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Outputs (764)

Metalaw – What is it good for? (2021)
Journal Article
Bohlander, M. (2021). Metalaw – What is it good for?. Acta Astronautica, 188, 400-404.

The initial metalaw debate about relations with ETI since the mid-to-late 1950s advocated a transmogrification of the traditional Golden Rule into “Do unto others as they would be done by”. The reasoning built upon full equality between humans and ET... Read More about Metalaw – What is it good for?.

International Law and the Production of new resources: Lessons from the colonisation of Mars (2021)
Book Chapter
Jones, H. (2021). International Law and the Production of new resources: Lessons from the colonisation of Mars. In S. Chalmers, & S. Pahuja (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of International Law and the Humanities (302-311). Routledge.

International law’s role in the creation, exploitation and governance of natural resources is complex and nuanced. How the law relating to resource ownership and use interacts with the law protecting the environment and economic governance is a vital... Read More about International Law and the Production of new resources: Lessons from the colonisation of Mars.

Charity and Ideology (2021)
Book Chapter
Jones, H. Charity and Ideology. In N. Piška, & H. Gibson (Eds.), Critical Trust Law: Reading Roger Cotterell. Counterpress

Foreign-trained legal scholars in the UK: ‘irritants’ or ‘change agents’? (2021)
Journal Article
Siems, M. (2021). Foreign-trained legal scholars in the UK: ‘irritants’ or ‘change agents’?. Legal Studies, 41(3),

In most countries and universities, few legal scholars pursue their academic careers in a country that is different from their home jurisdiction. However, the UK is a rare exception, as its universities have shown a great willingness to appoint legal... Read More about Foreign-trained legal scholars in the UK: ‘irritants’ or ‘change agents’?.

Mapping a Norm of Inclusion in the Jus Post Bellum (2021)
Book Chapter
Turner, C. (2021). Mapping a Norm of Inclusion in the Jus Post Bellum. In C. Stahn, & J. Iverson (Eds.), Just Peace After Conflict: Jus Post Bellum and the Justice of Peace (130-146). Oxford University Press.

This chapter maps the existence of provisions requiring the inclusion of traditionally excluded groups in peace negotiations. It argues that international law now require inclusion not only as an aspiration or an optional political gesture, but as a... Read More about Mapping a Norm of Inclusion in the Jus Post Bellum.

Rethinking Peace Mediation: Trends and Challenges (2021)
Book Chapter
Turner, C., & Wählisch, M. (2021). Rethinking Peace Mediation: Trends and Challenges. In C. Turner, & M. Wählisch (Eds.), Rethinking Peace Mediation: Challenges of Contemporary Peacemaking Practice (1-16). Bristol University Press

This volume comes at a time when the United Nations, regional organizations, and their Member States are actively seeking new ways of better using mediation to sustain peace. It is also a moment where multilateralism and the principles of the rules-b... Read More about Rethinking Peace Mediation: Trends and Challenges.

Women’s Mediator Networks: Reflections on an Emerging Global Trend (2021)
Book Chapter
Fellin, I., & Turner, C. (2021). Women’s Mediator Networks: Reflections on an Emerging Global Trend. In C. Turner, & M. Wählisch (Eds.), Rethinking Peace Mediation: Challenges of Contemporary Peacemaking Practice (285-306). Bristol University Press

Prevent, free speech, ‘extremism’ and counter-terror interventions: exploring narratives about chilling expression in schools (2020)
Journal Article
Fenwick, H., & Fenwick, D. (2020). Prevent, free speech, ‘extremism’ and counter-terror interventions: exploring narratives about chilling expression in schools. Public Law, 2020, 661-679

Reflects on whether the Prevent strategy, intended to avoid persons being drawn into terrorism, is chilling expression in schools. Examines Prevent's operation, whether the term "extremism" is over-broad, whether referrals of pupils hinders free spee... Read More about Prevent, free speech, ‘extremism’ and counter-terror interventions: exploring narratives about chilling expression in schools.

Syria & Locating Tyranny, Hegemony and Anarchy in Contemporary International Law (2020)
Journal Article
O'Donoghue, A. (2020). Syria & Locating Tyranny, Hegemony and Anarchy in Contemporary International Law. Jus Cogens, 2(1), 29-55.

Substantive renderings of tyranny, hegemony or anarchy as governance forms within international law seldom appear. When invoked, tyranny and anarchy are presented as exceptional while hegemony, in accounts often borrowed from international relations... Read More about Syria & Locating Tyranny, Hegemony and Anarchy in Contemporary International Law.

The ‘Range of Reasonable Responses’ test: A Poor ‘Substitution’ for the Statutory Language (2020)
Journal Article
Baker, A. (2021). The ‘Range of Reasonable Responses’ test: A Poor ‘Substitution’ for the Statutory Language. Industrial Law Journal, 50(2), 226-263.

The ‘range of reasonable responses’ (RORR) test for assessing the fairness of a dismissal under section 98(4) ERA 1996 started life as a mistake and never recovered. Where the statute tells judges a dismissal is unfair if an employer acted ‘unreasona... Read More about The ‘Range of Reasonable Responses’ test: A Poor ‘Substitution’ for the Statutory Language.

A Constitutional Right to Property? (2020)
Book Chapter
Allen, T. (2020). A Constitutional Right to Property?. In M. Elliot, & K. Hughes (Eds.), Common Law Constitutional Rights. Hart Publishing

Intelligence Law and Oversight in the UK (2019)
Book Chapter
Leigh, I. (2019). Intelligence Law and Oversight in the UK. In J. Dietrich, & S. Sule (Eds.), Intelligence law and policies in Europe (535-585). C.H. Beck/ Hart

Women as Leaders for Peace (2019)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Turner, C., Taylor, S., Shaheen, C., & Williams, J. (2019, December). Women as Leaders for Peace. Paper presented at World Peace Forum, Normandy

Life after Brexit: Operationalising the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement’s Principle of Consent (2019)
Journal Article
Murray, C., & O'Donoghue, A. (2019). Life after Brexit: Operationalising the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement’s Principle of Consent. Dublin University law journal, 42(1), 147-189

Brexit has energised discussions upon Irish (re)unification, with even Theresa May recognising that the threat of a no-deal Brexit heightens the possibility of the break up of the UK. The increasingly prominent discussion of a so-called “border poll”... Read More about Life after Brexit: Operationalising the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement’s Principle of Consent.