Impact of land cover, rainfall and topography on flood risk in West Java
Journal Article
Rahayu, R., Mathias, S. A., Reaney, S., Vesuviano, G., Suwerman, R., & Ramdhan, A. M. (2023). Impact of land cover, rainfall and topography on flood risk in West Java. Natural Hazards, 116(2), 1735-1758.
Dr Sim Reaney's Outputs (33)
Identification of floodwater source areas in Nepal using SCIMAP‐Flood (2022)
Journal Article
Pearson, C., Reaney, S., Perks, M., Hortobagyi, B., Rosser, N., & Large, A. (2022). Identification of floodwater source areas in Nepal using SCIMAP‐Flood. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 15(4), Article e12840. approaches for managing flooding from fluvial sources are moving away from mitigation solely at the point of impact and towards integrated catchment management. This considers the source areas, flow pathways of floodwaters and the locations... Read More about Identification of floodwater source areas in Nepal using SCIMAP‐Flood.
Sustainable Catchment-Wide Flood Management: A Review of the Terminology and Application of Sustainable Catchment Flood Management Techniques in the UK (2022)
Journal Article
Lashford, C., Lavers, T., Reaney, S., Charlesworth, S., Burgess-Gamble, L., & Dale, J. (2022). Sustainable Catchment-Wide Flood Management: A Review of the Terminology and Application of Sustainable Catchment Flood Management Techniques in the UK. Water, 14(8), Article 1204. change has seen increased pressures put on the existing ageing flood mitigation infrastructure. As a result, over recent decades there has been a shift from traditional hard-engineered approaches to flooding to more sustainable methods that u... Read More about Sustainable Catchment-Wide Flood Management: A Review of the Terminology and Application of Sustainable Catchment Flood Management Techniques in the UK.
Spatial targeting of nature‐based solutions for flood risk management within river catchments (2022)
Journal Article
Reaney, S. M. (2022). Spatial targeting of nature‐based solutions for flood risk management within river catchments. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 15(3), Article e12803. wide range of nature-based solutions for flood hazard management work by storing and slowing flow within catchments, and therefore, there is a need to identify the optimal locations for implementing these solutions. This paper presents a relative s... Read More about Spatial targeting of nature‐based solutions for flood risk management within river catchments.
Transmission loss estimation for ephemeral sand rivers in Southern Africa (2021)
Journal Article
Mathias, S. A., Reaney, S. M., & Kenabatho, P. K. (2021). Transmission loss estimation for ephemeral sand rivers in Southern Africa. Journal of Hydrology, 600, Article 126487. sand rivers represent an important water resource in Southern Africa. These rivers only flow for a few days in a year. However, much of this water infiltrates the underlying river bed sediments where it is protected from evaporation and uti... Read More about Transmission loss estimation for ephemeral sand rivers in Southern Africa.
A new framework for integrated, holistic, and transparent evaluation of inter-basin water transfer schemes (2020)
Journal Article
Sinha, P., Rollason, E., Bracken, L. J., Wainwright, J., & Reaney, M. S. (2020). A new framework for integrated, holistic, and transparent evaluation of inter-basin water transfer schemes. Science of the Total Environment, 721, Article 137646. shortages are forecast to affect 50% of the world's population by 2030, impacting developing nations most acutely. To increase water security there has been a significant increase in Inter-basin Water Transfer (IBWT) schemes, engineering mega-p... Read More about A new framework for integrated, holistic, and transparent evaluation of inter-basin water transfer schemes.
Benchmarking the predictive capability of hydrological models for river flow and flood peak predictions across over 1000 catchments in Great Britain (2019)
Journal Article
Lane, R. A., Coxon, G., Freer, J. E., Wagener, T., Johnes, P. J., Bloomfield, J. P., Greene, S., Macleod, C. J., & Reaney, S. M. (2019). Benchmarking the predictive capability of hydrological models for river flow and flood peak predictions across over 1000 catchments in Great Britain. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 23(10), 4011-4032. model performance across large samples of catchments is useful to guide model selection and future model development. Given uncertainties in the observational data we use to drive and evaluate hydrological models, and uncertainties in th... Read More about Benchmarking the predictive capability of hydrological models for river flow and flood peak predictions across over 1000 catchments in Great Britain.
