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Professor Steven Higgins' Outputs (150)

Self regulation and learning: evidence from meta-analysis and from classrooms (2013)
Book Chapter
Higgins, S. (2013). Self regulation and learning: evidence from meta-analysis and from classrooms. In D. Whitebread, N. Mercer, C. Howe, & A. Tolmie (Eds.), Self-regulation and dialogue in primary classrooms (111-126). The British Psychological Society

Background. Research indicates that supporting self-regulation and metacognition in learners improves their attainment and wider learning capabilities. However, using this knowledge effectively is challenging. Aims. This paper has two main aims. The... Read More about Self regulation and learning: evidence from meta-analysis and from classrooms.

Collaborative learning with multi-touch technology: Developing adaptive expertise (2013)
Journal Article
Mercier, E., & Higgins, S. (2013). Collaborative learning with multi-touch technology: Developing adaptive expertise. Learning and Instruction, 25, 13-23.

Developing fluency and flexibility in mathematics is a key goal of upper primary schooling, however, while fluency can be developed with practice, designing activities that support the development of flexibility is more difficult. Drawing on concepts... Read More about Collaborative learning with multi-touch technology: Developing adaptive expertise.

Effects of traditional, blended and e-learning on students' achievement in higher education (2013)
Journal Article
Al-Qahtani, A., & Higgins, S. (2013). Effects of traditional, blended and e-learning on students' achievement in higher education. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29(3), 220-234.

The study investigates the effect of e-learning, blended learning and classroom learning on students’ achievement. Two experimental groups together with a control group from Umm Al-Qura University in Saudi Arabia were identified randomly. To assess s... Read More about Effects of traditional, blended and e-learning on students' achievement in higher education.

'That's not quite the way we see it': the epistemological challenge of visual data (2013)
Journal Article
Wall, K., Higgins, S., Hall, E., & Woolner, P. (2013). 'That's not quite the way we see it': the epistemological challenge of visual data. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 36(1), 3-22.

In research textbooks, and much of the research practice, they describe, qualitative processes and interpretivist epistemologies tend to dominate visual methodology. This article challenges the assumptions behind this dominance. Using exemplification... Read More about 'That's not quite the way we see it': the epistemological challenge of visual data.

Comparing Analysis Frames for Visual Data Sets: Using Pupil Views Templates to explore perspectives of learning (2013)
Journal Article
Wall, K., Higgins, S., Remedios, R., Rafferty, V., & Tiplady, L. (2013). Comparing Analysis Frames for Visual Data Sets: Using Pupil Views Templates to explore perspectives of learning. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 7(1), 22-42.

A key challenge of visual methodology is how to combine large-scale qualitative data sets with epistemologically acceptable and rigorous analysis techniques. The authors argue that a pragmatic approach drawing on ideas from mixed methods is helpful t... Read More about Comparing Analysis Frames for Visual Data Sets: Using Pupil Views Templates to explore perspectives of learning.

The Sutton Trust - Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit (2013)
Higgins, S., Katsipataki, M., Kokotsaki, D., Coleman, R., Major, L., & Coe, R. (2013). The Sutton Trust - Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit. [No known commissioning body]

The Sutton Trust-EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit is an accessible summary of educational research which provides guidance for teachers and schools on how to use their resources to improve the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. The Toolkit currentl... Read More about The Sutton Trust - Education Endowment Foundation Teaching and Learning Toolkit.

Multi-touch tables and collaborative learning (2012)
Journal Article
Higgins, S., Mercier, E., Burd, E., & Joyce-Gibbons, A. (2012). Multi-touch tables and collaborative learning. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(6), 1041-1054.

Steve Higgins is a professor of Education at Durham University. His main research interests are in the pedagogy of educational technology in schools and the use of evidence in education. Dr Emma Mercier is a research associate in the School of Educat... Read More about Multi-touch tables and collaborative learning.

Teaching meta-analysis using MetaLight (2012)
Digital Artefact
Thomas, J., Graziosi, S., Higgins, S., Coe, R., Torgerson, C., & Newman, M. (2012). Teaching meta-analysis using MetaLight. [5]

Background: Meta-analysis is a statistical method for combining the results of primary studies. It is often used in systematic reviews and is increasingly a method and topic that appears in student dissertations. MetaLight is a freely available softw... Read More about Teaching meta-analysis using MetaLight.

Changed learning through changed space: When can a participatory approach to the learning environment challenge preconceptions and alter practice? (2012)
Journal Article
Woolner, P., McCarter, S., Wall, K., & Higgins, S. (2012). Changed learning through changed space: When can a participatory approach to the learning environment challenge preconceptions and alter practice?. Improving Schools, 15(1), 45-60.

School premises make a difference to learning, but it is important to understand the relationship between setting and educational activities. Physical space has been found to entrench practice, making it harder to reflect and make changes. Yet change... Read More about Changed learning through changed space: When can a participatory approach to the learning environment challenge preconceptions and alter practice?.

Interdisciplinary design research: developing educational technology. (2011)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Mercier, E., Higgins, S., & Burd, E. (2011, December). Interdisciplinary design research: developing educational technology. Presented at 14th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Research into Learning and Instruction., Exeter