Research co-production: What is co-production, why do it, and how might it be practiced, evaluated, and move forward?
Book Chapter
Smith, B., & Williams, T. (in press). Research co-production: What is co-production, why do it, and how might it be practiced, evaluated, and move forward?. In M. D. Giardina, M. K. Donnelly, & D. J. Waldman (Eds.), The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research in Sport and Physical Culture. SAGE Publications
This chapter focuses on co-production. In the first section we cover the ‘what’ question without wishing to essentialize or ontological finalize the concept of co-production. To help with the ‘what ‘is’’ question, and respect difference, different ty... Read More about Research co-production: What is co-production, why do it, and how might it be practiced, evaluated, and move forward?.