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Dr Richard Brown's Outputs (74)

Abrupt climate change at the MIS 5/4 transition recorded in a speleothem from the Eastern Mediterranean (2024)
Journal Article
Paine, A. R., Baldini, J. U., Ünal-İmer, E., Wadsworth, F. B., Iveson, A. A., Humphreys, M. C., Brown, R. J., Müller, W., & Ottley, C. J. (2024). Abrupt climate change at the MIS 5/4 transition recorded in a speleothem from the Eastern Mediterranean. Quaternary Science Reviews, 339, Article 108841.

The marine isotope stage (MIS) 5a to 4 transition (∼74 ka) was associated with rapid ice sheet expansion, declining moisture availability globally, and significant upheaval of terrestrial ecosystems across the northern hemisphere. Here, we present pr... Read More about Abrupt climate change at the MIS 5/4 transition recorded in a speleothem from the Eastern Mediterranean.

A multi-methodological approach to record dynamics and timescales of the plumbing system of Zaro (Ischia Island, Italy) (2024)
Journal Article
Pelullo, C., Chakraborty, S., Montagna, C. P., Arienzo, I., Brown, R. J., D’Antonio, M., …Petrosino, P. (2024). A multi-methodological approach to record dynamics and timescales of the plumbing system of Zaro (Ischia Island, Italy). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 179(5), Article 54.

Determining the time spans of processes related to the assembly of eruptible magma at active volcanoes is fundamental to understand magma chamber dynamics and assess volcanic hazard. This information can be recorded in the chemical zoning of crystals... Read More about A multi-methodological approach to record dynamics and timescales of the plumbing system of Zaro (Ischia Island, Italy).

Banding in the Margins of Basaltic Dykes Indicates Pulsatory Propagation During Emplacement (2024)
Journal Article
Allgood, C., Llewellin, E. W., Humphreys, M. C. S., Mathias, S. A., Brown, R. J., & Vye‐Brown, C. (2024). Banding in the Margins of Basaltic Dykes Indicates Pulsatory Propagation During Emplacement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129(4), Article e2023JB028007.

Basaltic fissure eruptions, which are the most common type of eruption on Earth, are fed by dykes which mediate magma transport through the crust. Dyke propagation processes are important because they determine the geometry of the transport pathway a... Read More about Banding in the Margins of Basaltic Dykes Indicates Pulsatory Propagation During Emplacement.

Alternating Subplinian and phreatomagmatic phases during the construction of a phonolitic maar-diatreme volcano (Caldera del Rey, Tenerife, Canary Islands) (2023)
Journal Article
Bowers, O., Dávila Harris, P., Winstanley, R., Wadsworth, F. B., & Brown, R. J. (2023). Alternating Subplinian and phreatomagmatic phases during the construction of a phonolitic maar-diatreme volcano (Caldera del Rey, Tenerife, Canary Islands). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 443, 107920.

The Early Pleistocene, well exposed, Caldera del Rey maar-diatreme volcano, Tenerife, Canary Islands was constructed during a ∼ VEI 4 phonolitic eruption that involved two cycles of magmatic-to-phreatomagmatic activity and resulted in two overlapping... Read More about Alternating Subplinian and phreatomagmatic phases during the construction of a phonolitic maar-diatreme volcano (Caldera del Rey, Tenerife, Canary Islands).

Zircon double-dating, trace element and O isotope analysis to decipher late Pleistocene explosive-effusive eruptions from a zoned ocean-island magma system, Ascension Island (2023)
Journal Article
Scarrow, J. H., Schmitt, A. K., Danišík, M., Chamberlain, K. J., Davies, B. V., Rushton, J., …Barclay, J. (2023). Zircon double-dating, trace element and O isotope analysis to decipher late Pleistocene explosive-effusive eruptions from a zoned ocean-island magma system, Ascension Island. Quaternary Science Reviews, 319, Article 108304.

In this first detailed study of zircon from Ascension Island, South Atlantic, we take a novel approach combining trace element and O isotope compositional data with double-dating (disequilibrium 238U–230Th and (U–Th)/He) to decipher timescales and dy... Read More about Zircon double-dating, trace element and O isotope analysis to decipher late Pleistocene explosive-effusive eruptions from a zoned ocean-island magma system, Ascension Island.

Insights into the explosive eruption history of the Campanian volcanoes prior to the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption (2023)
Journal Article
Vineberg, S. O., Isaia, R., Albert, P. G., Brown, R. J., & Smith, V. C. (2023). Insights into the explosive eruption history of the Campanian volcanoes prior to the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 443, Article 107915.

