The Evolution of Intelligence Accountability: A Legal Perspective.
Book Chapter
Leigh, I. (2006). The Evolution of Intelligence Accountability: A Legal Perspective. In L. Johnson (Ed.), The Handbook of Intelligence Studies. Routledge
Outputs (1058)
Cloning and Judicial Reasoning (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Pattinson, S. D. (2006, December). Cloning and Judicial Reasoning
Counter-terrorism Law and Policy in the UK: the changing balance between human rights and security. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fenwick, H. (2006, December). Counter-terrorism Law and Policy in the UK: the changing balance between human rights and security. Paper presented at Warsaw Symposium on Terrorist Law and Policy., Warsaw, Poland
Local Authorities, Party Groups and the Law. (2006)
Journal Article
Leigh, I. (online). Local Authorities, Party Groups and the Law. Public Law, 304-313
A Tapper's Chapter? (2006)
Journal Article
Leigh, I. (online). A Tapper's Chapter?. Public Law, 8-18
Reforming Public Interest Immunity. (2006)
Journal Article
Leigh, I. (online). Reforming Public Interest Immunity. Web journal of current legal issues, 89-106
Spycatcher in Strasbourg. (2006)
Journal Article
Leigh, I. (online). Spycatcher in Strasbourg. Public Law, 200-208
The Prerogative, Legislative Power, and the Democratic Deficit: The Fire Brigades Union Case. (2006)
Journal Article
Leigh, I. (online). The Prerogative, Legislative Power, and the Democratic Deficit: The Fire Brigades Union Case. Web journal of current legal issues,
The Gulf War Deportations and the Courts. (2006)
Journal Article
Leigh, I. (online). The Gulf War Deportations and the Courts. Public Law, 331-339
'Public Interest Immunity'. (2006)
Journal Article
Leigh, I. (online). 'Public Interest Immunity'. Parliamentary Affairs, 55-70
Conceptualising Home: Theories, Laws and Policies (2006)
Fox, L. (2006). Conceptualising Home: Theories, Laws and Policies. Hart PublishingIt is difficult to overstate the everyday importance of home in law. Home provides the backdrop for our lives, and is often the scene or the subject of legal disputes. In addition, in recent decades there has been growing academic interest in the mea... Read More about Conceptualising Home: Theories, Laws and Policies.
De Nouveaux Droits pour les Passagers Aériens en Europe (2006)
Journal Article
Garde, A., & Haravon, M. (2006). De Nouveaux Droits pour les Passagers Aériens en Europe. Revue du marché commun (Paris), 503, 670-679
The Vengeful Victim? Assessing the Attitudes of Victims Participating in Restorative Youth Conferencing (2006)
Journal Article
Doak, J., & O'Mahony, D. (2006). The Vengeful Victim? Assessing the Attitudes of Victims Participating in Restorative Youth Conferencing. International Review of Victimology, 13(2), 157-177Considers the findings of research into the youth conferencing system in Northern Ireland which assessed the validity of the view that victim participation in sentencing decisions would lead to higher sentences with a greater retributive element. Out... Read More about The Vengeful Victim? Assessing the Attitudes of Victims Participating in Restorative Youth Conferencing.
'Remembrance of Principles Lost: on Fundamental Rights, the Third Pillar and the Scope of Union Law' (2006)
Journal Article
Spaventa, E. (2006). 'Remembrance of Principles Lost: on Fundamental Rights, the Third Pillar and the Scope of Union Law'. Yearbook of European Law, 25(1), 153-176. article¹ analyses the interplay between fundamental rights and instruments adopted in the field of police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters. It argues that the limited jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in relation to thir... Read More about 'Remembrance of Principles Lost: on Fundamental Rights, the Third Pillar and the Scope of Union Law'.
Perceptions of Discrimination and Islamophobia: Voices from members of Muslim Communities in the European Union. (2006)
Choudhury, T., Aziz, M., Izzidien, D., Khreeji, I., & Hussain, D. (2006). Perceptions of Discrimination and Islamophobia: Voices from members of Muslim Communities in the European Union. European Union Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia
European Discrimination Law: Strategies for Muslims in Europe. (2006)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Choudhury, T. (2006, October). European Discrimination Law: Strategies for Muslims in Europe
Comparison Tainted by Justification: Against A 'Compendious Question' in Article 14 Discrimination (2006)
Journal Article
Baker, A. (2006). Comparison Tainted by Justification: Against A 'Compendious Question' in Article 14 Discrimination. Public Law, 3, 476-497
The Enjoyment of Rights and Freedoms: a New Conception of the 'Ambit' under Article 14 ECHR (2006)
Journal Article
Baker, A. (2006). The Enjoyment of Rights and Freedoms: a New Conception of the 'Ambit' under Article 14 ECHR. Modern Law Review, 69(5), 714-737. 14 of the European Convention on Human Rights, as applied by the UK judiciary under the Human Rights Act 1998, is in danger of becoming as 'parasitic' as it is often described. Judges have inappropriately narrowed the scope of the 'ambit' of... Read More about The Enjoyment of Rights and Freedoms: a New Conception of the 'Ambit' under Article 14 ECHR.
Wyatt and Dashwood's European Union Law (5th Edition) (2006)
Arnull, A., Dashwood, A., Ross, M., Wyatt, D., Spaventa, E., & Dougan, M. (2006). Wyatt and Dashwood's European Union Law (5th Edition). (5th). Sweet and Maxwell
Media Freedom under the Human Rights Act (2006)
Fenwick, H., & Phillipson, G. (2006). Media Freedom under the Human Rights Act. Oxford University PressMedia Freedom under the Human Rights Act provides the most comprehensive analysis to date of the impact of Article 10 ECHR, as received through the Human Rights Act 1998, on the substantive law governing freedom of expression in the media. Fully up t... Read More about Media Freedom under the Human Rights Act.