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'Remembrance of Principles Lost: on Fundamental Rights, the Third Pillar and the Scope of Union Law'

Spaventa, E.


E. Spaventa


This article¹ analyses the interplay between fundamental rights and instruments adopted in the field of police and judicial co-operation in criminal matters. It argues that the limited jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice in relation to third pillar matters is problematic in relation to the Member States’ obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights, and that therefore the European Court of Human Rights should assert full jurisdiction over Member States’ acts adopted pursuant to third pillar instruments. Furthermore, it also argues that, even though third pillar instruments are not capable of having direct effect, national courts are under a Union law obligation to scrutinize, and if necessary set aside, national implementing measures which are inconsistent with fundamental rights as general principles of Union law.


Spaventa, E. (2006). 'Remembrance of Principles Lost: on Fundamental Rights, the Third Pillar and the Scope of Union Law'. Yearbook of European Law, 25(1), 153-176.

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date Dec 1, 2006
Deposit Date Aug 13, 2008
Journal Yearbook of European Law
Print ISSN 0263-3264
Electronic ISSN 2045-0044
Publisher Oxford University Press
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 25
Issue 1
Pages 153-176
Keywords European law, Third pillar, Fundamental rights.
Public URL