The Campanian Volcanic Zone (CVZ) comprises multiple active volcanoes and includes the highly productive Campi Flegrei and Ischia caldera systems. These caldera volcanoes have produced probably the largest eruptions in Europe in the past 200 ka, such... Read More about Insights into the explosive eruption history of the Campanian volcanoes prior to the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption.

Ash aggregate-rich pyroclastic density currents of the 431 CE Tierra Blanca Joven eruption, Ilopango caldera, El Salvador (2023)
Journal Article
Brown, R. J., Van Eaton, A. R., Hernández, W., Condren, P., Sweeney, C., Tournigand, P.-Y., & Vallance, J. W. (online). Ash aggregate-rich pyroclastic density currents of the 431 CE Tierra Blanca Joven eruption, Ilopango caldera, El Salvador. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 439, Article 107845.

The VEI 6, Tierra Blanca Joven pyroclastic sequence (30–90 km3 DRE volume), erupted from Ilopango caldera, El Salvador, in 431 CE, is the product of one of the largest eruptions of the last two millennia. The eruption devastated Central America's May... Read More about Ash aggregate-rich pyroclastic density currents of the 431 CE Tierra Blanca Joven eruption, Ilopango caldera, El Salvador.

Seismic wave propagation around subsurface igneous sill complexes (2023)
Journal Article
Sanford, O., Schofield, N., Hobbs, R., & Brown, R. (2023). Seismic wave propagation around subsurface igneous sill complexes. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 152, Article 106232.

Imaging both within and beneath subsurface igneous sill complexes is a seismic exploration challenge. A significant aspect of this challenge is due to a lack of understanding of the interaction between the heterogeneous geological structures and the... Read More about Seismic wave propagation around subsurface igneous sill complexes.

Uncertainties in Ray-Tracing Tomography Models Used for Sub-Basalt Seismic Imaging (2022)
Journal Article
Sanford, O., Hobbs, R., Brown, R., & Schofield, N. (2023). Uncertainties in Ray-Tracing Tomography Models Used for Sub-Basalt Seismic Imaging. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 180(1), 145-156.

Sequences of buried basalt lavas found along continental margins may be associated with hydrocarbon deposits. However, they have heterogeneous velocity and density structures that degrade seismic imaging of basalt and sub-basalt structures and make t... Read More about Uncertainties in Ray-Tracing Tomography Models Used for Sub-Basalt Seismic Imaging.

Growth of complex volcanic ash aggregates in the Tierra Blanca Joven eruption of Ilopango Caldera, El Salvador (2022)
Journal Article
Hoult, H., Brown, R. J., Van Eaton, A. R., Hernandez, W., Dobson, K. J., & Woodward, B. (2022). Growth of complex volcanic ash aggregates in the Tierra Blanca Joven eruption of Ilopango Caldera, El Salvador. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 431, Article 107670.

Aggregation processes control both the residence time and dispersal of volcanic ash during eruptions yet remain incompletely understood. The products of aggregation vary from simple ash clusters to large, complexly layered accretionary lapilli. Here... Read More about Growth of complex volcanic ash aggregates in the Tierra Blanca Joven eruption of Ilopango Caldera, El Salvador.

Reconstruction of the 29th December 2013 eruption of San Miguel volcano, El Salvador, using video, photographs, and pyroclastic deposits (2022)
Journal Article
Brown, R. J., Hernández, W., Escobar, D., Gutierrez, E., Crummy, J., Cole, R., & Tournigand, P.-Y. (2022). Reconstruction of the 29th December 2013 eruption of San Miguel volcano, El Salvador, using video, photographs, and pyroclastic deposits. Volcanica, 5(2), 271 - 293.

San Miguel (or Chaparrastique) volcano, El Salvador, erupted on the 29thDecember 2013, after almost 40 years of quiescence.Initial vent-clearing explosions ejected ballistic blocks and produced a pyroclastic density current (PDC) that flowed down the... Read More about Reconstruction of the 29th December 2013 eruption of San Miguel volcano, El Salvador, using video, photographs, and pyroclastic deposits.

Melt stripping and agglutination of pyroclasts during the explosive eruption of low viscosity magmas (2022)
Journal Article
Jones, T. J., Russell, J. K., Brown, R. J., & Hollendonner, L. (2022). Melt stripping and agglutination of pyroclasts during the explosive eruption of low viscosity magmas. Nature Communications, 13(1),

Volcanism on Earth and on other planets and satellites is dominated by the eruption of low viscosity magmas. During explosive eruption, high melt temperatures and the inherent low viscosity of the fluidal pyroclasts allow for substantial post-fragmen... Read More about Melt stripping and agglutination of pyroclasts during the explosive eruption of low viscosity magmas.

