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Dr Ana Leite's Outputs (28)

Your needs or mine? The role of allies' needs and their perceptions of disadvantaged groups' needs in motivating solidarity‐based actions (2025)
Journal Article
Sağlamöz, A. F., Kutlaca, M., & Leite, A. C. (2025). Your needs or mine? The role of allies' needs and their perceptions of disadvantaged groups' needs in motivating solidarity‐based actions. British Journal of Social Psychology, 64(1), Article e12855.

We propose a new motivational model that integrates self‐determination theory (with a focus on basic needs) with social‐psychological research on allyship and solidarity to better understand when and why allies may engage in different actions to addr... Read More about Your needs or mine? The role of allies' needs and their perceptions of disadvantaged groups' needs in motivating solidarity‐based actions.

Anticipated organizational identity change, job anxiety and affective commitment during macro-level turbulence: a cross-lagged study in the shifting sands of Brexit (2024)
Journal Article
Edwards, M. R., Leite, A. C., de Moura, G. R., Marques, A. G., & Abrams, D. (2024). Anticipated organizational identity change, job anxiety and affective commitment during macro-level turbulence: a cross-lagged study in the shifting sands of Brexit. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 33(5), 671-687.

The current study examines how events external to organizations raise a challenge to perceptions of organizational identity continuity leading to a negative affective and attitudinal workforce response. This 5-wave study surveys full-time employees (... Read More about Anticipated organizational identity change, job anxiety and affective commitment during macro-level turbulence: a cross-lagged study in the shifting sands of Brexit.

Can warning labels communicating the environmental impact of meat reduce meat consumption? Evidence from two multiple treatment reversal experiments in college dining halls (2024)
Journal Article
Vasiljevic, M., Hughes, J. P., Andersen, C. D., Pennington, G., Leite, A. C., Weick, M., & Couturier, D. (2024). Can warning labels communicating the environmental impact of meat reduce meat consumption? Evidence from two multiple treatment reversal experiments in college dining halls. Food Quality and Preference, 115, Article 105084.

Meat consumption has an adverse impact on both human and planetary health. To date, very few studies have examined the effectiveness of interventions tackling the overconsumption of meat in field settings. The present research addresses this gap by e... Read More about Can warning labels communicating the environmental impact of meat reduce meat consumption? Evidence from two multiple treatment reversal experiments in college dining halls.

The interactive effect of job skill level and citizenship status on job depression, work engagement and turnover intentions: A moderated mediation model in the context of macro-level turbulence (of 'Brexit') (2022)
Journal Article
Martinescu, E., Edwards, M., Leite, A., Randsley de Moura, G., Abrams, D., & Marques, A. (2024). The interactive effect of job skill level and citizenship status on job depression, work engagement and turnover intentions: A moderated mediation model in the context of macro-level turbulence (of 'Brexit'). Human Resource Management Journal, 34(3), 523-539.

This study examines the role that citizenship plays in moderating the relationship between job-skill level, work-related depression, engagement, and turnover-intentions for UK based employees across 6 months in the year following the Brexit referendu... Read More about The interactive effect of job skill level and citizenship status on job depression, work engagement and turnover intentions: A moderated mediation model in the context of macro-level turbulence (of 'Brexit').

The effects of social and organizational connectedness on employee well-being and remote working experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic (2022)
Journal Article
Brown, A., & Leite, A. (2023). The effects of social and organizational connectedness on employee well-being and remote working experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 53(2), 134-152.

Maintaining social connectedness is crucial for health and well-being—especially during uncertain times such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The present study examined (1) the effects of general and organizational indicators of connectedness on employee we... Read More about The effects of social and organizational connectedness on employee well-being and remote working experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Building bonds: A pre-registered secondary data analysis examining linear and curvilinear relations between socio-economic status and communal attitudes (2022)
Journal Article
Weick, M., Couturier, L.-C., Vasiljevic, M., Ross, P., Cory, C., Crisp, R., Leite, A., Marcinko, A., Nguyen, T., & Van de Vyver, J. (2022). Building bonds: A pre-registered secondary data analysis examining linear and curvilinear relations between socio-economic status and communal attitudes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 102, Article 104353.

A large body of research points to differences in the communal orientation of people from a lower and higher socio-economic status (SES) background. However, direct evidence for differences in communal attitudes remains scant. In this pre-registered... Read More about Building bonds: A pre-registered secondary data analysis examining linear and curvilinear relations between socio-economic status and communal attitudes.

The impact of risk perceptions and belief in conspiracy theories on COVID-19 pandemic-related behaviours (2022)
Journal Article
Hughes, J., Efstratiou, A., Komer, S., Baxter, L., Vasiljevic, M., & Leite, A. (2022). The impact of risk perceptions and belief in conspiracy theories on COVID-19 pandemic-related behaviours. PLoS ONE, 17(2), Article e0263716.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, conspiracy theories about the virus spread rapidly, and whilst governments across the globe put in place different restrictions and guidelines to contain the pandemic, these were not universally adhered to. This rese... Read More about The impact of risk perceptions and belief in conspiracy theories on COVID-19 pandemic-related behaviours.

Navigating the social identity of long covid (2021)
Journal Article
Van de Vyver, J., Leite, A. C., & Alwan, N. A. (2021). Navigating the social identity of long covid. BMJ, 375, Article n2933.

Long covid is an urgent global public health problem. In the UK alone, experiencing it for a year or more is estimated to affect 405 000 people, with higher prevalence in deprived groups.1 Medical research into the pathophysiology of long covid, and... Read More about Navigating the social identity of long covid.

Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality (2021)
Journal Article
Abrams, D., Lalot, F., Hopthrow, T., Templeton, A., Steeden, B., Özkeçeci, H., Imada, H., Warbis, S., Sandiford, D., Meleady, R., Fell, E., Abrams, Z., Abrams, A., Ngan, X., Celina, S., Tanyeri, A., Gammon, M., Abrams, B., Fischer, L., Drysdale, S., …Peckham, S. (2021). Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 74, Article 101587.

A large-scale field experiment tested psychological interventions to reduce engine idling at long-wait stops. Messages based on theories of normative influence, outcome efficacy, and self-regulation were displayed approaching railway crossing on stre... Read More about Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality.

“A Right to Lead”: The Role of Leader Legitimacy on Group Reactions to Transgressive Leadership (2021)
Journal Article
Marques, A., Pinto, I., Leite, A., Randsley de Moura, G., van Prooijen, J.-W., & Marques, J. (2021). “A Right to Lead”: The Role of Leader Legitimacy on Group Reactions to Transgressive Leadership. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(4), 350-362.

Research on the transgression credit shows that groups may sometimes turn a blind eye to ingroup leaders who transgress moral norms. Although there is substantial research investigating the underlying criteria of what makes a ‘good’ leader, research... Read More about “A Right to Lead”: The Role of Leader Legitimacy on Group Reactions to Transgressive Leadership.

Let’s talk about Brexit: Intra-organizational communication, citizenship status, procedural justice and job insecurity in a context of potential immigration threat (2020)
Journal Article
Edwards, M., Leite, A., Randsley de Moura, G., & Marques, A. (2022). Let’s talk about Brexit: Intra-organizational communication, citizenship status, procedural justice and job insecurity in a context of potential immigration threat. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 33(5), 1037-1064.

In this study, we investigate the degree to which procedural justice and Brexit related intra-organizational communication interact with UK-citizenship status in alleviating/fostering job-insecurity. Intra-organizational communication is often negati... Read More about Let’s talk about Brexit: Intra-organizational communication, citizenship status, procedural justice and job insecurity in a context of potential immigration threat.

The Psychology of Speciesism (2019)
Book Chapter
Dhont, K., Hodson, G., Leite, A., & Salmen, A. (2019). The Psychology of Speciesism. In K. Dhont, & G. Hodson (Eds.), Why We Love and Exploit Animals: Bridging Insights from Academia and Advocacy. Routledge

Endorsing and Reinforcing Gender and Age Stereotypes: The Negative Effect on Self-Rated Leadership Potential for Women and Older Workers (2019)
Journal Article
Tresh, F., Steeden, B., Randsley de Moura, G., Leite, A. C., Swift, H. J., & Player, A. (2019). Endorsing and Reinforcing Gender and Age Stereotypes: The Negative Effect on Self-Rated Leadership Potential for Women and Older Workers. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 688.

Previous research has examined the impact of stereotypes on outcomes such as career progression and hiring decisions. We present a novel approach to examine the role of stereotypes in predicting self-rated leadership potential across gender and age g... Read More about Endorsing and Reinforcing Gender and Age Stereotypes: The Negative Effect on Self-Rated Leadership Potential for Women and Older Workers.

Overlooked Leadership Potential: The Preference for Leadership Potential in Job Candidates Who Are Men vs. Women (2019)
Journal Article
Player, A., Randsley de Moura, G., Leite, A. C., Abrams, D., & Tresh, F. (2019). Overlooked Leadership Potential: The Preference for Leadership Potential in Job Candidates Who Are Men vs. Women. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, Article 755.

Two experiments tested the value people attach to the leadership potential and leadership performance of female and male candidates for leadership positions in an organizational hiring simulation. In both experiments, participants (Total N = 297) val... Read More about Overlooked Leadership Potential: The Preference for Leadership Potential in Job Candidates Who Are Men vs. Women.

Belief in conspiracy theories and intentions to engage in everyday crime (2019)
Journal Article
Jolley, D., Douglas, K. M., Leite, A. C., & Schrader, T. (2019). Belief in conspiracy theories and intentions to engage in everyday crime. British Journal of Social Psychology, 58(3), 534-549.

Belief in conspiracy theories is associated with negative outcomes such as political disengagement, prejudice, and environmental inaction. The current studies – one cross‐sectional (N = 253) and one experimental (N = 120) – tested the hypothesis that... Read More about Belief in conspiracy theories and intentions to engage in everyday crime.

“We aren’t idlers”: Using subjective group dynamics to promote prosocial driver behavior at long‐wait stops (2018)
Journal Article
Player, A., Abrams, D., Van de Vyver, J., Meleady, R., Leite, A., Randsley de Moura, G., & Hopthrow, T. (2018). “We aren’t idlers”: Using subjective group dynamics to promote prosocial driver behavior at long‐wait stops. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 48(11), 643-648.

Idling engines are a substantial air pollutant which contribute to many health and environmental problems. In this field experiment (N = 419) we use the subjective group dynamics framework to test ways of motivating car drivers to turn off idle engin... Read More about “We aren’t idlers”: Using subjective group dynamics to promote prosocial driver behavior at long‐wait stops.

Longitudinal effects of human supremacy beliefs and vegetarianism threat on moral exclusion (vs. inclusion) of animals (2018)
Journal Article
Leite, A. C., Dhont, K., & Hodson, G. (2018). Longitudinal effects of human supremacy beliefs and vegetarianism threat on moral exclusion (vs. inclusion) of animals. European Journal of Social Psychology, 49(1), 179-189.

Stronger beliefs in human supremacy over animals, and stronger perceived threat posed by vegetarianism to traditional practices, are associated with stronger speciesism and more meat consumption. Both variables might also be implicated in the moral e... Read More about Longitudinal effects of human supremacy beliefs and vegetarianism threat on moral exclusion (vs. inclusion) of animals.