Identifying critical source areas using multiple methods for effective diffuse pollution mitigation (2019)
Journal Article
Reaney, S., Mackay, E., Haygarth, P., Fisher, M., Molineux, A., Potts, M., & Benskin, C. M. (2019). Identifying critical source areas using multiple methods for effective diffuse pollution mitigation. Journal of Environmental Management, 250, Article 109366. pollution from agriculture constitutes a key pressure on the water quality of freshwaters and is frequently the cause of ecological degradation. The problem of diffuse pollution can be conceptualised with a source-mobilisation-pathway (or del... Read More about Identifying critical source areas using multiple methods for effective diffuse pollution mitigation.
Strong and recurring seasonality revealed within stream diatom assemblages (2019)
Journal Article
Snell, M., Barker, P., Surridge, B., Benskin, C. M. H., Barber, N., Reaney, S., Tych, W., Mindham, D., Large, A., Burke, S., & Haygarth, P. (2019). Strong and recurring seasonality revealed within stream diatom assemblages. Scientific Reports, 9(1), Article 3313. stream water quality in agricultural landscapes is an ecological priority and a legislative duty for many governments. Ecosystem health can be effectively characterised by organisms sensitive to water quality changes such as diatoms, single... Read More about Strong and recurring seasonality revealed within stream diatom assemblages.
High resolution characterisation of E. coli proliferation profiles in livestock faeces (2019)
Journal Article
Porter, K. D., Quilliam, R. S., Reaney, S. M., & Oliver, D. M. (2019). High resolution characterisation of E. coli proliferation profiles in livestock faeces. Waste Management, 87, 537-545. intensification can lead to high volumes of livestock faeces being applied to land, either as solid or liquid manures or via direct defecation, and can result in reservoirs of faecal indicator organisms (FIOs) persisting within farmland.... Read More about High resolution characterisation of E. coli proliferation profiles in livestock faeces.
The Role of Attenuation and Land Management in Small Catchments to Remove Sediment and Phosphorus: A Modelling Study of Mitigation Options and Impacts (2018)
Journal Article
Adams, R., Quinn, P., Barber, N., & Reaney, S. (2018). The Role of Attenuation and Land Management in Small Catchments to Remove Sediment and Phosphorus: A Modelling Study of Mitigation Options and Impacts. Water, 10(9), Article 1227. is well known that soil, hillslopes, and watercourses in small catchments possess a degree of natural attenuation that affects both the shape of the outlet hydrograph and the transport of nutrients and sediments. The widespread adoption of Natural... Read More about The Role of Attenuation and Land Management in Small Catchments to Remove Sediment and Phosphorus: A Modelling Study of Mitigation Options and Impacts.
A catchment-scale model to predict spatial and temporal burden of E . coli on pasture from grazing livestock (2017)
Journal Article
Oliver, D. M., Bartie, P. J., Louise Heathwaite, A., Reaney, S. M., Parnell, J. A., & Quilliam, R. S. (2018). A catchment-scale model to predict spatial and temporal burden of E . coli on pasture from grazing livestock. Science of the Total Environment, 616-617, 678-687. management of diffuse microbial water pollution from agriculture requires a fundamental understanding of how spatial patterns of microbial pollutants, e.g. E. coli, vary over time at the landscape scale. The aim of this study was to apply t... Read More about A catchment-scale model to predict spatial and temporal burden of E . coli on pasture from grazing livestock.
Predicting diffuse microbial pollution risk across catchments: The performance of SCIMAP and recommendations for future development (2017)
Journal Article
Porter, K. D., Reaney, S. M., Quilliam, R. S., Burgess, C., & Oliver, D. M. (2017). Predicting diffuse microbial pollution risk across catchments: The performance of SCIMAP and recommendations for future development. Science of the Total Environment, 609, 456-465. pollution of surface waters in agricultural catchments can be a consequence of poor farm management practices, such as excessive stocking of livestock on vulnerable land or inappropriate handling of manures and slurries. Catchment intervent... Read More about Predicting diffuse microbial pollution risk across catchments: The performance of SCIMAP and recommendations for future development.
Use of spatially distributed time-integrated sediment sampling networks and distributed fine sediment modelling to inform catchment management (2017)
Journal Article
Perks, M., Warburton, J., Bracken, L., Reaney, S., Emery, S., & Hirst, S. (2017). Use of spatially distributed time-integrated sediment sampling networks and distributed fine sediment modelling to inform catchment management. Journal of Environmental Management, 202, 469-478. the EU Water Framework Directive, suspended sediment is omitted from environmental quality standards and compliance targets. This omission is partly explained by difficulties in assessing the complex dose-response of ecological communities. But... Read More about Use of spatially distributed time-integrated sediment sampling networks and distributed fine sediment modelling to inform catchment management.
