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Professor Brett Smith's Outputs (168)

Research co-production: What is co-production, why do it, and how might it be practiced, evaluated, and move forward? (2025)
Book Chapter
Smith, B., & Williams, T. (in press). Research co-production: What is co-production, why do it, and how might it be practiced, evaluated, and move forward?. In M. D. Giardina, M. K. Donnelly, & D. J. Waldman (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Sport and Physical Culture. SAGE Publications

This chapter focuses on co-production. In the first section we cover the ‘what’ question without wishing to essentialize or ontological finalize the concept of co-production. To help with the ‘what ‘is’’ question, and respect difference, different ty... Read More about Research co-production: What is co-production, why do it, and how might it be practiced, evaluated, and move forward?.

School-based factors influencing physical activity participation in children and adolescents with disabilities: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis (2025)
Journal Article
Deng, Y., Li, X., Huang, J., Haegele, J. A., Smith, B., Williams, T. L., & Li, C. (2025). School-based factors influencing physical activity participation in children and adolescents with disabilities: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. Disability and Health Journal, 18(1), Article 101707.

Background: Children and adolescents with disabilities (CAD) frequently encounter barriers to participation in physical activity (PA). Schools play a vital role in promoting PA, making it crucial to understand the school-based factors influencing CAD... Read More about School-based factors influencing physical activity participation in children and adolescents with disabilities: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis.

Consensus-based recommendations for designing, delivering, evaluating, and reporting exercise-intervention research involving people living with spinal cord injury (2024)
Journal Article
Ponzano, M., Nash, M. S., Bilzon, J., Bochkezanian, V., Davis, G. M., Farkas, G. J., de Groot, S., Jin, J., Larsen, C. M., Laskin, J., Ma, J., Nightingale, T., Postma, K., Smith, B. M., Strøm, V., Berg-Emons, R. V. D., Wouda, M., & Ginis, K. A. M. (online). Consensus-based recommendations for designing, delivering, evaluating, and reporting exercise-intervention research involving people living with spinal cord injury. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,

To establish recommendations for designing, delivering, evaluating, and reporting exercise-intervention research to improve fitness-related outcomes in people living with a spinal cord injury (PwSCI).
International consensus proc... Read More about Consensus-based recommendations for designing, delivering, evaluating, and reporting exercise-intervention research involving people living with spinal cord injury.

The critical posthumanities and postqualitative inquiry in psychology (2024)
Journal Article
Monforte, J., & Smith, B. (online). The critical posthumanities and postqualitative inquiry in psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology,

This article inaugurates a special issue on the critical posthumanities and postqualitative inquiry. Within psychology, more of us agree we dislike these ‘post’ approaches than can agree what they are about. The purpose of this article is not to make... Read More about The critical posthumanities and postqualitative inquiry in psychology.

The world café is an unmethod within co-produced research (2023)
Journal Article
Monforte, J., Netherway, J., & Smith, B. (2023). The world café is an unmethod within co-produced research. Qualitative Research in Psychology, 20(3), 398-419.

The world café (WC) has gained popularity as a participatory method for collecting qualitative data. In this article, we present an instrumental case study -the Moving Social Work cafés- to illuminate why and how the WC might be applied within co-pro... Read More about The world café is an unmethod within co-produced research.

Narrative Analysis (2023)
Book Chapter
Smith, B., & Javier, M. (2023). Narrative Analysis. In H. Cooper, M. N. Coutanche, L. M. McMullen, A. T. Panter, D. Rindskopf, & K. J. Sher (Eds.), APA handbook of research methods in psychology: Research designs: Quantitative, qualitative, neuropsychological, and biological. (2nd ed.). APA.

Co-production and Impact: Challenges and Opportunities (2023)
Book Chapter
Smith, B., & McGannon, K. R. (2023). Co-production and Impact: Challenges and Opportunities. In N. K. Denzin, Y. S. Lincoln, M. D. Giardina, & G. S. Cannella (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research. (6th). Sage

Para-Sport Activism in South Korea (2022)
Book Chapter
Smith, B. (2022). Para-Sport Activism in South Korea. In B. Powis, J. Brighton, & P. David Howe (Eds.), Researching Disability Sport. Routledge.

While there has been a recent increase in research on para-sport activism, little attention has been given to para-sport contexts in non-Western countries. Accordingly, in this chapter we discuss para-sport activism in South Korea. We begin by provid... Read More about Para-Sport Activism in South Korea.

Exercise, rehabilitation and posthuman disability studies: Four responses (2022)
Book Chapter
Monforte, J., Gibson, B. E., Smith, B., & Goodley, D. (2023). Exercise, rehabilitation and posthuman disability studies: Four responses. In Researching Disability Sport: Theory, Method, Practice (171-184). Routledge.

This chapter takes a detour from sport in the strict sense of the term. Instead, it focuses on exercise-based rehabilitation. In conventional rehabilitation, exercise is a means by which disabled people can return to their “normal” lives and recover... Read More about Exercise, rehabilitation and posthuman disability studies: Four responses.

Moving on From the Delphi Study: The Development of a Physical Activity Training Programme Prototype Through Co-produced Qualitative Research (2022)
Journal Article
Monforte, J., Davis, C., Saleem, S., & Smith, B. (2022). Moving on From the Delphi Study: The Development of a Physical Activity Training Programme Prototype Through Co-produced Qualitative Research. Qualitative Health Research, 32(13),

This research developed from a co-produced project called Moving Social Work. The purpose of this ongoing project is to train social workers in how to promote physical activity for and to disabled people. The first stage of the project consisted of b... Read More about Moving on From the Delphi Study: The Development of a Physical Activity Training Programme Prototype Through Co-produced Qualitative Research.

