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Dr Ana Leite's Outputs (3)

Navigating the social identity of long covid (2021)
Journal Article
Van de Vyver, J., Leite, A. C., & Alwan, N. A. (2021). Navigating the social identity of long covid. BMJ, 375, Article n2933.

Long covid is an urgent global public health problem. In the UK alone, experiencing it for a year or more is estimated to affect 405 000 people, with higher prevalence in deprived groups.1 Medical research into the pathophysiology of long covid, and... Read More about Navigating the social identity of long covid.

Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality (2021)
Journal Article
Abrams, D., Lalot, F., Hopthrow, T., Templeton, A., Steeden, B., Özkeçeci, H., Imada, H., Warbis, S., Sandiford, D., Meleady, R., Fell, E., Abrams, Z., Abrams, A., Ngan, X., Celina, S., Tanyeri, A., Gammon, M., Abrams, B., Fischer, L., Drysdale, S., …Peckham, S. (2021). Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 74, Article 101587.

A large-scale field experiment tested psychological interventions to reduce engine idling at long-wait stops. Messages based on theories of normative influence, outcome efficacy, and self-regulation were displayed approaching railway crossing on stre... Read More about Cleaning up our acts: Psychological interventions to reduce engine idling and improve air quality.

“A Right to Lead”: The Role of Leader Legitimacy on Group Reactions to Transgressive Leadership (2021)
Journal Article
Marques, A., Pinto, I., Leite, A., Randsley de Moura, G., van Prooijen, J.-W., & Marques, J. (2021). “A Right to Lead”: The Role of Leader Legitimacy on Group Reactions to Transgressive Leadership. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 51(4), 350-362.

Research on the transgression credit shows that groups may sometimes turn a blind eye to ingroup leaders who transgress moral norms. Although there is substantial research investigating the underlying criteria of what makes a ‘good’ leader, research... Read More about “A Right to Lead”: The Role of Leader Legitimacy on Group Reactions to Transgressive Leadership.