Changing climate and nutrient transfers: Evidence from high temporal resolution concentration-flow dynamics in headwater catchments (2016)
Journal Article
Ockenden, M., Deasy, C., Benskin, C., Beven, K., Burke, S., Collins, A., Evans, R., Falloon, P., Forber, K., Hiscock, K., Hollaway, M., Kahana, R., Macleod, C., Reaney, S., Snell, M., Villamizar, M., Wearing, C., Withers, P., Zhou, J., & Haygarth, P. (2016). Changing climate and nutrient transfers: Evidence from high temporal resolution concentration-flow dynamics in headwater catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 548-549, hypothesise that climate change, together with intensive agricultural systems, will increase the transfer of pollutants from land to water and impact on stream health. This study builds, for the first time, an integrated assessment of nutrient tra... Read More about Changing climate and nutrient transfers: Evidence from high temporal resolution concentration-flow dynamics in headwater catchments.
Predicting microbial water quality with models: Over-arching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchments (2015)
Journal Article
Oliver, D., Porter, K., Pachepsky, Y., Muirhead, R., Reaney, S., Coffey, R., …Quilliam, R. (2016). Predicting microbial water quality with models: Over-arching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 544, 39-47. application of models to predict concentrations of faecal indicator organisms (FIOs) in environmental systems plays an important role for guiding decision-making associated with the management of microbial water quality. In recent years there has... Read More about Predicting microbial water quality with models: Over-arching questions for managing risk in agricultural catchments.
Dominant mechanisms for the delivery of fine sediment and phosphorus to fluvial networks draining grassland dominated headwater catchments (2015)
Journal Article
Perks, M., Owen, G., Benshin, C., Jonczyk, J., Deasy, C., Burke, S., …Haygarath, P. (2015). Dominant mechanisms for the delivery of fine sediment and phosphorus to fluvial networks draining grassland dominated headwater catchments. Science of the Total Environment, 523, 178-190. advances in monitoring technology have enabled high frequency, in-situ measurements of total phosphorus and total reactive phosphorus to be undertaken with high precision, whilst turbidity can provide an excellent surrogate for suspended sedim... Read More about Dominant mechanisms for the delivery of fine sediment and phosphorus to fluvial networks draining grassland dominated headwater catchments.
A geospatial framework to support integrated biogeochemical modelling in the United Kingdom (2015)
Journal Article
Greene, S., Johnes, P., Bloomfield, J., Reaney, S., Lawley, R., El Khatib, Y., …Percy, B. (2015). A geospatial framework to support integrated biogeochemical modelling in the United Kingdom. Environmental Modelling and Software, 68, 219-232. impacts on the aquatic environment, especially in the context of nutrients, provide a major challenge for water resource management. The heterogeneous nature of policy relevant management units (e.g. catchments), in terms of environment... Read More about A geospatial framework to support integrated biogeochemical modelling in the United Kingdom.
The role of tributary relative timing and sequencing in controlling large floods (2014)
Journal Article
Pattison, I., Lane, S., Hardy, R., & Reaney, S. (2014). The role of tributary relative timing and sequencing in controlling large floods. Water Resources Research, 50(7), 5444-5458. convolution is a product of tributary inputs from across the watershed. The time-space distribution of precipitation, the biophysical processes that control the conversion of precipitation to runoff and channel flow conveyance processes, a... Read More about The role of tributary relative timing and sequencing in controlling large floods.
High frequency variability of environmental drivers determining benthic community dynamics in headwater streams (2014)
Journal Article
Snell, M., Barker, P., Surridge, B., Large, A., Jonczyk, J., Benskin, C. M. H., …Haygarth, P. (2014). High frequency variability of environmental drivers determining benthic community dynamics in headwater streams. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts, 16(7), 1629-1636. streams are an important feature of the landscape, with their diversity in structure and associated ecological function providing a potential natural buffer against downstream nutrient export. Phytobenthic communities, dominated in many hea... Read More about High frequency variability of environmental drivers determining benthic community dynamics in headwater streams.