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Professor Carlton Baugh's Outputs (359)

The diverse star formation histories of early massive, quenched galaxies in modern galaxy formation simulations (2024)
Journal Article
del P Lagos, C., Valentino, F., Wright, R. J., de Graaff, A., Glazebrook, K., De Lucia, G., Robotham, A. S. G., Nanayakkara, T., Chandro-Gomez, A., Bravo, M., Baugh, C. M., Harborne, K. E., Hirschmann, M., Fontanot, F., Xie, L., & Chittenden, H. (online). The diverse star formation histories of early massive, quenched galaxies in modern galaxy formation simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society,

Predictions for the abundance and clustering of Hα emitting galaxies (2024)
Journal Article
Madar, M. S., Baugh, C. M., & Shi, D. (2024). Predictions for the abundance and clustering of Hα emitting galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535(4), 3324-3341.

We predict the surface density and clustering bias of Hα emitting galaxies for the Euclid and Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope redshift surveys using a new calibration of the GALFORM galaxy formation model. We generate 3000 GALFORM models to train a... Read More about Predictions for the abundance and clustering of Hα emitting galaxies.

The PAU survey: photometric redshift estimation in deep wide fields (2024)
Journal Article
Navarro-Gironés, D., Gaztañaga, E., Crocce, M., Wittje, A., Hildebrandt, H., Wright, A. H., Siudek, M., Eriksen, M., Serrano, S., Renard, P., Gonzalez, E. J., Baugh, C. M., Cabayol, L., Carretero, J., Casas, R., Castander, F. J., Daza-Perilla, I. V., De Vicente, J., Fernandez, E., García-Bellido, J., …Tallada-Crespí, P. (2024). The PAU survey: photometric redshift estimation in deep wide fields. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 534(2), 1504-1527.

The PAU Survey: Galaxy stellar population properties estimates with narrowband data (2024)
Journal Article
Csizi, B., Tortorelli, L., Siudek, M., Grün, D., Renard, P., Tallada-Crespí, P., Sánchez, E., Miquel, R., Padilla, C., García-Bellido, J., Gaztañaga, E., Casas, R., Serrano, S., De Vicente, J., Fernandez, E., Eriksen, M., Manzoni, G., Baugh, C. M., Carretero, J., & Castander, F. J. (2024). The PAU Survey: Galaxy stellar population properties estimates with narrowband data. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 689,

A new test of gravity – I. Introduction to the method (2024)
Journal Article
Armijo, J., Baugh, C. M., Norberg, P., & Padilla, N. D. (2024). A new test of gravity – I. Introduction to the method. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 529(3), 2866-2876.

We introduce a new scheme based on the marked correlation function to probe gravity using the large-scale structure of the Universe. We illustrate our approach by applying it to simulations of the metric-variation f(R) modified gravity theory and gen... Read More about A new test of gravity – I. Introduction to the method.

The PAU Survey: a new constraint on galaxy formation models using the observed colour redshift relation (2024)
Journal Article
Manzoni, G., Baugh, C. M., Norberg, P., Cabayol, L., van den Busch, J. L., Wittje, A., Navarro-Gironés, D., Eriksen, M., Fosalba, P., Carretero, J., Castander, F. J., Casas, R., De Vicente, J., Fernandez, E., García-Bellido, J., Gaztanaga, E., Helly, J. C., Hoekstra, H., Hildebrandt, H., Gonzalez, E. J., …Tortorelli, L. (2024). The PAU Survey: a new constraint on galaxy formation models using the observed colour redshift relation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 530(2), 1394-1413.

We use the GALFORM semi-analytical galaxy formation model implemented in the Planck Millennium N-body simulation to build a mock galaxy catalogue on an observer’s past lightcone. The mass resolution of this N-body simulation is almost an order of mag... Read More about The PAU Survey: a new constraint on galaxy formation models using the observed colour redshift relation.

A new test of gravity – II. Application of marked correlation functions to luminous red galaxy samples (2024)
Journal Article
Armijo, J., Baugh, C. M., Norberg, P., & Padilla, N. D. (2024). A new test of gravity – II. Application of marked correlation functions to luminous red galaxy samples. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 528(4), 6631-6636.

We apply the marked correlation function test proposed by Armijo et al. (Paper I) to samples of luminous red galaxies (LRGs) from the final data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) III. The test assigns a density-dependent mark to galaxies... Read More about A new test of gravity – II. Application of marked correlation functions to luminous red galaxy samples.

An emulator-based halo model in modified gravity – I. The halo concentration–mass relation and density profile (2023)
Journal Article
Ruan, C.-Z., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Eggemeier, A., Li, B., Baugh, C. M., Arnold, C., Bose, S., Hernández-Aguayo, C., Zarrouk, P., & Davies, C. T. (2024). An emulator-based halo model in modified gravity – I. The halo concentration–mass relation and density profile. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 527(2), 2490–2507.

