'Reader-Response Criticism and Reception Theory'.
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (1998). 'Reader-Response Criticism and Reception Theory'. In W. Owens, & S. Eliot (Eds.), A Handbook of Literary Research (139-149). Routledge
Stephen Regan's Outputs (60)
'Form and Meaning in Poetry: The Sonnet'. (1998)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (1998). 'Form and Meaning in Poetry: The Sonnet'. In An Introduction to the Humanities (49-93). Open University
'The Celtic Spirit in Literature: Ernest Renan, Matthew Arnold, and W.B. Yeats'. (1998)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (1998). 'The Celtic Spirit in Literature: Ernest Renan, Matthew Arnold, and W.B. Yeats'. In A. Marshall, & N. Sammells (Eds.), Irish Encounters (28-40). Sulis Press
Philip Larkin. (1997)
Regan, S. (Ed.). (1997). Philip Larkin. Macmillan
'Seamus Deane: Reading in the Dark'. (1997)
Journal Article
Regan, S. (1997). 'Seamus Deane: Reading in the Dark'. Irish Studies Review, 19, 35-40
'Larkin's Reputation'. (1997)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (1997). 'Larkin's Reputation'. In M. Baron (Ed.), Larkin with Poetry (47-69). The English Association
'Neil Jordan: Michael Collins'. (1996)
Journal Article
Regan, S. (1996). 'Neil Jordan: Michael Collins'. Irish Studies Review, 17, 40-43
'Brian Friel's Translations'. (1995)
Journal Article
Regan, S. (1995). 'Brian Friel's Translations'
'The Novel and Society'. (1995)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (1995). 'The Novel and Society'. In D. Walder (Ed.), The Realist Novel (98-107). Routledge
'W.B. Yeats and Irish Cultural Politics in the 1890s'. (1995)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (1995). 'W.B. Yeats and Irish Cultural Politics in the 1890s'. In S. Ledger, & S. McCracken (Eds.), Cultural Politics at the fin de siecle (66-84). Cambridge University Press
'W.B. Yeats: "Sailing to Byzantium"'. (1993)
Journal Article
Regan, S. (1993). 'W.B. Yeats: "Sailing to Byzantium"'
The Politics of Pleasure: Aesthetics and Cultural Theory. (1992)
Regan, S. (Ed.). (1992). The Politics of Pleasure: Aesthetics and Cultural Theory. Open University Press
'The Presence of the Past: Modernism and Postmodernism in Canadian Short Fiction'. (1991)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (1991). 'The Presence of the Past: Modernism and Postmodernism in Canadian Short Fiction'. In C. Howells, & L. Hunter (Eds.), Narrative Strategies in Canadian Literature (108-33). Open University Press
'"Oil and Blood": Yeats's Return to the Nineties'. (1990)
Book Chapter
Regan, S. (1990). '"Oil and Blood": Yeats's Return to the Nineties'. In W. Gould (Ed.), Yeats Annual (194-99). Macmillan
George Meredith: Modern Love. (1988)
Regan, S. (Ed.). (1988). George Meredith: Modern Love. Monitor House
The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Period (Verse). (1987)
Regan, S. (1987). The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Period (Verse)
The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Period (Verse) (1986)
Regan, S. (1986). The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Period (Verse)
The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Period (Verse) (1985)
Regan, S. (1985). The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Period (Verse)
The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Period (Verse). (1984)
Regan, S. (1984). The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Period (Verse)
'Ireland's Field Day'.
Journal Article
Regan, S. (online). 'Ireland's Field Day'. History Workshop Journal, 25-37