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Outputs (1097)

The importance of sewage effluent discharge in the export of dissolved organic carbon from United Kingdom rivers (2019)
Journal Article
Worrall, F., Howden, N. J., Burt, T. P., & Bartlett, R. (2019). The importance of sewage effluent discharge in the export of dissolved organic carbon from United Kingdom rivers. Hydrological Processes, 33(13), 1851-1864.

The flux of fluvial carbon from the terrestrial biosphere to the world's oceans is known to be an important component of the global carbon cycle but within this pathway the flux and return of carbon to the river network via sewage effluent has not be... Read More about The importance of sewage effluent discharge in the export of dissolved organic carbon from United Kingdom rivers.

Using lake sediment archives to improve understanding of flood magnitude and frequency: recent extreme flooding in northwest UK (2019)
Journal Article
Chiverrell, R., Sear, D., Warburton, J., Macdonald, N., Schillereff, D., Dearing, J., Croudace, I., Brown, J., & Bradley, J. (2019). Using lake sediment archives to improve understanding of flood magnitude and frequency: recent extreme flooding in northwest UK. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(12), 2376-2376.

We present the first quantitative reconstruction of palaeofloods using lake sediments for the UK and show that for a large catchment in NW England the cluster of devastating floods from 1990 to present is without precedent in this 558‐year palaeo‐rec... Read More about Using lake sediment archives to improve understanding of flood magnitude and frequency: recent extreme flooding in northwest UK.

Spatial distribution pattern of channel steepness index as evidence for differential rock uplift along the eastern Altun Shan on the northern Tibetan Plateau (2019)
Journal Article
Wang, J., Hu, Z., Pan, B., Li, M., Dong, Z., Li, X., Li, X., & Bridgland, D. (2019). Spatial distribution pattern of channel steepness index as evidence for differential rock uplift along the eastern Altun Shan on the northern Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change, 181, Article 102979.

The eastern Altun Shan is a crucial part of the Altun orogenic belt within the Tibetan Plateau. Study of the uplift rate and the related features in this area provides important clues for understanding the uplift mechanism of the Tibetan Plateau as a... Read More about Spatial distribution pattern of channel steepness index as evidence for differential rock uplift along the eastern Altun Shan on the northern Tibetan Plateau.

An evaluation of a low-cost pole aerial photography (PAP) and structure from motion (SfM) approach for topographic surveying of small rivers (2019)
Journal Article
Visser, F., Woodget, A., Skellern, A., Forsey, J., Warburton, J., & Johnson, R. (2019). An evaluation of a low-cost pole aerial photography (PAP) and structure from motion (SfM) approach for topographic surveying of small rivers. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 40(24), 9321-9351.

To better understand fluvial forms and processes, geomorphologists have a need for high-resolution fluvial topographic surveys. Continuous data collection approaches such as airborne laser scanning (ALS), terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), and structu... Read More about An evaluation of a low-cost pole aerial photography (PAP) and structure from motion (SfM) approach for topographic surveying of small rivers.

Debris-flow volume quantile prediction from catchment morphometry (2019)
Journal Article
De Haas, T., & Densmore, A. (2019). Debris-flow volume quantile prediction from catchment morphometry. Geology, 47(8), 791-794.

Estimation of the volumes of potential future debris flows is a key factor in hazard assessment and mitigation. Worldwide, however, there are few catchments for which detailed volume-frequency information is available. We (1) reconstructed volume-fre... Read More about Debris-flow volume quantile prediction from catchment morphometry.

Subglacial hydrological control on flow of an Antarctic Peninsula palaeo-ice stream (2019)
Journal Article
Larter, R. D., Hogan, K. A., Hillenbrand, C.-D., Smith, J. A., Batchelor, C. L., Cartigny, M., Tate, A. J., Kirkham, J. D., Roseby, Z. A., Kuhn, G., Graham, A. G., & Dowdeswell, J. A. (2019). Subglacial hydrological control on flow of an Antarctic Peninsula palaeo-ice stream. The Cryosphere, 13(6), 1583-1596.

Basal hydrological systems play an important role in controlling the dynamic behaviour of ice streams. Data showing their morphology and relationship to geological substrates beneath modern ice streams are, however, sparse and difficult to collect. W... Read More about Subglacial hydrological control on flow of an Antarctic Peninsula palaeo-ice stream.

