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Professor Douglas Halliday's Outputs (94)

Steady State Photoconductivity In Conjugated Polymers (2002)
Book Chapter
Sitch, C., Halliday, D., & Monkman, A. (2002). Steady State Photoconductivity In Conjugated Polymers. In G. E. Jabbour, & N. S. Sariciftci (Eds.), Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Polymers and Oligomers (327-331). Materials Research Society

Photoluminescence characrerisation of ion implanted CdTe (2002)
Book Chapter
Halliday, D., Potter, M., Boyle, D., & Durose, K. (2002). Photoluminescence characrerisation of ion implanted CdTe. In R. Birkmire, R. Noufi, D. Lincot, & H. Schock (Eds.), Compound Semiconductor Photovoltaic Materials: 2001 MRS Spring Meeting - Symposium H – II-IV (H1.8.1 - H1.8.6). Cambridge University Press.

We have ion implanted a series of dopants into single crystal CdTe. The influence of the impurities on the CdTe has been studied by low temperature photoluminescence spectroscopy. The impurities studied are: O, Cl, Cu, S, Na and Sb, and were selected... Read More about Photoluminescence characrerisation of ion implanted CdTe.

The influence of CdTe growth ambient on MOCVD grown CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells. (2001)
Journal Article
Hartley, A., Irvine, S., Halliday, D., & Potter, M. (2001). The influence of CdTe growth ambient on MOCVD grown CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells. Thin Solid Films, 387(1-2), 89-91.

CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells have been grown by MOCVD (metal–organic chemical vapour deposition) with a range of VI/II ratios in the CdTe reactant mixture. All CdTe layers were highly doped with As (approx. 2×1018 atoms/cm3) to ensure p-type conductiv... Read More about The influence of CdTe growth ambient on MOCVD grown CdS/CdTe photovoltaic cells..

Analysis of CdCl2 annealing process in CdTe/CdS solar cells (2000)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Potter, M., Halliday, D., Cousins, M., Scheer, H., McNelis, B., Palz, W., Ossenbrink, H., & Helm, P. (2000, December). Analysis of CdCl2 annealing process in CdTe/CdS solar cells. Presented at 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy, Glasgow, Scotland

A series of CdTe/CdS solar cells are subjected to CdCl2 anneals of varying lengths and then chemically bevelled and analysed by photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. Half of the samples were subjected to a physical polishing using 0.25 m diamond paste... Read More about Analysis of CdCl2 annealing process in CdTe/CdS solar cells.

Effect of interdiffusion and impurities on thin film CdTe/CdS photovoltaic junctions (2000)
Journal Article
Potter, M., Cousins, M., Durose, K., & Halliday, D. (2000). Effect of interdiffusion and impurities on thin film CdTe/CdS photovoltaic junctions. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 11(7), 525-530.

We have used low temperature photoluminescence (PL) to study thin film CdTe/CdS solar cell structures. The devices were produced by close space sublimation (CSS) and have undergone a post-growth treatment, a vital step in increasing device efficiency... Read More about Effect of interdiffusion and impurities on thin film CdTe/CdS photovoltaic junctions.

Electrical and optical properties of a polymer semiconductor interface (1999)
Journal Article
Halliday, D., Gray, J., Adams, P., & Monkman, A. (1999). Electrical and optical properties of a polymer semiconductor interface. Synthetic Metals, 102(1-3), 877-878

We have fabricated a stable electrical interface between a range of n-type, p-type and undoped GaAs epitaxial layers and a film of conductive p-type polyaniline. The IV characteristics of this device show rectifying behaviour consistent with a potent... Read More about Electrical and optical properties of a polymer semiconductor interface.

Visible electroluminescence from a polyaniline-porous silicon junction (1997)
Journal Article
Halliday, D., Eggleston, J., Adams, P., Pentland, I., & Monkman, A. (1997). Visible electroluminescence from a polyaniline-porous silicon junction. Synthetic Metals, 85(1-3), 1245-1246

We have studied the interface formed between a p-type conducting polyaniline layer and an n-type porous silicon wafer, The contact has rectifying behaviour demonstrated clearly by the IV curves, We can fit our data to a simple Schottky barrier model.... Read More about Visible electroluminescence from a polyaniline-porous silicon junction.

Electroluminescence from porous silicon using a conducting polyaniline contact (1996)
Journal Article
Halliday, D., Holland, E., Eggleston, J., Adams, P., Cox, S., & Monkman, A. (1996). Electroluminescence from porous silicon using a conducting polyaniline contact. Thin Solid Films, 276(1-2), 299-302.

We have fabricated a p-n junction using a p-type conducting polyaniline layer deposited on an n-type porous silicon layer. This junction shows rectifying behaviour. The I–V curves can be fitted to a Schottky barrier model with a barrier height of 0.8... Read More about Electroluminescence from porous silicon using a conducting polyaniline contact.