Pyroclastic Rocks (2021)
Book Chapter
Branney, M., Brown, R., & Calder, E. (2021). Pyroclastic Rocks. In S. Elias, & D. Alderton (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Geology (277-300). (2nd). Elsevier

The trace-element composition of a Polish stalagmite: Implications for the use of speleothems as a record of explosive volcanism (2021)
Journal Article
Paine, A. R., Baldini, J. U., Wadsworth, F. B., Lechleitner, F. A., Jamieson, R. A., Baldini, L. M., Brown, R. J., Müller, W., Hercman, H., Gąsiorowski, M., Stefaniak, K., Socha, P., Sobczyk, A., & Kasprzak, M. (2021). The trace-element composition of a Polish stalagmite: Implications for the use of speleothems as a record of explosive volcanism. Chemical Geology, 570,

Petrography and Mineral Chemistry of Monte Epomeo Green Tuff, Ischia Island, South Italy: Constraints for Identification of the Y-7 Tephrostratigraphic Marker in Distal Sequences of the Central Mediterranean (2021)
Journal Article
D'Antonio, M., Arienzo, I., Brown, R. J., Petrosino, P., Pelullo, C., & Giaccio, B. (2021). Petrography and Mineral Chemistry of Monte Epomeo Green Tuff, Ischia Island, South Italy: Constraints for Identification of the Y-7 Tephrostratigraphic Marker in Distal Sequences of the Central Mediterranean. Minerals, 11(9), Article 955.

The 56 ka Monte Epomeo Green Tuff (MEGT) resulted from the largest volume explosive eruption from Ischia island (south Italy). Its tephra is one of the main stratigraphic markers of the central Mediterranean area. Despite its importance, a detailed c... Read More about Petrography and Mineral Chemistry of Monte Epomeo Green Tuff, Ischia Island, South Italy: Constraints for Identification of the Y-7 Tephrostratigraphic Marker in Distal Sequences of the Central Mediterranean.

Rapid eruptive transitions from low to high intensity explosions and effusive activity: insights from textural analysis of a small-volume trachytic eruption, Ascension Island, South Atlantic (2021)
Journal Article
Davies, B. V., Brown, R. J., Barclay, J., Scarrow, J. H., & Herd, R. A. (2021). Rapid eruptive transitions from low to high intensity explosions and effusive activity: insights from textural analysis of a small-volume trachytic eruption, Ascension Island, South Atlantic. Bulletin of Volcanology, 83(9), Article 58.

Proximal deposits of small-volume trachytic eruptions are an under-studied record of eruption dynamics despite being common across a range of settings. The 59 ± 4 ka Echo Canyon deposits, Ascension Island, resulted from a small-volume explosive-effus... Read More about Rapid eruptive transitions from low to high intensity explosions and effusive activity: insights from textural analysis of a small-volume trachytic eruption, Ascension Island, South Atlantic.

Origins of olivine in Earth’s youngest kimberlite: Igwisi Hills volcanoes, Tanzania craton (2021)
Journal Article
Shaikh, A. M., Tappe, S., Bussweiler, Y., Vollmer, C., Brown, R. J., & EIMF. (2021). Origins of olivine in Earth’s youngest kimberlite: Igwisi Hills volcanoes, Tanzania craton. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 176(8), Article 62.

Monomineralic millimeter-sized olivine nodules are common in kimberlites worldwide. It is generally thought that such ‘dunitic nodules’ originate from the base of the cratonic lithosphere and that their formation marks the onset of deep-rooted kimber... Read More about Origins of olivine in Earth’s youngest kimberlite: Igwisi Hills volcanoes, Tanzania craton.

A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding (2020)
Journal Article
Wadsworth, F. B., Vasseur, J., Llewellin, E. W., Brown, R. J., Tuffen, H., Gardner, J. E., Kendrick, J. E., Lavallée, Y., Dobson, K. J., Heap, M. J., Dingwell, D. B., Hess, K.-U., Schauroth, J., von Aulock, F. W., Kushnir, A. R., & Marone, F. (2021). A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 409,

Volcanic ash and pyroclasts can weld when deposited hot by pyroclastic density currents, in near-vent fall deposits, or in fractures in volcano interiors. Welding progressively decreases the permeability of the particle packs, influencing a range of... Read More about A model for permeability evolution during volcanic welding.