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Professor Carlos Frenk's Outputs (30)

A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models (2017)
Journal Article
Hou, J., Lacey, C. G., & Frenk, C. S. (2018). A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 475(1), 543-569.

Semi-analytic galaxy formation models are widely used to gain insight into the astrophysics of galaxy formation and in model testing, parameter space searching and mock catalogue building. In this work, we present a new model for gas cooling in haloe... Read More about A new gas cooling model for semi-analytic galaxy formation models.

Predictions for deep galaxy surveys with JWST from ΛCDM (2017)
Journal Article
Cowley, W., Baugh, C., Cole, S., Frenk, C., & Lacey, C. (2018). Predictions for deep galaxy surveys with JWST from ΛCDM. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(2), 2352-2372.

We present predictions for the outcome of deep galaxy surveys with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) obtained from a physical model of galaxy formation in Λ cold dark matter. We use the latest version of the GALFORM model, embedded within a new (... Read More about Predictions for deep galaxy surveys with JWST from ΛCDM.

HBT+: an improved code for finding subhaloes and building merger trees in cosmological simulations (2017)
Journal Article
Han, J., Cole, S., Frenk, C., Benitez-Llambay, A., & Helly, J. (2018). HBT+: an improved code for finding subhaloes and building merger trees in cosmological simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(1), 604-617.

Dark matter subhalos are the remnants of (incomplete) halo mergers. Identifying them and establishing their evolutionary links in the form of merger trees is one of the most important applications of cosmological simulations. The HBT (Hierachical Bou... Read More about HBT+: an improved code for finding subhaloes and building merger trees in cosmological simulations.

Comparing galaxy formation in semi-analytic models and hydrodynamical simulations (2017)
Journal Article
Mitchell, P. D., Lacey, C. G., Lagos, C. D., Frenk, C. S., Bower, R. G., Cole, S., …Theuns, T. (2018). Comparing galaxy formation in semi-analytic models and hydrodynamical simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 474(1), 492-521.

It is now possible for hydrodynamical simulations to reproduce a representative galaxy population. Accordingly, it is timely to assess critically some of the assumptions of traditional semi-analytic galaxy formation models. We use the EAGLE simulatio... Read More about Comparing galaxy formation in semi-analytic models and hydrodynamical simulations.

The vertical structure of gaseous galaxy discs in cold dark matter haloes (2017)
Journal Article
Benítez-Llambay, A., Navarro, J. F., Frenk, C. S., & Ludlow, A. D. (2018). The vertical structure of gaseous galaxy discs in cold dark matter haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(1), 1019-1037.

We study the vertical structure of polytropic centrifugally supported gaseous discs embedded in cold dark matter (CDM) haloes. At fixed radius, R, the shape of the vertical density profile depends weakly on whether the disc is self-gravitating (SG) o... Read More about The vertical structure of gaseous galaxy discs in cold dark matter haloes.

Origins of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars (2017)
Journal Article
Sharma, M., Theuns, T., Frenk, C. S., & Cooke, R. J. (2018). Origins of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 473(1), 984-995.

We investigate the nature of carbon-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars in Milky Way (MW) analogues selected from the EAGLE cosmological hydrodynamical simulation. The stellar evolution model in EAGLE includes the physics of enrichment by asymptotic gia... Read More about Origins of carbon-enhanced metal-poor stars.

Lessons from the Auriga discs: the hunt for the Milky Way's ex situ disc is not yet over (2017)
Journal Article
Gómez, F. A., Grand, R. J., Monachesi, A., White, S. D., Bustamante, S., Marinacci, F., …Frenk, C. S. (2017). Lessons from the Auriga discs: the hunt for the Milky Way's ex situ disc is not yet over. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 472(3), 3722-3733.

We characterize the contribution from accreted material to the galactic discs of the Auriga Project, a set of high-resolution magnetohydrodynamic cosmological simulations of late-type galaxies performed with the moving-mesh code AREPO. Our goal is to... Read More about Lessons from the Auriga discs: the hunt for the Milky Way's ex situ disc is not yet over.

