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Dr Philippa Petts' Outputs (21)

Post-16 students’ experience of practical science during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on students’ self-efficacy in practical work (2024)
Journal Article
Cramman, H., Arenas, B., Awais, R., Balaban, C., Cropper, C., Dennis, F., Finch, K., Gray, H., Hall, A., Kitchen, G., Norman, K., O’Driscoll, L., Petts, P., Petri, S., Robson, J., Rosenburgh, A., Shields, L., Swift, G. P., & Vaughan, H. (2024). Post-16 students’ experience of practical science during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on students’ self-efficacy in practical work. Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2, 39-69.

This paper presents the findings from a detailed study investigating UK undergraduate students’ experience of practical science in their post-16 studies during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also examines their perceived confidence and preparedness in rel... Read More about Post-16 students’ experience of practical science during the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact on students’ self-efficacy in practical work.

Evaluation of Student Understanding of Uncertainty in Level 1 Undergraduate Physics Laboratories (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Petts, P. L., Swift, G. P., & Nightingale, S. C. (2021, December). Evaluation of Student Understanding of Uncertainty in Level 1 Undergraduate Physics Laboratories. Presented at 10th International Conference New Perspectives in Science Education

In recent years, work has been undertaken at Durham University to investigate how student understanding of uncertainty in experimental measurements changed throughout the course of the instruction they had during their first year of undergraduate lab... Read More about Evaluation of Student Understanding of Uncertainty in Level 1 Undergraduate Physics Laboratories.

Electromagnetic properties of low-lying states in neutron-deficient Hg isotopes: Coulomb excitation of Hg-182, Hg-184, Hg-186 and Hg-188 (2019)
Journal Article
Wrzosek-Lipska, K., Rezynkina, K., Bree, N., Zielinska, M., Gaffney, L., Petts, A., Andreyev, A., Bastin, B., Bender, M., Blazhev, A., Bruyneel, B., Butler, P., Carpenter, M., Cederkall, J., Clement, E., Cocolios, T., Deacon, A., Diriken, J., Ekstrom, A., Fitzpatrick, C., …Wood, J. (2019). Electromagnetic properties of low-lying states in neutron-deficient Hg isotopes: Coulomb excitation of Hg-182, Hg-184, Hg-186 and Hg-188. The European Physical Journal A, 55(8), Article 130.

Spectroscopic Quadrupole Moments in Sr-96,Sr-98: Evidence for Shape Coexistence in Neutron-Rich Strontium Isotopes at N = 60 (vol 116, 022701, 2016) (2016)
Journal Article
Clement, E., Zielinska, M., Gorgen, A., Korten, W., Peru, S., Libert, J., Goutte, H., Hilaire, S., Bastin, B., Bauer, C., Blazhev, A., Bree, N., Bruyneel, B., Butler, P., Butterworth, J., Delahaye, P., Dijon, A., Doherty, D., Ekstrom, A., Fitzpatrick, C., …Wrzosek-Lipska, K. (2016). Spectroscopic Quadrupole Moments in Sr-96,Sr-98: Evidence for Shape Coexistence in Neutron-Rich Strontium Isotopes at N = 60 (vol 116, 022701, 2016). Physical Review Letters, 117(9), Article 099902.

Low-energy Coulomb excitation of Sr-96,Sr-98 beams (2016)
Journal Article
Clement, E., Zielinska, M., Peru, S., Goutte, H., Hilaire, S., Gorgen, A., Korten, W., Doherty, D., Bastin, B., Bauer, C., Blazhev, A., Bree, N., Bruyneel, B., Butler, P., Butterworth, J., Cederkall, J., Delahaye, P., Dijon, A., Ekstrom, A., Fitzpatrick, C., …Wrzosek-Lipska, K. (2016). Low-energy Coulomb excitation of Sr-96,Sr-98 beams. Physical Review C, 94(5), Article 054326.

Spectroscopic Quadrupole Moments in Sr-96,Sr-98: Evidence for Shape Coexistence in Neutron-Rich Strontium Isotopes at N=60 (2016)
Journal Article
Clement, E., Zielinska, M., Gorgen, A., Korten, W., Peru, S., Libert, J., Goutte, H., Hilaire, S., Bastin, B., Bauer, C., Blazhev, A., Bree, N., Bruyneel, B., Butler, P., Butterworth, J., Delahaye, P., Dijon, A., Doherty, D., Ekstrom, A., Fitzpatrick, C., …Wrzosek-Lipska, K. (2016). Spectroscopic Quadrupole Moments in Sr-96,Sr-98: Evidence for Shape Coexistence in Neutron-Rich Strontium Isotopes at N=60. Physical Review Letters, 116(2), Article 022701.