How limiting is optical follow-up for fast radio burst applications? Forecasts for radio and optical surveys (2023)
Journal Article
Jahns-Schindler, J. N., Spitler, L. G., Walker, C. R. H., & Baugh, C. M. (2023). How limiting is optical follow-up for fast radio burst applications? Forecasts for radio and optical surveys. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523(4), 5006-5023.

Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are the first cosmological radio sources that vary on millisecond time-scales, which makes them a unique probe of the Universe. Many proposed applications of FRBs require associated redshifts. These can only be obtained by lo... Read More about How limiting is optical follow-up for fast radio burst applications? Forecasts for radio and optical surveys.

Galaxy clustering from the bottom up: A Streaming Model emulator I (2023)
Journal Article
Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Nishimichi, T., Kobayashi, Y., Ruan, C.-Z., Eggemeier, A., Miyatake, H., Takada, M., Yoshida, N., Zarrouk, P., Baugh, C. M., Bose, S., & Li, B. (2023). Galaxy clustering from the bottom up: A Streaming Model emulator I. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 523(3), 3219–3238.

In this series of papers, we present a simulation-based model for the non-linear clustering of galaxies based on separate modelling of clustering in real space and velocity statistics. In the first paper, we present an emulator for the real-space cor... Read More about Galaxy clustering from the bottom up: A Streaming Model emulator I.

The buildup of galaxies and their spheroids: The contributions of mergers, disc instabilities, and star formation (2022)
Journal Article
Huško, F., Lacey, C. G., & Baugh, C. M. (2023). The buildup of galaxies and their spheroids: The contributions of mergers, disc instabilities, and star formation. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 518(4), 5323-5339.

We use the GALFORM semi-analytical model of galaxy formation and the Planck-Millennium simulation to investigate the origins of stellar mass in galaxies and their spheroids. We compare the importance of mergers and disc instabilities, as well as the... Read More about The buildup of galaxies and their spheroids: The contributions of mergers, disc instabilities, and star formation.

Towards an accurate model of small-scale redshift-space distortions in modified gravity (2022)
Journal Article
Ruan, C.-Z., Cuesta-Lazaro, C., Eggemeier, A., Hernández-Aguayo, C., Baugh, C. M., Li, B., & Prada, F. (2022). Towards an accurate model of small-scale redshift-space distortions in modified gravity. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 514(1), 440-459.

The coming generation of galaxy surveys will provide measurements of galaxy clustering with unprecedented accuracy and data size, which will allow us to test cosmological models at much higher precision than achievable previously. This means that we... Read More about Towards an accurate model of small-scale redshift-space distortions in modified gravity.

Fast full N-body simulations of generic modified gravity: derivative coupling models (2022)
Journal Article
Hernández-Aguayo, C., Ruan, C.-Z., Li, B., Arnold, C., Baugh, C. M., Klypin, A., & Prada, F. (2022). Fast full N-body simulations of generic modified gravity: derivative coupling models. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2022, Article 048.

We present mg-glam, a code developed for the very fast production of full N-body cosmological simulations in modified gravity (MG) models. We describe the implementation, numerical tests and first results of a large suite of cosmological simulations... Read More about Fast full N-body simulations of generic modified gravity: derivative coupling models.

Halo merger tree comparison: impact on galaxy formation models (2021)
Journal Article
Gómez, J. S., Padilla, N., Helly, J., Lacey, C., Baugh, C., & Lagos, C. (2022). Halo merger tree comparison: impact on galaxy formation models. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(4), 5500-5519.

We examine the effect of using different halo finders and merger tree building algorithms on galaxy properties predicted using the GALFORM semi-analytical model run on a high resolution, large volume dark matter simulation. The halo finders/tree buil... Read More about Halo merger tree comparison: impact on galaxy formation models.

Modelling emission lines in star-forming galaxies (2021)
Journal Article
Baugh, C., Lacey, C. G., Gonzalez-Perez, V., & Manzoni, G. (2022). Modelling emission lines in star-forming galaxies. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(2), 1880-1893.

We present a new model to compute the luminosity of emission lines in star-forming galaxies and apply this in the semi-analytical galaxy formation code GALFORM. The model combines a pre-computed grid of H II region models with an empirical determinat... Read More about Modelling emission lines in star-forming galaxies.

Making use of sub-resolution haloes in N-body simulations (2021)
Journal Article
Armijo, J., Baugh, C. M., Padilla, N. D., Norberg, P., & Arnold, C. (2022). Making use of sub-resolution haloes in N-body simulations. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 510(1), 29-33.

Conservative mass limits are often imposed on the dark matter halo catalogues extracted from N-body simulations. By comparing simulations with different mass resolutions, at z = 0 we find that even for haloes resolved by 100 particles, the lower reso... Read More about Making use of sub-resolution haloes in N-body simulations.