Deep and disturbed: conditions for formation and eruption of a mingled rhyolite at Ascension Island, south Atlantic
Journal Article
Chamberlain, K., Barclay, J., Preece, K., Brown, R., McIntosh, I., & EIMF. (2020). Deep and disturbed: conditions for formation and eruption of a mingled rhyolite at Ascension Island, south Atlantic. Volcanica, 3(1), 139-153.
The generation of felsic melts (through open or closed system processes) within ocean island volcanoes has been a key area of study since their identification. At Ascension Island in the south Atlantic, explosively erupted felsic melts have, to date,... Read More about Deep and disturbed: conditions for formation and eruption of a mingled rhyolite at Ascension Island, south Atlantic.