The Sonnet
Regan, S. (2019). The Sonnet. Oxford University Press
Stephen Regan's Outputs (60)
Landscapes of mourning in nineteenth-century English poetry (2018)
Journal Article
Regan, S. (2019). Landscapes of mourning in nineteenth-century English poetry. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, 41(1), 23-33.
The Sonnet and its Travels (2017)
Journal Article
Regan, S. (2017). The Sonnet and its Travels. CounterText, 3(2), 162-175. well as being one of the oldest and best known of all poetic forms, the sonnet is also one of the most widely travelled. Critical studies of the sonnet in English have traced its historical development from its Italian predecessors, through its do... Read More about The Sonnet and its Travels.
"Door into the Light": The Later Poems of Seamus Heaney (2016)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2016). "Door into the Light": The Later Poems of Seamus Heaney. In E. O'Brien (Ed.), "The Soul Exceeds Its Circumstances": The Later Poetry of Seamus Heaney (261-278). University of Notre Dame Press
The Art of Losing: American Elegy Since 1945. (2016)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2016). The Art of Losing: American Elegy Since 1945. In E. Spencer (Ed.), American Poetry Since 1945 (183-202). Palgrave Macmillan.
Lux Perpetua: The Poetry of Seamus Heaney, from Door into the Dark to Electric Light (2016)
Journal Article
Regan, S. (2016). Lux Perpetua: The Poetry of Seamus Heaney, from Door into the Dark to Electric Light. Romanticism, 22(3), 322-330. shines perpetually in Seamus Heaney's poetry. It has its first glimmerings in poems conceived in darkness and brought into luminous being. The interplay of darkness and light becomes the prevailing metaphor in a poetry of memory and perception,... Read More about Lux Perpetua: The Poetry of Seamus Heaney, from Door into the Dark to Electric Light.
Seamus Heaney and the Making of Sweeney Astray (2015)
Journal Article
Regan, S. (2015). Seamus Heaney and the Making of Sweeney Astray. Hungarian journal of English and American studies, 21(2), 317-339
"Things Remembered": Objects of Memory in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney (2014)
Journal Article
Regan, S. (2014). "Things Remembered": Objects of Memory in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney. Éire-Ireland, 49(3/4), 320-336.
Auden and Shakespeare (2013)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2013). Auden and Shakespeare. In T. Sharpe (Ed.), W.H. Auden in Context (266-275). Cambridge University Press
"Coming up England by a different line": Louis MacNeice and Philip Larkin (2012)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2012). "Coming up England by a different line": Louis MacNeice and Philip Larkin. In F. Brearton, & E. Longley (Eds.), Incorrigibly Plural: Louis MacNeice and his Legacy (241-256). Carcanet
Irish Elegy after Yeats (2012)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2012). Irish Elegy after Yeats. In F. Brearton, & A. Gillis (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Modern Irish Poetry (588-606). Oxford University Press
George Moore. Esther Waters (2012)
Regan, S. (Ed.). (2012). George Moore. Esther Waters. Oxford University Press
Contemporary and post-war poetry (2011)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2011). Contemporary and post-war poetry. In J. Harding (Ed.), T.S. Eliot in Context. Cambridge University Press
'Later Poetry'. (2010)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2010). 'Later Poetry'. In E. Larrissy (Ed.), W.B. Yeats (75-92). Irish Academic Press
'Philip Larkin and the Movement'. (2010)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2010). 'Philip Larkin and the Movement'. In M. O'Neill (Ed.), The Cambridge History of English Poetry (879-896). Cambridge University Press
"Crisis first-hand": Seamus Heaney before and after the Ceasefire (2010)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2010). "Crisis first-hand": Seamus Heaney before and after the Ceasefire. In A. Karhio, S. Crosson, & C. Armstrong (Eds.), Crisis and Contemporary Poetry (99-113). Palgrave Macmillan
'Mahon, Longley, Muldoon, McGuckian, Carson, Boland and other Irish Poets'. (2010)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2010). 'Mahon, Longley, Muldoon, McGuckian, Carson, Boland and other Irish Poets'. In M. O'Neill (Ed.), The Cambridge History of English Poetry (956-970). Cambridge University Press
'Sacred Spaces: Writing Home in Recent Irish Memoirs and Autobiographies'. (2009)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2009). 'Sacred Spaces: Writing Home in Recent Irish Memoirs and Autobiographies'. In S. Brewster, & M. Parker (Eds.), Irish Literature Since 1990 (232-249). Manchester University Press
'North of Boston: Models of Identity, Subjectivity and Place in the Poems of Robert Frost'. (2009)
Journal Article
Regan, S. (2009). 'North of Boston: Models of Identity, Subjectivity and Place in the Poems of Robert Frost'. Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net, 51,
'The Darkening Pastoral: Under the Greenwood Tree and Far from the Madding Crowd'. (2009)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (2009). 'The Darkening Pastoral: Under the Greenwood Tree and Far from the Madding Crowd'. In K. Wilson (Ed.), A Companion to Thomas Hardy (241-253). Blackwell