The origin of the mass discrepancy-acceleration relation in ΛCDM (2017)
Journal Article
Navarro, J., Benítez-Llambay, A., Fattahi, A., Frenk, C., Ludlow, A., Oman, K., …Theuns, T. (2017). The origin of the mass discrepancy-acceleration relation in ΛCDM. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 471(2), 1841-1848.

We examine the origin of the mass discrepancy–radial acceleration relation (MDAR) of disc galaxies. This is a tight empirical correlation between the disc centripetal acceleration and that expected from the baryonic component. The MDAR holds for most... Read More about The origin of the mass discrepancy-acceleration relation in ΛCDM.

The segregation of baryons and dark matter during halo assembly (2017)
Journal Article
Liao, S., Gao, L., Frenk, C. S., Guo, Q., & Wang, J. (2017). The segregation of baryons and dark matter during halo assembly. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470(2), 2262-2269.

The standard galaxy formation theory assumes that baryons and dark matter are initially well mixed before becoming segregated due to radiative cooling. We use non-radiative hydrodynamical simulations to explicitly examine this assumption and find tha... Read More about The segregation of baryons and dark matter during halo assembly.

What to expect from dynamical modelling of galactic haloes (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, W., Han, J., Cole, S., Frenk, C., & Sawala, T. (2017). What to expect from dynamical modelling of galactic haloes. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470(2), 2351-2366.

Many dynamical models of the Milky Way halo require assumptions that the distribution function of a tracer population should be independent of time (i.e. a steady-state distribution function) and that the underlying potential is spherical. We study t... Read More about What to expect from dynamical modelling of galactic haloes.

Optical colours and spectral indices of z = 0.1 eagle galaxies with the 3D dust radiative transfer code skirt (2017)
Journal Article
Trayford, J., Camps, P., Theuns, T., Baes, M., Bower, R., Crain, R., …Frenk, C. (2017). Optical colours and spectral indices of z = 0.1 eagle galaxies with the 3D dust radiative transfer code skirt. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 470(1), 771-799.

We present mock optical images, broad-band and H α fluxes, and D4000 spectral indices for 30 145 galaxies from the EAGLE hydrodynamical simulation at redshift z = 0.1, modelling dust with the SKIRT Monte Carlo radiative transfer code. The modelling i... Read More about Optical colours and spectral indices of z = 0.1 eagle galaxies with the 3D dust radiative transfer code skirt.

Magnetic field formation in the Milky Way like disc galaxies of the Auriga project (2017)
Journal Article
Pakmor, R., Gómez, F., Grand, R., Marinacci, F., Simpson, C., Springel, V., …White, S. (2017). Magnetic field formation in the Milky Way like disc galaxies of the Auriga project. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(3), 3185-3199.

The magnetic fields observed in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies appear to be in equipartition with the turbulent, thermal and cosmic ray energy densities, and hence are expected to be dynamically important. However, the origin of these strong magne... Read More about Magnetic field formation in the Milky Way like disc galaxies of the Auriga project.

Barred galaxies in the EAGLE cosmological hydrodynamical simulation (2017)
Journal Article
Algorry, D., Navarro, J., Abadi, M., Sales, L., Bower, R., Crain, R., …Theuns, T. (2017). Barred galaxies in the EAGLE cosmological hydrodynamical simulation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(1), 1054-1064.

We examine the properties of barred disc galaxies in a ΛCDM cosmological hydrodynamical simulation from the EAGLE project. Our study follows the formation of 269 discs identified at z = 0 in the stellar mass range 10.6 < log M*/M⊙ < 11. These discs s... Read More about Barred galaxies in the EAGLE cosmological hydrodynamical simulation.

Mass-Discrepancy Acceleration Relation: A Natural Outcome of Galaxy Formation in Cold Dark Matter Halos (2017)
Journal Article
Ludlow, A., Benítez-Llambay, A., Schaller, M., Theuns, T., Frenk, C., Bower, R., …Oman, K. (2017). Mass-Discrepancy Acceleration Relation: A Natural Outcome of Galaxy Formation in Cold Dark Matter Halos. Physical Review Letters, 118(16), Article 161103.

