratigraphic expression of cyclic steps by integrating seafloor and deep‐water outcrop observations (2020)
Journal Article
Englert, R. G., Hubbard, S. M., Cartigny, M. J., Clare, M. A., Coutts, D. S., Hage, S., Hughes Clarke, J., Jobe, Z., Lintern, D. G., Stacey, C., & Vendettuoli, D. (2021). Quantifying the three‐dimensional stratigraphic expression of cyclic steps by integrating seafloor and deep‐water outcrop observations. Sedimentology, 68(4), 1465-1501.

Deep‐water deposits are important archives of Earth’s history including the occurrence of powerful flow events and the transfer of large volumes of terrestrial detritus into the world’s oceans. However the interpretation of depositional processes and... Read More about Quantifying the three‐dimensional stratigraphic expression of cyclic steps by integrating seafloor and deep‐water outcrop observations.

Quantification of node importance in rain gauge network: influence of temporal resolution and rain gauge density (2020)
Journal Article
Tiwari, S., Jha, S. K., & Singh, A. (2020). Quantification of node importance in rain gauge network: influence of temporal resolution and rain gauge density. Scientific Reports, 10(1), Article 9761.

Rain gauge network is important for collecting rainfall information efectively and efciently. Rain gauge networks have been studied for several decades from a range of hydrological perspectives, where rain gauges with unique or non-repeating informat... Read More about Quantification of node importance in rain gauge network: influence of temporal resolution and rain gauge density.

The effect of leaf-on and leaf-off forest canopy conditions on LiDAR derived estimations of forest structural diversity (2020)
Journal Article
Davison, S., Donoghue, D. N., & Galiatsatos, N. (2020). The effect of leaf-on and leaf-off forest canopy conditions on LiDAR derived estimations of forest structural diversity. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 92, Article 102160.

Forest structural diversity metrics describing diversity in tree size and crown shape within forest stands can be used as indicators of biodiversity. These diversity metrics can be generated using airborne laser scanning (LiDAR) data to provide a rap... Read More about The effect of leaf-on and leaf-off forest canopy conditions on LiDAR derived estimations of forest structural diversity.

Peat hazards: compression and failure (2020)
Book Chapter
Warburton, J. (2020). Peat hazards: compression and failure. In D. Giles, & J. Griffiths (Eds.), Geological hazards in the UK : their occurrence, monitoring and mitigation (243-257). The Geological Society.

Peat is a low density, highly compressible soil that occurs at the surface or may be buried at depth. Peat is essentially an organic, non-mineral soil resulting from the decay of organic matter. In the UK peat deposits are widespread occurring in a w... Read More about Peat hazards: compression and failure.

Mountains, erosion and the carbon cycle (2020)
Journal Article
Hilton, R., & West, A. (2020). Mountains, erosion and the carbon cycle. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 1(6), 284-299.

Mountain building results in high erosion rates and the interaction of rocks with the atmosphere, water and life. Carbon transfers that result from increased erosion could control the evolution of Earth’s long-term climate. For decades, attention has... Read More about Mountains, erosion and the carbon cycle.

Mg/Ca-Temperature Calibration of Polar Benthic foraminifera species for reconstruction of bottom water temperatures on the Antarctic shelf (2020)
Journal Article
Mawbey, E. M., Hendry, K. H., Greaves, M. J., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Kuhn, G., Spencer-Jones, C. L., McClymont, E. L., Vadman, K. J., Shevenell, A. E., Jernas, P. E., & Smith, J. A. (2020). Mg/Ca-Temperature Calibration of Polar Benthic foraminifera species for reconstruction of bottom water temperatures on the Antarctic shelf. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 283, 54-66.

Benthic foraminifera Mg/Ca is a well-established bottom water temperature (BWT) proxy used in paleoclimate studies. The relationship between Mg/Ca and BWT for numerous species has been determined using core-top and culturing studies. However, the sca... Read More about Mg/Ca-Temperature Calibration of Polar Benthic foraminifera species for reconstruction of bottom water temperatures on the Antarctic shelf.

Long-term patterns of hillslope erosion by earthquake-induced landslides shape mountain landscapes (2020)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Howarth, J. D., McClymont, E. L., Densmore, A. L., Fitzsimons, S. J., Croissant, T., Grocke, D. R., West, M. D., Harvey, E. L., Frith, N. V., Garnett, M. H., & Hilton, R. G. (2020). Long-term patterns of hillslope erosion by earthquake-induced landslides shape mountain landscapes. Science Advances, 6(23), Article eaaz6446.

Widespread triggering of landslides by large storms or earthquakes is a dominant mechanism of erosion in mountain landscapes. If landslides occur repeatedly in particular locations within a mountain range, then they will dominate the landscape evolut... Read More about Long-term patterns of hillslope erosion by earthquake-induced landslides shape mountain landscapes.

An Assessment of Global Forest Change Datasets for National Forest Monitoring and Reporting (2020)
Journal Article
Galiatsatos, N., Donoghue, D., Watt, P., Bholanath, P., Pickering, J., Hansen, M., & Mahmood, A. (2020). An Assessment of Global Forest Change Datasets for National Forest Monitoring and Reporting. Remote Sensing, 12(11), Article 1790.

Global Forest Change datasets have the potential to assist countries with national forest measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) requirements. This paper assesses the accuracy of the Global Forest Change data against nationally derived forest ch... Read More about An Assessment of Global Forest Change Datasets for National Forest Monitoring and Reporting.

Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity current deposits (2020)
Journal Article
Hage, S., Galy, V., Cartigny, M., Acikalin, S., Clare, M., Gröcke, D., Hilton, R., Hunt, J., Lintern, D., McGhee, C., Parsons, D., Stacey, C., Sumner, E., & Talling, P. (2020). Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity current deposits. Geology, 48(9), 882-887.

Burial of terrestrial biospheric particulate organic carbon in marine sediments removes CO2 from the atmosphere, regulating climate over geologic time scales. Rivers deliver terrestrial organic carbon to the sea, while turbidity currents transport ri... Read More about Efficient preservation of young terrestrial organic carbon in sandy turbidity current deposits.

Recent understanding of Antarctic supraglacial lakes using satellite remote sensing (2020)
Journal Article
Arthur, J., Stokes, C., Jamieson, S., Carr, J., & Leeson, A. (2020). Recent understanding of Antarctic supraglacial lakes using satellite remote sensing. Progress in Physical Geography, 44(6), 837-869.

Supraglacial lakes (SGLs) are now known to be widespread in Antarctica, where they represent an important component of ice sheet mass balance. This paper reviews how recent progress in satellite remote sensing has substantially advanced our understan... Read More about Recent understanding of Antarctic supraglacial lakes using satellite remote sensing.

Novel acoustic method provides first detailed measurements of sediment concentration structure within submarine turbidity currents (2020)
Journal Article
Simmons, S., Azpiroz-Zabala, M., Cartigny, M., Clare, M., Cooper, C., Parsons, D., Pope, E., Sumner, E., & Talling, P. (2020). Novel acoustic method provides first detailed measurements of sediment concentration structure within submarine turbidity currents. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125(5), Article e2019JC015904.

Turbidity currents transport prodigious volumes of sediment to the deep‐sea. But there are very few direct measurements from oceanic turbidity currents, ensuring they are poorly understood. Recent studies have used acoustic Doppler current profilers... Read More about Novel acoustic method provides first detailed measurements of sediment concentration structure within submarine turbidity currents.