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Dr Ana Leite's Outputs (28)

Leadership Diversity: Effects of Counterstereotypical Thinking on the Support for Women Leaders under Uncertainty (2018)
Journal Article
Randsley de Moura, G., Leicht, C., Leite, A., Crisp, R., & Gocłowska, M. (2018). Leadership Diversity: Effects of Counterstereotypical Thinking on the Support for Women Leaders under Uncertainty. Journal of Social Issues, 74(1), 165-183.

Despite societal shifts, women are still underrepresented in leadership positions. Previous research has found that women are often placed in risky and precarious leadership positions. This is likely to be the case when the context (economic, social,... Read More about Leadership Diversity: Effects of Counterstereotypical Thinking on the Support for Women Leaders under Uncertainty.

Brexit or bremain? A person and social analysis of voting decisions in the EU referendum (2018)
Journal Article
Van de Vyver, J., Leite, A., Abrams, D., & Palmer, S. (2018). Brexit or bremain? A person and social analysis of voting decisions in the EU referendum. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 28(2), 65-79.

The period following UK's European Union referendum in 2016 foreshadows significant social and political change in the UK. The current research draws on social psychological theories to empirically examine the drivers of voting decisions during the r... Read More about Brexit or bremain? A person and social analysis of voting decisions in the EU referendum.

Believing is adapting: Belief in a just world and emigrants’identification and satisfaction with the host country /Creer esadaptarse: Creer en un mundo justo y la identificación ysatisfacción de los emigrantes con el país de acogida (2017)
Journal Article
Leite, A. C., Cardoso, S. G., Marques, A. G., & Morais, C. (2017). Believing is adapting: Belief in a just world and emigrants’identification and satisfaction with the host country /Creer esadaptarse: Creer en un mundo justo y la identificación ysatisfacción de los emigrantes con el país de acogida. International Journal of Social Psychology, 32(2), 424-439.

In an era in which Europe is experiencing a new wave of emigration as a result of the economic crisis, it seems socially relevant to study the processes that underlie emigrants’ adjustment to their new place of living. Research has thoroughly support... Read More about Believing is adapting: Belief in a just world and emigrants’identification and satisfaction with the host country /Creer esadaptarse: Creer en un mundo justo y la identificación ysatisfacción de los emigrantes con el país de acogida.

Surveillance or self-surveillance? Behavioral cues can increase the rate of drivers' pro-environmental behavior at a long wait stop (2017)
Journal Article
Meleady, R., Abrams, D., Van de Vyver, J., Hopthrow, T., Mahmood, L., Player, A., Lamont, R., & Leite, A. (2017). Surveillance or self-surveillance? Behavioral cues can increase the rate of drivers' pro-environmental behavior at a long wait stop. Environment and Behavior, 49(10), 1156-1172.

By leaving their engines idling for long periods, drivers contribute unnecessarily to air pollution, waste fuel, and produce noise and fumes that harm the environment. Railway level crossings are sites where many cars idle, many times a day. In this... Read More about Surveillance or self-surveillance? Behavioral cues can increase the rate of drivers' pro-environmental behavior at a long wait stop.

Common Ideological Roots of Speciesism and Generalized Ethnic Prejudice: The Social Dominance Human–Animal Relations Model (SD‐HARM) (2016)
Journal Article
Dhont, K., Hodson, G., & Leite, A. C. (2016). Common Ideological Roots of Speciesism and Generalized Ethnic Prejudice: The Social Dominance Human–Animal Relations Model (SD‐HARM). European Journal of Personality, 30(6), 507-522.

Recent research and theorizing suggest that desires for group‐based dominance underpin biases towards both human outgroups and (non‐human) animals. A systematic study of the common ideological roots of human–human and human–animal biases is, however,... Read More about Common Ideological Roots of Speciesism and Generalized Ethnic Prejudice: The Social Dominance Human–Animal Relations Model (SD‐HARM).

Suspicion in the workplace: Organizational conspiracy theories and work-related outcomes (2016)
Journal Article
Douglas, K. M., & Leite, A. C. (2016). Suspicion in the workplace: Organizational conspiracy theories and work-related outcomes. British Journal of Psychology, 108(3), 486-506.

Belief in conspiracy theories about societal events is widespread and has important consequences for political, health, and environmental behaviour. Little is known, however, about how conspiracy theorizing affects people's everyday working lives. In... Read More about Suspicion in the workplace: Organizational conspiracy theories and work-related outcomes.

Evidências de validade da Escala de Orientação para a Comparação Social (INCOM) para o contexto de adolescentes portugueses (2016)
Journal Article
Lins, S. L. B. L., Campos, M., Leite, A. C., Carvalho, C. L., Cardoso, S., & Natividade, J. C. (2016). Evidências de validade da Escala de Orientação para a Comparação Social (INCOM) para o contexto de adolescentes portugueses. Psicologia (Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 1980), 30(1), 1-14.

Neste estudo procuramos validar a escala Iowa-Netherlands Comparison Orientation Scale numa amostra de adolescentes portugueses. Esta escala mede níveis de orientação da comparação social. Participaram no estudo 238 estudantes portugueses, com idades... Read More about Evidências de validade da Escala de Orientação para a Comparação Social (INCOM) para o contexto de adolescentes portugueses.

Do Ambiguous Normative Ingroup Members Increase Tolerance for Deviants? (2016)
Journal Article
Leite, A. C., Pinto, I. R., & Marques, J. M. (2016). Do Ambiguous Normative Ingroup Members Increase Tolerance for Deviants?. Swiss journal of psychology, 75(1), 47-52.

Subjective group dynamics theory (Marques, Páez, & Abrams, 1998) proposes that deviant ingroup members who threaten the positive value of the group members’ social identity are evaluated negatively. In an experiment, we investigated whether group mem... Read More about Do Ambiguous Normative Ingroup Members Increase Tolerance for Deviants?.