Onset of collectivity in Sr-96,Sr-98 studied via Coulomb excitation (2014)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clement, E., Gorgen, A., Dijon, A., de France, G., Bastin, B., Blazhev, A., Bree, N., Butler, P., Delahaye, P., Ekstrom, A., Georgiev, G., Hasan, N., Iwanicki, J., Jenkins, D., Korten, W., Larsen, A., Ljungvall, J., Moschner, K., Napiorkowski, P., Pakarinen, J., …De Witte, H. (2014, December). Onset of collectivity in Sr-96,Sr-98 studied via Coulomb excitation. Presented at INPC 2013 - INTERNATIONAL NUCLEAR PHYSICS CONFERENCE, VOL. 1

Shape Coexistence in the Neutron- Deficient Even-Even Hg182-188 Isotopes Studied via Coulomb Excitation (2014)
Journal Article
Bree, N., Wrzosek-Lipska, K., Petts, A., Andreyev, A., Bastin, B., Bender, M., Blazhev, A., Bruyneel, B., Butler, P., Butterworth, J., Carpenter, M., Cederkaell, J., Clement, E., Cocolios, T., Deacon, A., Diriken, J., Ekstroem, A., Fitzpatrick, C., Fraile, L., Fransen, C., …Zielinska, M. (2014). Shape Coexistence in the Neutron- Deficient Even-Even Hg182-188 Isotopes Studied via Coulomb Excitation. Physical Review Letters, 112(16), Article 162701.

Onset of collectivity in neutron-rich Sr and Kr isotopes: Prompt spectroscopy after Coulomb excitation at REX-ISOLDE, CERN (2013)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clement, E., Goergen, A., Dijon, A., de France, G., Bastin, B., Blazhev, A., Bree, N., Butler, P., Delahaye, P., Ekstrom, A., Georgiev, G., Hasan, N., Iwanicki, J., Jenkins, D., Korten, W., Larsen, A., Ljungvall, J., Moschner, K., Napiorkowski, P., Pakarinen, J., …De Witte, H. (2013, December). Onset of collectivity in neutron-rich Sr and Kr isotopes: Prompt spectroscopy after Coulomb excitation at REX-ISOLDE, CERN. Presented at FISSION 2013 - FIFTH INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON NUCLEAR FISSION AND FISSION PRODUCT SPECTROSCOPY ILL; CEA DSM \& DAM; CNRS IN2P3; ENSICAEN; GANIL

Prolate shape of Ba-140 from a first combined Doppler-shift and Coulomb-excitation measurement at the REX-ISOLDE facility (2012)
Journal Article
Bauer, C., Behrens, T., Bildstein, V., Blazhev, A., Bruyneel, B., Butterworth, J., Clement, E., Coquard, L., Egido, J., Ekstrom, A., Fitzpatrick, C., Fransen, C., Gernhaeuser, R., Habs, D., Hess, H., Leske, J., Kroell, T., Kruecken, R., Lutter, R., Marley, P., …Wiens, A. (2012). Prolate shape of Ba-140 from a first combined Doppler-shift and Coulomb-excitation measurement at the REX-ISOLDE facility. Physical Review C, 86(3), Article 034310.

C-12(O-16,gamma)Si-28 radiative capture: Structural and statistical aspects of the gamma decay (2012)
Journal Article
Lebhertz, D., Courtin, S., Haas, F., Jenkins, D., Simenel, C., Salsac, M. .-D., Hutcheon, D., Beck, C., Cseh, J., Darai, J., Davis, C., Glover, R., Goasduff, A., Kent, P., Levai, G., Marley, P., Michalon, A., Pearson, J., Rousseau, M., Rowley, N., & Ruiz, C. (2012). C-12(O-16,gamma)Si-28 radiative capture: Structural and statistical aspects of the gamma decay. Physical Review C, 85(3), Article 034333.