We analyze the total and baryonic acceleration profiles of a set of well-resolved galaxies identified in the eagle suite of hydrodynamic simulations. Our runs start from the same initial conditions but adopt different prescriptions for unresolved ste... Read More about Mass-Discrepancy Acceleration Relation: A Natural Outcome of Galaxy Formation in Cold Dark Matter Halos.

Comparing semi-analytic particle tagging and hydrodynamical simulations of the Milky Way's stellar halo (2017)
Journal Article
Cooper, A., Cole, S., Frenk, C., Le Bret, T., & Pontzen, A. (2017). Comparing semi-analytic particle tagging and hydrodynamical simulations of the Milky Way's stellar halo. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(2), 1691-1712.

Particle tagging is an efficient, but approximate, technique for using cosmological N-body simulations to model the phase-space evolution of the stellar populations predicted, for example, by a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation. We test the tec... Read More about Comparing semi-analytic particle tagging and hydrodynamical simulations of the Milky Way's stellar halo.

Predictions for the detection of tidal streams with Gaia using great-circle methods (2017)
Journal Article
Mateu, C., Cooper, A., Font, A., Aguilar, L., Frenk, C., Cole, S., …McCarthy, I. (2017). Predictions for the detection of tidal streams with Gaia using great-circle methods. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 469(1), 721-743.

The Gaia astrometric mission may offer an unprecedented opportunity to discover new tidal streams in the Galactic halo. To test this, we apply nGC3, a great-circle-cell count method that combines position and proper motion data to identify streams, t... Read More about Predictions for the detection of tidal streams with Gaia using great-circle methods.

The galaxy population in cold and warm dark matter cosmologies (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, L., Gonzalez-Perez, V., Xie, L., Cooper, A., Frenk, C., Gao, L., …Jiang, L. (2017). The galaxy population in cold and warm dark matter cosmologies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468(4), 4579-4591.

We use a pair of high-resolution N-body simulations implementing two dark matter models, namely the standard cold dark matter (CDM) cosmogony and a warm dark matter (WDM) alternative where the dark matter particle is a 1.5 keV thermal relic. We combi... Read More about The galaxy population in cold and warm dark matter cosmologies.

Dynamical Models for the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal in a ΛCDM Universe (2017)
Journal Article
Strigari, L., Frenk, C., & White, S. (2017). Dynamical Models for the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal in a ΛCDM Universe. Astrophysical Journal, 838(2), Article 123.

The Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy appears to contain two distinct stellar populations of differing metallicity. Several authors have argued that in order for these two populations to reside in the same gravitational potential, the dark matter halo... Read More about Dynamical Models for the Sculptor Dwarf Spheroidal in a ΛCDM Universe.

Tidal features of classical Milky Way satellites in a Λ cold dark matter universe (2017)
Journal Article
Wang, M., Fattahi, A., Cooper, A., Sawala, T., Strigari, L., Frenk, C., …Schaller, M. (2017). Tidal features of classical Milky Way satellites in a Λ cold dark matter universe. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468(4), 4887-4901.

We use the APOSTLE (A Project Of Simulating The Local Environment) cosmological hydrodynamic simulations to examine the effects of tidal stripping on cold dark matter subhaloes that host three of the most luminous Milky Way dwarf satellite galaxies:... Read More about Tidal features of classical Milky Way satellites in a Λ cold dark matter universe.

Properties of Local Group galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations of sterile neutrino dark matter cosmologies (2017)
Journal Article
Lovell, M., Bose, S., Boyarsky, A., Crain, R., Frenk, C., Hellwing, W., …Theuns, T. (2017). Properties of Local Group galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations of sterile neutrino dark matter cosmologies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 468(4), 4285-4298.

We study galaxy formation in sterile neutrino dark matter models that differ significantly from both cold and from ‘warm thermal relic’ models. We use the EAGLE code to carry out hydrodynamic simulations of the evolution of pairs of galaxies chosen t... Read More about Properties of Local Group galaxies in hydrodynamical simulations of sterile neutrino dark matter cosmologies.