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Professor David Sanderson's Outputs (2)

Continual trials spontaneous recognition tasks in mice: reducing animal numbers and improving our understanding of the mechanisms underlying memory (2018)
Journal Article
Chan, M., Eacott, M. J., Sanderson, D. J., Wang, J., Sun, M., & Easton, A. (2018). Continual trials spontaneous recognition tasks in mice: reducing animal numbers and improving our understanding of the mechanisms underlying memory. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 12, Article 214.

Spontaneous recognition tasks are widely used as a laboratory measure of memory in animals but give rise to high levels of behavioural noise leading to a lack of reliability. Previous work has shown that a modification of the procedure to allow conti... Read More about Continual trials spontaneous recognition tasks in mice: reducing animal numbers and improving our understanding of the mechanisms underlying memory.

Optogenetic induction of the schizophrenia-related endophenotype of ventral hippocampal hyperactivity causes rodent correlates of positive and cognitive symptoms (2018)
Journal Article
Wolff, A. R., Bygrave, A. M., Sanderson, D. J., Boyden, E. S., Bannerman, D. M., Kullmann, D. M., & Dennis Kätzel, D. (2018). Optogenetic induction of the schizophrenia-related endophenotype of ventral hippocampal hyperactivity causes rodent correlates of positive and cognitive symptoms. Scientific Reports, 8, Article 12871.

Pathological over-activity of the CA1 subfield of the human anterior hippocampus has been identified as a potential predictive marker for transition from a prodromal state to overt schizophrenia. Psychosis, in turn, is associated with elevated activi... Read More about Optogenetic induction of the schizophrenia-related endophenotype of ventral hippocampal hyperactivity causes rodent correlates of positive and cognitive symptoms.