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Dr Jingyi Han's Outputs (7)

Identification of cambium stem cell factors and their positioning mechanism (2024)
Journal Article
Eswaran, G., Zhang, X., Rutten, J. P., Han, J., Iida, H., Lopez Ortiz, J., Mäkilä, R., Wybouw, B., Planterose Jiménez, B., Vainio, L., Porcher, A., Gavarron, M. L., Zhang, J., Blomster, T., Dolan, D., Smetana, O., Brady, S. M., Topcu, M. K., Ten Tusscher, K., Etchells, J. P., & Mähönen, A. P. (2024). Identification of cambium stem cell factors and their positioning mechanism. Science, 386(6722), 646-653.

Wood constitutes the largest reservoir of terrestrial biomass. Composed of xylem, it arises from one side of the vascular cambium, a bifacial stem cell niche that also produces phloem on the opposing side. It is currently unknown which molecular fact... Read More about Identification of cambium stem cell factors and their positioning mechanism.

The first intron of ARF7 is required for expression in root tips. (2024)
Journal Article
Han, J., Welch, T., Voß, U., Vernoux, T., Bhosale, R., & Bishopp, A. (2024). The first intron of ARF7 is required for expression in root tips. iScience, 27(6), Article 109936.

Auxin regulates plant growth and development through the transcription factors of the AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR (ARF) gene family. ARF7 is one of five activators that bind DNA and elicit downstream transcriptional responses. In roots, ARF7 regulates grow... Read More about The first intron of ARF7 is required for expression in root tips..

A network of transcriptional repressors modulates auxin responses (2020)
Journal Article
Truskina, J., Han, J., Chrysanthou, E., Galvan-Ampudia, C. S., Lainé, S., Brunoud, G., Macé, J., Bellows, S., Legrand, J., Bågman, A.-M., Smit, M. E., Smetana, O., Stigliani, A., Porco, S., Bennett, M. J., Mähönen, A. P., Parcy, F., Farcot, E., Roudier, F., Brady, S. M., …Vernoux, T. (2021). A network of transcriptional repressors modulates auxin responses. Nature, 589(7840), 116-119.

The regulation of signalling capacity, combined with the spatiotemporal distribution of developmental signals themselves, is pivotal in setting developmental responses in both plants and animals1. The hormone auxin is a key signal for plant growth an... Read More about A network of transcriptional repressors modulates auxin responses.

Human Pose Classification within the Context of Near-IR Imagery Tracking (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Han, J., Gaszczak, A., Maciol, R., Barnes, S., & Breckon, T. (2013, September). Human Pose Classification within the Context of Near-IR Imagery Tracking. Presented at Proc. SPIE Optics and Photonics for Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting and Defence