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Dr Sim Reaney's Outputs (3)

A catchment-scale model to predict spatial and temporal burden of E . coli on pasture from grazing livestock (2017)
Journal Article
Oliver, D. M., Bartie, P. J., Louise Heathwaite, A., Reaney, S. M., Parnell, J. A., & Quilliam, R. S. (2018). A catchment-scale model to predict spatial and temporal burden of E . coli on pasture from grazing livestock. Science of the Total Environment, 616-617, 678-687.

Effective management of diffuse microbial water pollution from agriculture requires a fundamental understanding of how spatial patterns of microbial pollutants, e.g. E. coli, vary over time at the landscape scale. The aim of this study was to apply t... Read More about A catchment-scale model to predict spatial and temporal burden of E . coli on pasture from grazing livestock.

Predicting diffuse microbial pollution risk across catchments: The performance of SCIMAP and recommendations for future development (2017)
Journal Article
Porter, K. D., Reaney, S. M., Quilliam, R. S., Burgess, C., & Oliver, D. M. (2017). Predicting diffuse microbial pollution risk across catchments: The performance of SCIMAP and recommendations for future development. Science of the Total Environment, 609, 456-465.

Microbial pollution of surface waters in agricultural catchments can be a consequence of poor farm management practices, such as excessive stocking of livestock on vulnerable land or inappropriate handling of manures and slurries. Catchment intervent... Read More about Predicting diffuse microbial pollution risk across catchments: The performance of SCIMAP and recommendations for future development.

Use of spatially distributed time-integrated sediment sampling networks and distributed fine sediment modelling to inform catchment management (2017)
Journal Article
Perks, M., Warburton, J., Bracken, L., Reaney, S., Emery, S., & Hirst, S. (2017). Use of spatially distributed time-integrated sediment sampling networks and distributed fine sediment modelling to inform catchment management. Journal of Environmental Management, 202, 469-478.

Under the EU Water Framework Directive, suspended sediment is omitted from environmental quality standards and compliance targets. This omission is partly explained by difficulties in assessing the complex dose-response of ecological communities. But... Read More about Use of spatially distributed time-integrated sediment sampling networks and distributed fine sediment modelling to inform catchment management.