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Dr Richard Brown's Outputs (74)

Deep and disturbed: conditions for formation and eruption of a mingled rhyolite at Ascension Island, south Atlantic (2020)
Journal Article
Chamberlain, K., Barclay, J., Preece, K., Brown, R., McIntosh, I., & EIMF. (2020). Deep and disturbed: conditions for formation and eruption of a mingled rhyolite at Ascension Island, south Atlantic. Volcanica, 3(1), 139-153.

The generation of felsic melts (through open or closed system processes) within ocean island volcanoes has been a key area of study since their identification. At Ascension Island in the south Atlantic, explosively erupted felsic melts have, to date,... Read More about Deep and disturbed: conditions for formation and eruption of a mingled rhyolite at Ascension Island, south Atlantic.

Lower Crustal Heterogeneity and Fractional Crystallization Control Evolution of Small-volume Magma Batches at Ocean Island Volcanoes (Ascension Island, South Atlantic) (2019)
Journal Article
Chamberlain, K., Barclay, J., Preece, K., Brown, R., & Davidson, J. (2019). Lower Crustal Heterogeneity and Fractional Crystallization Control Evolution of Small-volume Magma Batches at Ocean Island Volcanoes (Ascension Island, South Atlantic). Journal of Petrology, 60(8), 1489-1522.

Ocean island volcanoes erupt a wide range of magmatic compositions via a diverse range of eruptive styles. Understanding where and how these melts evolve is thus an essential component in the anticipation of future volcanic activity. Here we examine... Read More about Lower Crustal Heterogeneity and Fractional Crystallization Control Evolution of Small-volume Magma Batches at Ocean Island Volcanoes (Ascension Island, South Atlantic).

Diversity of soluble salt concentrations on volcanic ash aggregates from a variety of eruption types and deposits (2019)
Journal Article
Colombier, M., Mueller, S. B., Kueppers, U., Scheu, B., Delmelle, P., Cimarelli, C., Cronin, S. J., Brown, R. J., Tost, M., & Dingwell, D. B. (2019). Diversity of soluble salt concentrations on volcanic ash aggregates from a variety of eruption types and deposits. Bulletin of Volcanology, 81(7), Article 39.

Ash aggregation is a common phenomenon in particle-laden environments of volcanic eruption plumes and pyroclastic density currents. Many of these initially fragile aggregates gain sufficient mechanical strength to remain intact after atmospheric tran... Read More about Diversity of soluble salt concentrations on volcanic ash aggregates from a variety of eruption types and deposits.

Evidence for a large-magnitude eruption from Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) at 29 ka (2019)
Journal Article
Albert, P., Giaccio, B., Isaia, R., Costa, A., Niespolo, E., Pereira, A., Renne, P., Hinchliffe, A., Mark, D., Brown, R., & Smith, V. (2019). Evidence for a large-magnitude eruption from Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) at 29 ka. Geology, 47(7), 595-599.

The 40 ka caldera-forming eruption of Campi Flegrei (Italy) is the largest known eruption in Europe during the last 200 k.y., but little is known about other large eruptions at the volcano prior to a more recent caldera-forming event at 15 ka. At 29... Read More about Evidence for a large-magnitude eruption from Campi Flegrei caldera (Italy) at 29 ka.

Bridging the gap: 40Ar/39Ar dating of volcanic eruptions from the ‘Age of Discovery’ (2018)
Journal Article
Preece, K., Mark, D. F., Barclay, J., Cohen, B. E., Chamberlain, K. J., Jowitt, C., Vye-Brown, C., Brown, R. J., & Hamilton, S. (2018). Bridging the gap: 40Ar/39Ar dating of volcanic eruptions from the ‘Age of Discovery’. Geology, 46(12), 1035-1038.

Many volcanoes worldwide still have poorly resolved eruption histories, with the date of the last eruption often undetermined. One such example is Ascension Island, where the timing of the last eruption, and consequently, the activity status of the v... Read More about Bridging the gap: 40Ar/39Ar dating of volcanic eruptions from the ‘Age of Discovery’.

Evaluating the link between the sulphur-rich Laacher See volcanic eruption and the Younger Dryas climate anomaly (2018)
Journal Article
Baldini, J. U., Brown, R. J., & Mawdsley, N. (2018). Evaluating the link between the sulphur-rich Laacher See volcanic eruption and the Younger Dryas climate anomaly. Climate of the Past, 14(7), 969-990.

The Younger Dryas is considered the archetypal millennial-scale climate change event, and identifying its cause is fundamental for thoroughly understanding climate systematics during deglaciations. However, the mechanisms responsible for its initiati... Read More about Evaluating the link between the sulphur-rich Laacher See volcanic eruption and the Younger Dryas climate anomaly.

