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Professor Charles Fernyhough's Outputs (163)

Getting Vygotskian about theory of mind: Mediation, dialogue, and the development of social understanding (2007)
Journal Article
Fernyhough, C. (2008). Getting Vygotskian about theory of mind: Mediation, dialogue, and the development of social understanding. Developmental Review, 28(2), 225-262.

The ideas of Vygotsky [Vygotsky, L. S. (1987). Thinking and speech. In The collected works of L. S. Vygotsky, (Vol. 1). New York: Plenum. (Original work published 1934.)] have been increasingly influential in accounting for social–environmental influ... Read More about Getting Vygotskian about theory of mind: Mediation, dialogue, and the development of social understanding.

Reliability of factorial structure of the Peters et al. delusions inventory (PDI-21). (2007)
Journal Article
Jones, S. R., & Fernyhough, C. (2007). Reliability of factorial structure of the Peters et al. delusions inventory (PDI-21). Personality and Individual Differences, 43(4), 647-656.

The 21-item version of the Peters et al. Delusions Inventory (PDI-21) is a commonly used tool to measure delusional ideation in the normal population. Two recent principal component analyses have concluded that the PDI-21 has a seven-factor structure... Read More about Reliability of factorial structure of the Peters et al. delusions inventory (PDI-21)..

Metaphors of mind. (2006)
Journal Article
Fernyhough, C. (2006). Metaphors of mind. Psychologist (Leicester), 19, 356-358

A new look at the neural diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia: The primacy of social-evaluative and uncontrollable situations (2006)
Journal Article
Jones, S., & Fernyhough, C. (2006). A new look at the neural diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia: The primacy of social-evaluative and uncontrollable situations. Schizophrenia Bulletin: The Journal of Psychoses and Related Disorders, 33(5), 1171-1177.

The neural diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia proposes that stress, through its effects on cortisol production, acts upon a preexisting vulnerability to trigger and/or worsen the symptoms of schizophrenia. In line with its focus on the neurobiol... Read More about A new look at the neural diathesis-stress model of schizophrenia: The primacy of social-evaluative and uncontrollable situations.

Mind-mindedness in children: Individual differences in internal-state talk in middle childhood (2006)
Journal Article
Meins, E., Fernyhough, C., Johnson, F., & Lidstone, J. (2006). Mind-mindedness in children: Individual differences in internal-state talk in middle childhood. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 24(1), 181-196.

Children's use of internal-state language during 2 tasks (book narration and describing a best friend) was investigated in a sample (N=38) of 7- to 9-year-olds. Proportional use of internal-state talk on the two tasks was highly positively correlated... Read More about Mind-mindedness in children: Individual differences in internal-state talk in middle childhood.

Neural correlates of inner speech and auditory verbal hallucinations: A critical review and theoretical integration (2006)
Journal Article
Jones, S., & Fernyhough, C. (2006). Neural correlates of inner speech and auditory verbal hallucinations: A critical review and theoretical integration. Clinical Psychology Review, 27(2), 140-154.

The neuroimaging and neurophysiological literature on inner speech in healthy participants and those who experience auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs) is reviewed. AVH-hearers in remission and controls do not differ neurologically on tasks involvi... Read More about Neural correlates of inner speech and auditory verbal hallucinations: A critical review and theoretical integration.

Sociocultural influences on the development of verbal mediation: Private speech and phonological recoding in Saudi Arabian and British samples (2006)
Journal Article
Al-Namlah, A., Fernyhough, C., & Meins, E. (2006). Sociocultural influences on the development of verbal mediation: Private speech and phonological recoding in Saudi Arabian and British samples. Developmental Psychology, 42(1), 117-131.

Cross-national stability in private speech (PS) and short-term memory was investigated in Saudi Arabian (n = 63) and British (n = 58) 4- to 8-year-olds. Assumed differences in child-adult interaction between the 2 nationality groups led to prediction... Read More about Sociocultural influences on the development of verbal mediation: Private speech and phonological recoding in Saudi Arabian and British samples.

Private speech on an executive task: Relations with task difficulty and task performance (2005)
Journal Article
Fernyhough, C., & Fradley, E. (2005). Private speech on an executive task: Relations with task difficulty and task performance. Cognitive Development, 20(1), 103-120.

Measures of private speech and task performance were obtained for a sample of 46 5- and 6-year-olds engaged on a mechanical version of the Tower of London (ToL) task. Two different sets of four puzzles of increasing difficulty were attempted on two o... Read More about Private speech on an executive task: Relations with task difficulty and task performance.

Pathways to understanding mind: Construct validity and predictive validity of maternal mind-mindedness (2003)
Journal Article
Meins, E., Fernyhough, C., Wainwright, R., Clark-Carter, D., Das Gupta, M., Fradley, E., & Tuckey, M. (2003). Pathways to understanding mind: Construct validity and predictive validity of maternal mind-mindedness. Child Development, 74(4), 1194-1211.

The construct validity of maternal mind-mindedness (MM) was investigated in the context of its relations with children's later understanding of mind. MM measures were obtained from infant–mother (N=52) interactions at 6 months, and from maternal inte... Read More about Pathways to understanding mind: Construct validity and predictive validity of maternal mind-mindedness.

Maternal mind-mindedness and attachment security as predictors of theory of mind understanding (2002)
Journal Article
Meins, E., Fernyhough, C., Wainwright, R., Das Gupta, M., Fradley, E., & Tuckey, M. (2002). Maternal mind-mindedness and attachment security as predictors of theory of mind understanding. Child Development, 73(6), 1715-1726.

This study investigated relations between social interaction during infancy and children's subsequent theory of mind (ToM). Infant-mother pairs (N= 57) were observed in a free-play context at 6 months. Interactions were coded for (a) mothers' use of... Read More about Maternal mind-mindedness and attachment security as predictors of theory of mind understanding.

Rethinking maternal sensitivity: Mothers' comments on infants' mental processes predict security of attachment at 12 months (2001)
Journal Article
Meins, E., Fernyhough, C., Fradley, E., & Tuckey, M. (2001). Rethinking maternal sensitivity: Mothers' comments on infants' mental processes predict security of attachment at 12 months. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 42(5), 637-648.

This study investigated predictors of attachment security in a play context using a sample of 71 mothers and their 6-month-old infants. We sought to rethink the concept of maternal sensitivity by focusing on mothers' ability accurately to read the me... Read More about Rethinking maternal sensitivity: Mothers' comments on infants' mental processes predict security of attachment at 12 months.