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Dr Yael Almog's Outputs (61)

The Legacy of Toleration: J.G Herder and Moses Mendelssohn’s Defense of Pluralism (2024)
Journal Article
Almog, Y. (2025). The Legacy of Toleration: J.G Herder and Moses Mendelssohn’s Defense of Pluralism. German Life and Letters, 78(1), 31-48.

Moses Mendelssohn's ‘Jerusalem, or on Religious Power and Judaism’ (1783) was a milestone in the promotion of religious toleration – a principle that is constitutive for human rights in their contemporary conception. This article argues that ‘Jerusal... Read More about The Legacy of Toleration: J.G Herder and Moses Mendelssohn’s Defense of Pluralism.

Arendt against Scholem: Jewish History, Reconsidered (2024)
Book Chapter
Almog, Y. (in press). Arendt against Scholem: Jewish History, Reconsidered. In A. Bielik-Robson (Ed.), Spiritual Investment in the World: Jewish Theologies of Worldliness. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers

Jewish Migration in Literature and the Visual Arts (2024)
Book Chapter
Almog, Y. (2024). Jewish Migration in Literature and the Visual Arts. In A. Rowlands, & E. Fiddian-Qasmiyeh (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook for Religion and Contemporary Migration. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

This chapter offers a cultural history of Jewish migration and Diaspora since the beginning of the twentieth century. The examination focuses on literary and artistic alternate histories that pertain to the demography of the global Jewish population.... Read More about Jewish Migration in Literature and the Visual Arts.

Religion (2024)
Book Chapter
Almog, Y. (2024). Religion. In C. Lee (Ed.), Goethe in Context (66-74). Cambridge University Press.

A conflicted attraction to religion characterises Goethe’s oeuvre as much as it informed his intellectual dilemmas and public polemics. His works demonstrate a long-standing fascination with religion as a social power and, correspondingly, with the... Read More about Religion.

Self‐Identity and the Jewish Body: Assimilated German‐Speaking Jewish Authors on Traditional Judaism (2023)
Journal Article
Almog, Y. (2023). Self‐Identity and the Jewish Body: Assimilated German‐Speaking Jewish Authors on Traditional Judaism. German Life and Letters, 76(3), 358-375.

This article investigates portrayals of traditional Judaism and observant Jews in writings by assimilated German-Jewish authors. It thus explores notions projected onto traditional Jews – and particularly the Jewish body – as elements immanent to Jew... Read More about Self‐Identity and the Jewish Body: Assimilated German‐Speaking Jewish Authors on Traditional Judaism.

Literary Theory as a Site of Religious Reflection (2022)
Book Chapter
Almog, Y. (2022). Literary Theory as a Site of Religious Reflection. In K. Tugrul, F. M. Machka, & C. Rogers (Eds.), Grenzgänge wissenschaftlicher Reflexivität in Judentum, Christentum und Islam. Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft

Politics and Literary Capital in Tomer Gardi's Broken German (2022)
Journal Article
Almog, Y. (2022). Politics and Literary Capital in Tomer Gardi's Broken German. German Studies Review, 45(3), 557-576

The article investigates the solidarity between minority groups as a catalyst of literary capital. Tomer Gardi’s novel Broken German (2016) was viewed enthusiastically by literary critics as a bold political statement, since it entertains that immigr... Read More about Politics and Literary Capital in Tomer Gardi's Broken German.

A University in Zion: Max Weber and Gershom Scholem on Jewish Eschatology and Academic Labor (2021)
Journal Article
Almog, Y. (2022). A University in Zion: Max Weber and Gershom Scholem on Jewish Eschatology and Academic Labor. Modern Intellectual History, 19(4), 1286-1303.

In his “Science as Vocation,” Weber equates rational academic conduct with Jewish ethics. For Weber, the Jewish tradition, which separates moral conduct from messianism, is emblematic of scientists’ strenuous distinction of empiricism from metaphysic... Read More about A University in Zion: Max Weber and Gershom Scholem on Jewish Eschatology and Academic Labor.

Hannah Arendt's Political Theology (2021)
Journal Article
Almog, Y. (2021). Hannah Arendt's Political Theology. Political Theology Network, Critical Theory for Political Theology 2.0,

Notwithstanding her vast engagement with theology, Hannah Arendt is considered an outsider to the intellectual milieu most readily associated with political theology. Arendt thus refrains from the Schmittian all-encompassing characterization of moder... Read More about Hannah Arendt's Political Theology.