Monsoonal control on a delayed response of sedimentation to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, F., Jin, Z., West, A. J., An, Z., Hilton, R. G., Wang, J., Li, G., Densmore, A. L., Yu, J., Qiang, X., Sun, Y., Li, L., Gou, L., Xu, Y., Xu, X., Liu, X., Pan, Y., & You, C.-F. (2019). Monsoonal control on a delayed response of sedimentation to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Science Advances, 5(6),

Infrequent extreme events such as large earthquakes pose hazards and have lasting impacts on landscapes and biogeochemical cycles. Sediments provide valuable records of past events, but unambiguously identifying event deposits is challenging because... Read More about Monsoonal control on a delayed response of sedimentation to the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake.

Twisted handaxes in Middle Pleistocene Britain and their implications for regional-scale cultural variation and the deep history of Acheulean hominin groups (2019)
Journal Article
White, M., Ashton, N., & Bridgland, D. (2019). Twisted handaxes in Middle Pleistocene Britain and their implications for regional-scale cultural variation and the deep history of Acheulean hominin groups. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society, 85, 61-81.

A better understood chronological framework for the Middle Pleistocene of Britain has enabled archaeologists to detect a number of temporally-restricted assemblage-types, based not on ‘culture historical’ schemes of typological progression but on ind... Read More about Twisted handaxes in Middle Pleistocene Britain and their implications for regional-scale cultural variation and the deep history of Acheulean hominin groups.

Atmospheric drivers of winter above‐freezing temperatures and associated rainfall in western Canada (2019)
Journal Article
Newton, B., Bonsal, B., Edwards, T., Prowse, T., & McGregor, G. (2019). Atmospheric drivers of winter above‐freezing temperatures and associated rainfall in western Canada. International Journal of Climatology, 39(15), 5655-5671.

Winter thaw episodes, especially when accompanied by rain, can significantly deplete the winter snowpack, which is a critical water storage component in the mountainous headwater regions of the major river basins of western Canada. Here we identify t... Read More about Atmospheric drivers of winter above‐freezing temperatures and associated rainfall in western Canada.

Subglacial geology and geomorphology of the Pensacola-Pole Basin, East Antarctica (2019)
Journal Article
Paxman, G., Jamieson, S., Ferraccioli, F., Jordan, T., Bentley, M., Ross, N., Forsberg, R., Matsuoka, K., Steinhage, D., Eagles, G., & Casal, T. (2019). Subglacial geology and geomorphology of the Pensacola-Pole Basin, East Antarctica. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(6), 2786-2807.

The East Antarctic Ice Sheet (EAIS) is underlain by a series of low‐lying subglacial sedimentary basins. The extent, geology and basal topography of these sedimentary basins are important boundary conditions governing the dynamics of the overlying ic... Read More about Subglacial geology and geomorphology of the Pensacola-Pole Basin, East Antarctica.

Flow resistance and hydraulic geometry in bedrock rivers with multiple roughness length scales (2019)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R., Hardy, R., & Hodge, R. (2019). Flow resistance and hydraulic geometry in bedrock rivers with multiple roughness length scales. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(12), 2437-2449.

Many models of incision by bedrock rivers predict water depth and shear stress from discharge; conversely, palaeoflood discharge is sometimes reconstructed from flow depth markers in rock gorges. In both cases assumptions are made about flow resistan... Read More about Flow resistance and hydraulic geometry in bedrock rivers with multiple roughness length scales.

The potential of biomarker proxies to trace climate, vegetation, and biogeochemical processes in peat: A review (2019)
Journal Article
Naafs, B., Inglis, G., Blewett, J., McClymont, E., Lauretano, V., Xie, S., Evershed, R., & Pancost, R. (2019). The potential of biomarker proxies to trace climate, vegetation, and biogeochemical processes in peat: A review. Global and Planetary Change, 179, 57-79.

Molecular fossils (biomarkers) are abundant in organic rich natural archives such as peats and lignites (fossilized peat), where their distribution is governed by their biological source, environmental factors, such as temperature and pH, and diagene... Read More about The potential of biomarker proxies to trace climate, vegetation, and biogeochemical processes in peat: A review.

Seismic cycles, earthquakes, landslides and sediment fluxes: Linking tectonics to surface processes using a reduced-complexity model (2019)
Journal Article
Croissant, T., Steer, P., Lague, D., Davy, P., Jeandet, L., & Hilton, R. G. (2019). Seismic cycles, earthquakes, landslides and sediment fluxes: Linking tectonics to surface processes using a reduced-complexity model. Geomorphology, 339, 87-103.

