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Professor Vikki Boliver's Outputs (12)

Access to Higher Education (2024)
Book Chapter
Siddiqui, N., & Boliver, V. (2025). Access to Higher Education. In N. Siddiqui, & V. Boliver (Eds.), Researching Social Inequalities in Higher Education. Routledge.

The book chapters delve into the sociology of higher education, shedding light on international challenges and barriers to higher education access. ­Despite the substantial growth in the higher education sector, access opportunities remain limited, a... Read More about Access to Higher Education.

Issues of Access, Diversity, and Inclusion In Contemporary Higher Education (2024)
Book Chapter
Siddiqui, N., & Boliver, V. (in press). Issues of Access, Diversity, and Inclusion In Contemporary Higher Education. In N. Siddiqui, & V. Boliver (Eds.), Researching Social Inequalities in Higher Education. Routledge.

This book was originally conceived through conversations between academic researchers from across the career span who come together regularly to share knowledge, ideas, and research in progress as members of the Higher Education and Social Inequality... Read More about Issues of Access, Diversity, and Inclusion In Contemporary Higher Education.

The use of evidence from research on contextualised admissions to widen access to Scottish universities (2020)
Book Chapter
Boliver, V., & Gorard, S. (2020). The use of evidence from research on contextualised admissions to widen access to Scottish universities. In S. Gorard (Ed.), Getting evidence into education : evaluating the routes to policy and practice (166-177). Routledge.

This chapter looks at our role in providing evidence on the practicalities and implications of using contextualised admissions to universities, primarily in Scotland. The use of contexualised admissions has become a national policy for all universiti... Read More about The use of evidence from research on contextualised admissions to widen access to Scottish universities.

Ethnic Inequalities in Admission to Highly Selective Universities (2018)
Book Chapter
Boliver, V. (2018). Ethnic Inequalities in Admission to Highly Selective Universities. In J. Arday, & H. Safia-Mirza (Eds.), Dismantling race in higher education : racism, whiteness and decolonising the academy (67-85). Palgrave Macmillan.

Growing diversity within Higher Education (HE), rather than producing a more inclusive higher education, has resulted in a segregated and increasingly polarised system. In the United Kingdom (UK) we are maintaining, and further strengthening, a unive... Read More about Ethnic Inequalities in Admission to Highly Selective Universities.

Admission to medicine and law at Russell Group universities: the impact of A-level subject choice (2018)
Book Chapter
Dilnot, C., & Boliver, V. (2018). Admission to medicine and law at Russell Group universities: the impact of A-level subject choice. In P. Burke, A. Hayton, & J. Stevenson (Eds.), Evaluating equity and widening participation in higher education (59-87). Trentham Books (UCL IOE Press)

BOOK ABSTRACT: Evaluation is a contested field. This collection considers the relationship between evaluation and research, and the ethical and moral dilemmas raised when evaluating equity and widening participation in higher education. The growing d... Read More about Admission to medicine and law at Russell Group universities: the impact of A-level subject choice.

How meritocratic is admission to highly selective UK universities? (2017)
Book Chapter
Boliver, V. (2017). How meritocratic is admission to highly selective UK universities?. In R. Waller, N. Ingram, & R. Ward (Eds.), Higher education and social inequalities : university admissions, experiences, and outcomes (37-53). Routledge

How can we widen participation in higher education? The promise of contextualised admissions (2017)
Book Chapter
Boliver, V., Gorard, S., & Siddiqui, N. (2017). How can we widen participation in higher education? The promise of contextualised admissions. In R. Deem, & H. Eggins (Eds.), The university as a critical institution? (95-110). Sense Publishers.

Widening participation in higher education has been on the UK policy agenda for more than fifty years. Yet, despite some progress across the UK higher education sector overall (DfE, 2016), students from less socioeconomically advantaged backgrounds r... Read More about How can we widen participation in higher education? The promise of contextualised admissions.

Social mobility and higher education (2016)
Book Chapter
Boliver, V., & Wakeling, P. (2017). Social mobility and higher education. In J. Shin, & P. Teixeira (Eds.), Encyclopaedia of international higher education systems and institutions (1-6). Springer Verlag.

The impact of participation in tertiary-level education on the movement of individuals up or down the social class structure from one generation to the next (intergenerational mobility) or during the course of a career (intragenerational mobility). S... Read More about Social mobility and higher education.