Sandstone Diagenesis in Sediment–lava Sequences: Exceptional Examples of Volcanically Driven Diagenetic Compartmentalization in Dune Valley, Huab Outliers, Nw Namibia (2017)
Journal Article
Grove, C., Jerram, D. A., Gluyas, J. G., & Brown, R. J. (2017). Sandstone Diagenesis in Sediment–lava Sequences: Exceptional Examples of Volcanically Driven Diagenetic Compartmentalization in Dune Valley, Huab Outliers, Nw Namibia. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 87(12), 1314-1335.

At the base of many flood basalt sequences and along volcanic rifted margins, volcanism can compete with the existing sedimentary environments, resulting in interbedded sequences of volcanic rocks and sediments. Here we report on sediment interlayers... Read More about Sandstone Diagenesis in Sediment–lava Sequences: Exceptional Examples of Volcanically Driven Diagenetic Compartmentalization in Dune Valley, Huab Outliers, Nw Namibia.

Igneous intrusions in the Faroe Shetland basin and their implications for hydrocarbon exploration; new insights from well and seismic data (2017)
Journal Article
Mark, N., Schofield, N., Pugliese, S., Watson, D., Holford, S., Muirhead, D., …Healy, D. (2018). Igneous intrusions in the Faroe Shetland basin and their implications for hydrocarbon exploration; new insights from well and seismic data. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 92, 733-753.

Igneous sills and dykes that intrude pervasively into prospective sedimentary basins are a common occurrence in volcanic margins, impacting the petroleum system and causing geological and technical drilling challenges during hydrocarbon exploration.... Read More about Igneous intrusions in the Faroe Shetland basin and their implications for hydrocarbon exploration; new insights from well and seismic data.

Proximal lava drainage controls on basaltic fissure eruption dynamics (2017)
Journal Article
Jones, T., Llewellin, E., Houghton, B., Brown, R., & Vye-Brown, C. (2017). Proximal lava drainage controls on basaltic fissure eruption dynamics. Bulletin of Volcanology, 79(11), Article 81.

Hawaiian basaltic eruptions commonly initiate as a fissure, producing fountains, spattering, and clastogenic lava flows. Most fissures rapidly localize to form a small number of eruptive vents, the location of which may influence the subsequent distr... Read More about Proximal lava drainage controls on basaltic fissure eruption dynamics.

The architecture of submarine monogenetic volcanoes – insights from 3D seismic data (2017)
Journal Article
Reynolds, P., Schofield, N., Brown, R., & Holford, S. (2018). The architecture of submarine monogenetic volcanoes – insights from 3D seismic data. Basin Research, 30(s1), 437-451.

Many prospective sedimentary basins contain a variety of extrusive volcanic products that are ultimately sourced from volcanoes. However, seismic reflection-based studies of magmatic rift basins have tended to focus on the underlying magma plumbing s... Read More about The architecture of submarine monogenetic volcanoes – insights from 3D seismic data.

The 2013 eruption of Chaparrastique volcano (El Salvador): Effects of magma storage, mixing, and decompression (2016)
Journal Article
Scarlato, P., Mollo, S., Del Bello, E., von Quadt, A., Brown, R., Gutierrez, E., …Papale, P. (2017). The 2013 eruption of Chaparrastique volcano (El Salvador): Effects of magma storage, mixing, and decompression. Chemical Geology, 448, 110-122.

On December 29, 2013, an isolated vulcanian-type eruption occurred at Chaparrastique volcano (El Salvador) after 12 years of inactivity. The eruption was classified as VEI 2 and produced an ash plume with a maximum height of ~ 9 km. Textural and comp... Read More about The 2013 eruption of Chaparrastique volcano (El Salvador): Effects of magma storage, mixing, and decompression.

Origin and evolution of silicic magmas at ocean islands: Perspectives from a zoned fall deposit on Ascension Island, South Atlantic (2016)
Journal Article
Chamberlain, K., Barclay, J., Preece, K., Brown, R., Davidson, J., & EIMF. (2016). Origin and evolution of silicic magmas at ocean islands: Perspectives from a zoned fall deposit on Ascension Island, South Atlantic. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 327, 349-360.

Ascension Island, in the south Atlantic is a composite ocean island volcano with a wide variety of eruptive styles and magmatic compositions evident in its ~ 1 million year subaerial history. In this paper, new observations of a unique zoned fall dep... Read More about Origin and evolution of silicic magmas at ocean islands: Perspectives from a zoned fall deposit on Ascension Island, South Atlantic.