High-resolution spectroscopy of decay pathways in the C-12(C-12,gamma) reaction (2011)
Journal Article
Marley, P., Jenkins, D., Davies, P., Robinson, A., Wadsworth, R., Lister, C., Carpenter, M., Janssens, R., Jiang, C., Khoo, T., Lauritsen, T., Seweryniak, D., Zhu, S., Courtin, S., Haas, F., Lebhertz, D., Bouhelal, M., Lighthall, J., Wuosmaa, A., & O'Donnell, D. (2011). High-resolution spectroscopy of decay pathways in the C-12(C-12,gamma) reaction. Physical Review C, 84(4), Article 044332.

Search for a 2-quasiparticle high-K isomer in (256)Rf (2011)
Journal Article
Robinson, A., Khoo, T., Seweryniak, D., Ahmad, I., Asai, M., Back, B., Carpenter, M., Chowdhury, P., Davids, C., Greene, J., Greenlees, P., Hauschild, K., Heinz, A., Herzberg, R. .-D., Janssens, R., Jenkins, D., Jones, G., Ketelhut, S., Kondev, F., Lauritsen, T., …Zhu, S. (2011). Search for a 2-quasiparticle high-K isomer in (256)Rf. Physical Review C, 83(6), Article 064311.

Bridging the nuclear structure gap between stable and super heavy nuclei (2010)
Journal Article
Seweryniak, D., Khoo, T., Ahmad, I., Kondev, F., Robinsou, A., Tandel, S., Asai, M., Back, B., Carpenter, M., Chowdhury, P., Davids, C., Eeckhaudt, S., Greene, J., Greenlees, P., Gros, S., Hauschild, K., Heinz, A., Herzberg, R. .-D., Janssens, R., Jenkins, D., …Zhu, S. (2010). Bridging the nuclear structure gap between stable and super heavy nuclei. Nuclear Physics A, 834(1-4), 357C-361C.

Radiative Capture Process at the Coulomb Barrier: the Resonant C-12+O-16 Case (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lebhertz, D., Courtin, S., Haas, F., Salsac, M. .-D., Beck, C., Michalon, A., Rousseau, M., Marley, P., Glover, R., Kent, P., Hutcheon, D., Davis, C., & Pearson, J. (2009, December). Radiative Capture Process at the Coulomb Barrier: the Resonant C-12+O-16 Case. Presented at NUCLEAR STRUCTURE AND DYNAMICS `09

Lifetime Measurements and Coulomb Excitation of Light Hg Nuclei (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Petts, A., Butler, P., Grahn, T., Blazhev, A., Bree, N., Bruyneel, B., Cederkaell, J., Clement, E., Cocolios, T., Dewald, A., Eberth, J., Fraile, L., Fransen, C., Hornillos, M. G., Greenlees, P., Goergen, A., Guttormsen, M., Hadynska, K., Helariutta, K., Herzberg, R. .-D., …Zielinska, M. (2009, December). Lifetime Measurements and Coulomb Excitation of Light Hg Nuclei. Presented at CAPTURE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED TOPICS

New decay branches of the radiative capture reaction C-12(O-16,gamma)Si-28 (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Lebhertz, D., Courtin, S., Haas, F., Salsac, M. .-D., Beck, C., Michalon, A., Rousseau, M., Marley, P., Glover, R., Kent, P., Hutcheon, D., Davis, C., & Pearson, J. (2009, December). New decay branches of the radiative capture reaction C-12(O-16,gamma)Si-28. Presented at CAPTURE GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED TOPICS

A New Decay Path in the C-12+O-16 Radiative Capture Reaction (2009)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Courtin, S., Lebhertz, D., Haas, F., Beek, C., Hutcheon, D., Jenkins, D., Lister, C., Marley, P., Michalon, A., & Salsac, M. .-D. (2009, December). A New Decay Path in the C-12+O-16 Radiative Capture Reaction. Presented at FUSION 08

Journal Article
Marley, P., Jenkins, D., Pattabiraman, N., Robinson, A., Wadsworth, R., Courtin, S., Haas, F., Lebhertz, D., Lister, C., Carpenter, M., Zhu, S., Seweryniak, D., Wuosmaa, A., Lighthall, J., & O'Donnell, D. (2008). HEAVY ION RADIATIVE CAPTURE OF C-12+C-12. International Journal of Modern Physics E, 17(10), 2040-2043.