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Professor Charlotte Clarke's Outputs (78)

The Comprehensive Resilience-building psychosocial Intervention (CREST) for people with dementia in the community: a feasibility and acceptability study (2024)
Journal Article
Casey, D., Doyle, P., Gallagher, N., O’Sullivan, G., Smyth, S., Devane, D., Murphy, K., Clarke, C., Woods, B., Dröes, R.-M., Windle, G., Murphy, A. W., Foley, T., Timmons, F., Gillespie, P., Hobbins, A., Newell, J., Abedin, J., Domegan, C., Irving, K., & Whelan, B. (2024). The Comprehensive Resilience-building psychosocial Intervention (CREST) for people with dementia in the community: a feasibility and acceptability study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 10, Article 136.

Background: A dementia diagnosis can lead to a decline in cognitive, social, and physical health, but people with dementia can live meaningful lives and participate actively in society with psychosocial support. This single-arm, non-randomised feasib... Read More about The Comprehensive Resilience-building psychosocial Intervention (CREST) for people with dementia in the community: a feasibility and acceptability study.

A Scoping Review on the Opportunities for Social Engagement and Cognitive Frailty in Older Adults (2024)
Journal Article
Fowler Davis, S., Benkowitz, C., Holland, C., Gow, A., & Clarke, C. (2024). A Scoping Review on the Opportunities for Social Engagement and Cognitive Frailty in Older Adults. Public Health Reviews, 45, 1606494.

Cognitive frailty (CF) is defined as the clinical syndrome of the combination of physical frailty and cognitive impairment, without dementia. Numerous risk factors for CF have been previously identified but this scoping review focusses on the critica... Read More about A Scoping Review on the Opportunities for Social Engagement and Cognitive Frailty in Older Adults.

Mitigating the impact of air pollution on brain health and dementia: Policy and practice brief (2023)
Ziyachi, M., Castellani, B., Heckels, N., Clarke, C., Fullertonf, N., Barbrook-Johnson, P., & Bicketc, M. (2023). Mitigating the impact of air pollution on brain health and dementia: Policy and practice brief. []

Emerging research suggests exposure to high levels of air pollution at critical points in the life course is detrimental to brain health, including cognitive decline and dementia. Social determinants such as socio-economic deprivation, environmental... Read More about Mitigating the impact of air pollution on brain health and dementia: Policy and practice brief.

Living with dementia: Why I am thinking of ‘death’ (2023)
Journal Article
Zhang, X., Clarke, C., & Ding, R. (2023). Living with dementia: Why I am thinking of ‘death’. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice, 22(4), 807-819.

Dementia is recognized globally as a massive burden on public health and wider society. It is a major cause of disability and mortality amongst older people. China has the largest population of people with dementia worldwide, accounting for approxima... Read More about Living with dementia: Why I am thinking of ‘death’.

The characteristics of effective technology-enabled dementia education: a systematic review and mixed research synthesis (2022)
Journal Article
Muirhead, K., Macaden, L., Smyth, K., Chandler, C., Clarke, C., Polson, R., & O’Malley, C. (2022). The characteristics of effective technology-enabled dementia education: a systematic review and mixed research synthesis. Systematic Reviews, 11(1),

Background Dementia education is required to address gaps in dementia-specific knowledge among health and social care practitioners amidst increasing dementia prevalence. Harnessing technology for dementia education may remove obstacles to traditiona... Read More about The characteristics of effective technology-enabled dementia education: a systematic review and mixed research synthesis.

Establishing the effectiveness of technology-enabled dementia education for health and social care practitioners: a systematic review (2021)
Journal Article
Muirhead, K., Macaden, L., Smyth, K., Chandler, C., Clarke, C., Polson, R., & O’Malley, C. (2021). Establishing the effectiveness of technology-enabled dementia education for health and social care practitioners: a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 10(1),

Background Dementia prevalence is increasing globally and yet evidence suggest that gaps exist in dementia-specific knowledge among health and social care practitioners. Technological modes of educational delivery may be as effective as traditional e... Read More about Establishing the effectiveness of technology-enabled dementia education for health and social care practitioners: a systematic review.

The feasibility of a Comprehensive Resilience-building psychosocial Intervention (CREST) for people with dementia in the community: protocol for a non-randomised feasibility study (2020)
Journal Article
Casey, D., Gallagher, N., Devane, D., Woods, B., Murphy, K., Smyth, S., Newell, J., Murphy, A. W., Clarke, C., Foley, T., Timmons, F., Dröes, R.-M., O’Halloran, M., Windle, G., Irving Lupton, K., Domegan, C., O’Shea, E., Dolan, P., & Doyle, P. (2020). The feasibility of a Comprehensive Resilience-building psychosocial Intervention (CREST) for people with dementia in the community: protocol for a non-randomised feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 6(1), Article 177.

Background: A dementia diagnosis can prevent people from participating in society, leading to a further decline in cognitive, social and physical health. However, it may be possible for people with dementia to continue to live meaningful lives and co... Read More about The feasibility of a Comprehensive Resilience-building psychosocial Intervention (CREST) for people with dementia in the community: protocol for a non-randomised feasibility study.

Tensions in dementia care in China: An interpretative phenomenological study from Shandong province (2019)
Journal Article
Zhang, X., Clarke, C. L., & Rhynas, S. J. (2020). Tensions in dementia care in China: An interpretative phenomenological study from Shandong province. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 15(1), Article e12291.

Aims: The study aims to analyse the tensions and the challenges of dementia care that are experienced by people with dementia and their family caregivers in China. Background: China has the largest dementia population in the world; however, dementia... Read More about Tensions in dementia care in China: An interpretative phenomenological study from Shandong province.

What matters to people with memory problems, healthy volunteers and health and social care professionals in the context of developing treatment to prevent Alzheimer's dementia? A qualitative study (2019)
Journal Article
Watson, J., Saunders, S., Muniz Terrera, G., Ritchie, C., Evans, A., Luz, S., & Clarke, C. (2019). What matters to people with memory problems, healthy volunteers and health and social care professionals in the context of developing treatment to prevent Alzheimer's dementia? A qualitative study. Health Expectations, 22(3), 504-517.

Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is recognized as one of the greatest global public health challenges. There is increasing consensus that optimal disease modification using pharmaceuticals may best be achieved earlier in the disease continuum bef... Read More about What matters to people with memory problems, healthy volunteers and health and social care professionals in the context of developing treatment to prevent Alzheimer's dementia? A qualitative study.

Participant outcomes and preferences in Alzheimer's disease clinical trials: The electronic Person-Specific Outcome Measure (ePSOM) development program (2018)
Journal Article
Saunders, S., Muniz-Terrera, G., Watson, J., Clarke, C., Luz, S., Evans, A., & Ritchie, C. (2018). Participant outcomes and preferences in Alzheimer's disease clinical trials: The electronic Person-Specific Outcome Measure (ePSOM) development program. Alzheimer's and Dementia: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions, 4, 694-702.