Ash Aggregation in Volcanic Clouds (2016)
Book Chapter
Durant, A., & Brown, R. (in press). Ash Aggregation in Volcanic Clouds. In S. Mackie, K. Cashman, H. Ricketts, A. Rust, & M. Watson (Eds.), Volcanic Ash (53-66). Elsevier

The architecture and shallow conduits of Laki-type pyroclastic cones: insights into a basaltic fissure eruption (2016)
Journal Article
Reynolds, P., Brown, R., Thordarson, T., & Llewellin, E. (2016). The architecture and shallow conduits of Laki-type pyroclastic cones: insights into a basaltic fissure eruption. Bulletin of Volcanology, 78(5), Article 36.

Pyroclastic cones built along basaltic fissures provide important volcanological information, but it is often difficult to examine the early-erupted products due to burial by later products. Furthermore, it is rare to see the link between the feeder... Read More about The architecture and shallow conduits of Laki-type pyroclastic cones: insights into a basaltic fissure eruption.

Reconstructing the evolution of an eroded Miocene caldera volcano (Yamanlar volcano, İzmir, Turkey) (2016)
Journal Article
Karaoğlu, O., & Brown, R. (2016). Reconstructing the evolution of an eroded Miocene caldera volcano (Yamanlar volcano, İzmir, Turkey). Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 318, 1-18.

The Miocene Yamanlar composite volcano is located in the central part of a shear zone in western Turkey. The volcano's deeply-eroded interior provides excellent three-dimensional exposure of a faulted caldera-floor and caldera-fill rocks as well as s... Read More about Reconstructing the evolution of an eroded Miocene caldera volcano (Yamanlar volcano, İzmir, Turkey).

Was millennial scale climate change during the Last Glacial triggered by explosive volcanism? (2015)
Journal Article
Baldini, J., Brown, R., & McElwaine, J. (2015). Was millennial scale climate change during the Last Glacial triggered by explosive volcanism?. Scientific Reports, 5, Article 17442.

The mechanisms responsible for millennial scale climate change within glacial time intervals are equivocal. Here we show that all eight known radiometrically-dated Tambora-sized or larger NH eruptions over the interval 30 to 80 ka BP are associated w... Read More about Was millennial scale climate change during the Last Glacial triggered by explosive volcanism?.

Disruption of Tephra Fall Deposits Caused by Lava Flows during Basaltic Eruptions (2015)
Journal Article
Brown, R., Thordarson, T., Self, S., & Blake, S. (2015). Disruption of Tephra Fall Deposits Caused by Lava Flows during Basaltic Eruptions. Bulletin of Volcanology, 77(10), Article 90.

Observations in the USA, Iceland and Tenerife, Canary Islands reveal how processes occurring during basaltic eruptions can result in complex physical and stratigraphic relationships between lava and proximal tephra fall deposits around vents. Observa... Read More about Disruption of Tephra Fall Deposits Caused by Lava Flows during Basaltic Eruptions.

Rootless cone eruption processes informed by dissected tephra deposits and conduits (2015)
Journal Article
Reynolds, P., Brown, R., Thordarson, T., Llewellin, E., & Fielding, K. (2015). Rootless cone eruption processes informed by dissected tephra deposits and conduits. Bulletin of Volcanology, 77(9), Article 72.

Rootless cones result from the explosive interaction between lava flows and underlying water-saturated sediment or volcaniclastic deposits. Rootless explosions can represent a significant far-field hazard during basaltic eruptions, but there are few... Read More about Rootless cone eruption processes informed by dissected tephra deposits and conduits.

Petrology, geochemistry and low-temperature alteration of lavas and pyroclastic rocks of the kimberlitic Igwisi Hills volcanoes, Tanzania. (2015)
Journal Article
Willcox, A., Buisman, I., Sparks, R., Brown, R., Manya, S., Schumacher, J., & Tuffen, H. (2015). Petrology, geochemistry and low-temperature alteration of lavas and pyroclastic rocks of the kimberlitic Igwisi Hills volcanoes, Tanzania. Chemical Geology, 405, 82-101.

Geochemical data are presented for the kimberlitic Holocene Igwisi Hills volcanoes (IHV), Tanzania, which preserve extra-crater lavas and pyroclastic rocks. Their young age and exceptional preservation enable investigation of kimberlite magma composi... Read More about Petrology, geochemistry and low-temperature alteration of lavas and pyroclastic rocks of the kimberlitic Igwisi Hills volcanoes, Tanzania..