In tectonically active mountain ranges, landslides triggered by earthquakes mobilise large volumes of sediment that affect river dynamics. This sediment delivery can cause downstream changes in river geometry and transport capacity that affect the ri... Read More about Seismic cycles, earthquakes, landslides and sediment fluxes: Linking tectonics to surface processes using a reduced-complexity model.

Clustering River Profiles to Classify Geomorphic Domains (2019)
Journal Article
Clubb, F. J., Bookhagen, B., & Rheinwalt, A. (2019). Clustering River Profiles to Classify Geomorphic Domains. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(6), 1417-1439.

The structure and organization of river networks has been used for decades to investigate the influence of climate and tectonics on landscapes. The majority of these studies either analyze rivers in profile view by extracting channel steepness or cal... Read More about Clustering River Profiles to Classify Geomorphic Domains.

What can palaeoclimate modelling do for you? (2019)
Journal Article
Haywood, A., Valdes, P., Aze, T., Barlow, N., Burke, A., Dolan, A., …Voss, J. (2019). What can palaeoclimate modelling do for you?. Earth Systems and Environment, 3(1), 1-18.

In modern environmental and climate science it is necessary to assimilate observational datasets collected over decades with outputs from numerical models, to enable a full understanding of natural systems and their sensitivities. During the twentiet... Read More about What can palaeoclimate modelling do for you?.

Simple rules to minimise exposure to coseismic landslide hazard (2019)
Journal Article
Milledge, D., Densmore, A., Bellugi, D., Rosser, N., Watt, J., Li, G., & Oven, K. (2019). Simple rules to minimise exposure to coseismic landslide hazard. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 19(4), 837-856.

Landslides constitute a hazard to life and infrastructure and their risk is mitigated primarily by reducing exposure. This requires information on landslide hazard on a scale that can enable informed decisions. Such information is often unavailable t... Read More about Simple rules to minimise exposure to coseismic landslide hazard.

Fluvial entrenchment and integration of the Sanmen Gorge, the Lower Yellow River (2019)
Journal Article
Hu, Z., Li, M., Dong, Z., Guo, L., Bridgland, D., Pan, B., Li, X., & Liu, X. (2019). Fluvial entrenchment and integration of the Sanmen Gorge, the Lower Yellow River. Global and Planetary Change, 178, 129-138.

Strategic studies of gravel deposits, in particular using heavy-mineral analyses, have thrown light on the important unresolved question as to the timing of the initiation of the Yellow River drainage through the Sanmen Gorge, which linked the headwa... Read More about Fluvial entrenchment and integration of the Sanmen Gorge, the Lower Yellow River.

Multispectral Contrast of Archaeological Features: A Quantitative Evaluation (2019)
Journal Article
Kalayci, T., Lasaponara, R., Wainwright, J., & Masini, N. (2019). Multispectral Contrast of Archaeological Features: A Quantitative Evaluation. Remote Sensing, 11(9), Article 913.

This study provides an evaluation of spectral responses of hollow ways in Upper Mesopotamia. Hollow ways were used for the transportation of animals, carts, and other moving agents for centuries. The aim is to show how the success of spectral indices... Read More about Multispectral Contrast of Archaeological Features: A Quantitative Evaluation.

The importance of riparian plant orientation in river flow: implications for flow structures and drag (2019)
Journal Article
Boothroyd, R. J., Hardy, R. J., Warburton, J., & Marjoribanks, T. I. (2019). The importance of riparian plant orientation in river flow: implications for flow structures and drag. Journal of Ecohydraulics, 3(2), 108-129.

In a series of high resolution numerical modelling experiments, we incorporated submerged riparian plants into a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model used to predict flow structures and drag in river flow. Individual plant point clouds were captu... Read More about The importance of riparian plant orientation in river flow: implications for flow structures and drag.

Fan‐surface evidence for debris‐flow avulsion controls and probabilities, Saline Valley, California (2019)
Journal Article
Haas, T., Densmore, A., Hond, T., & Cox, N. (2019). Fan‐surface evidence for debris‐flow avulsion controls and probabilities, Saline Valley, California. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 124(5), 1118-1138.

Debris‐flow fans form by shifts of the active channel, termed avulsions. Field and experimental evidence suggest that debris‐flow avulsions may be induced by depositional lobes that locally plug a channel or super‐elevation of the channel bed above t... Read More about Fan‐surface evidence for debris‐flow avulsion controls and probabilities, Saline Valley, California.