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'That's not quite the way we see it': the epistemological challenge of visual data

Wall, K.; Higgins, S.; Hall, E.; Woolner, P.

'That's not quite the way we see it': the epistemological challenge of visual data Thumbnail


K. Wall

E. Hall

P. Woolner


In research textbooks, and much of the research practice, they describe, qualitative processes and interpretivist epistemologies tend to dominate visual methodology. This article challenges the assumptions behind this dominance. Using exemplification from three existing visual data sets produced through one large education research project, this article considers the affordances and constraints of the research process focusing particularly on analysis. It examines how and when the visual can be incorporated, gives some critical reflections on the role and use of visual methods to fulfil different research intents, and, in particular, considers combining large, open-ended data sets with acceptable and rigorous analysis techniques. We then explore arguments about the nature of visual data, what is considered epistemologically appropriate and the decision-making which accompanies any appraisal of process in education research. The intention is to challenge ourselves, and fellow visual methods researchers, to develop a more complete understanding of the theory and practice of visual research.


Wall, K., Higgins, S., Hall, E., & Woolner, P. (2013). 'That's not quite the way we see it': the epistemological challenge of visual data. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 36(1), 3-22.

Journal Article Type Article
Acceptance Date Jul 3, 2012
Publication Date Jan 1, 2013
Deposit Date Nov 6, 2012
Publicly Available Date Apr 3, 2015
Journal International Journal of Research & Method in Education
Print ISSN 1743-727X
Electronic ISSN 1743-7288
Publisher Taylor and Francis Group
Peer Reviewed Peer Reviewed
Volume 36
Issue 1
Pages 3-22
Keywords Visual methods, Mixed method research, Epistemology, Research methodology, Analysis.
Public URL


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