Co-production: A resource to guide co-producing research in the sport, exercise, and health sciences (2022)
Journal Article
Smith, B., Williams, O., Bone, L., & Collective, T. M. S. W. C.-P. (2023). Co-production: A resource to guide co-producing research in the sport, exercise, and health sciences. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 15(2), 159-187.

There is growing interest in co-production in the sport, exercise, and health sciences. That includes from researchers in sport and exercise physiology, public health, sports medicine, sport sociology, sport and exercise psychology, sport management,... Read More about Co-production: A resource to guide co-producing research in the sport, exercise, and health sciences.

Designing a programme to train social workers on how to promote physical activity for disabled people: A Delphi study in the UK (2022)
Journal Article
Monforte, J., Smith, M., & Smith, B. (2022). Designing a programme to train social workers on how to promote physical activity for disabled people: A Delphi study in the UK. Health and Social Care in the Community, 30(5), e2805-e2817.

Recently, social workers have been identified as a key messenger group for promoting physical activity (PA) to disabled people. Also identified is the need to train social workers in PA promotion. In response, the purpose of this article is to inform... Read More about Designing a programme to train social workers on how to promote physical activity for disabled people: A Delphi study in the UK.

What we Know and Where we are Going: The Trajectory of Cultural Sport Psychology (2022)
Book Chapter
de Cruz, N., & Smith, B. (2022). What we Know and Where we are Going: The Trajectory of Cultural Sport Psychology. In N. de Cruz (Ed.), Cultural Sport Psychology and Elite Sport in Singapore: An Exploration of Identity and Practice (1-17).

This book cuts across a range of conceptual and theoretical landscapes, traversing the fields of performance and sport psychology, culture, and its influence on Singapore’s elite sport ecosystem, and the consequent impact on the application and pract... Read More about What we Know and Where we are Going: The Trajectory of Cultural Sport Psychology.

Ethnography and Its Potential to Understand and Transform the Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury (2022)
Book Chapter
Monforte, J., Pérez-Samaniego, V., & Smith, B. (2022). Ethnography and Its Potential to Understand and Transform the Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury. In Rehabilitation in Practice: Ethnographic Perspectives (117-129).

This chapter accounts the contributions of ethnographic work for thinking affirmatively about the rehabilitation of spinal cord injury (SCI). The first part of the chapter will provide a concise overview of ethnographic research on SCI in the context... Read More about Ethnography and Its Potential to Understand and Transform the Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injury.

The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC): International consensus statement and user guide (2021)
Journal Article
Williamson, C., Baker, G., Tomasone, J. R., Bauman, A., Mutrie, N., Niven, A., Richards, J., Oyeyemi, A., Baxter, B., Rigby, B., Cullen, B., Paddy, B., Smith, B., Foster, C., Drummy, C., Vandelanotte, C., Oliver, E., Dewi, F. S. T., McEwen, F., Bain, F., …Kelly, P. (2021). The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC): International consensus statement and user guide. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 18(1), Article 164.

Effective physical activity messaging plays an important role in the pathway towards changing physical activity behaviour at a population level. The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC) are outputs from a recent modified... Read More about The Physical Activity Messaging Framework (PAMF) and Checklist (PAMC): International consensus statement and user guide.

Making sense of humour among men in a weight-loss program: A dialogical narrative approach (2021)
Journal Article
Budden, T., Dimmock, J. A., Smith, B., Rosenberg, M., Beauchamp, M. R., & Jackson, B. (2022). Making sense of humour among men in a weight-loss program: A dialogical narrative approach. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 14(7), 1098-1112.

Humour appears to be an important aspect of health-promoting efforts for some men. A better understanding of the role humour plays in men’s health contexts may provide insight into the optimal design of health interventions for men. In this study, we... Read More about Making sense of humour among men in a weight-loss program: A dialogical narrative approach.

Participation of people living with disabilities in physical activity: a global perspective (2021)
Journal Article
Martin Ginis, K. A., van der Ploeg, H. P., Foster, C., Lai, B., McBride, C. B., Ng, K., Pratt, M., Shirazipour, C. H., Smith, B., Vásquez, P. M., & Heath, G. W. (2021). Participation of people living with disabilities in physical activity: a global perspective. The Lancet, 398(10298), 443-455.

Approximately 1·5 billion people worldwide live with a physical, mental, sensory, or intellectual disability, about 80% of which are in low-income and middle-income countries. This Series paper provides a global overview of the prevalence, benefits,... Read More about Participation of people living with disabilities in physical activity: a global perspective.

Critical appraisal (2021)
Journal Article
Tod, D., Booth, A., & Smith, B. (2022). Critical appraisal. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15(1), 52-72.

The purpose of the current article is to define critical appraisal, identify its benefits, discuss conceptual issues influencing the adequacy of a critical appraisal, and detail procedures to help reviewers undertake critical appraisals. A critical a... Read More about Critical appraisal.

Training Healthcare Professionals on How to Promote Physical Activity in the UK: A Scoping Review of Current Trends and Future Opportunities (2021)
Journal Article
Netherway, J., Smith, B., & Monforte, J. (2021). Training Healthcare Professionals on How to Promote Physical Activity in the UK: A Scoping Review of Current Trends and Future Opportunities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(13),

What physical activity (PA) training do current and future healthcare professionals (HCPs) receive in the UK? How is PA training delivered to them? The present scoping review looks at existing evidence to respond these questions. Seven databases were... Read More about Training Healthcare Professionals on How to Promote Physical Activity in the UK: A Scoping Review of Current Trends and Future Opportunities.