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Beng See's Outputs (7)

A Comparative Study Data on Early-Years Education of Children in India and Pakistan, 2020-2021 (2023)
Siddiqui, N., Huo, G., Gorard, S., Dixon, P., See, B., Bulsari, S., & Pandya, K. (2023). A Comparative Study Data on Early-Years Education of Children in India and Pakistan, 2020-2021. [Dataset]

School enrolment of around 80% in India and Pakistan is lower than targets associated with Sustainable Development Goal 4 and functional levels of literacy and numeracy are inadequate even for many young children who are enrolled in school. This proj... Read More about A Comparative Study Data on Early-Years Education of Children in India and Pakistan, 2020-2021.

Reviewing the evidence base on school leadership, culture, climate and structure for teacher retention (2023)
Nguyen, D., See, B. H., Brown, C., & Kokotsaki, D. (2023). Reviewing the evidence base on school leadership, culture, climate and structure for teacher retention. Education Edowment Foundation

Teacher retention has been a persistent challenge internationally and in England. Failure to recruit and retain qualified teachers may result in teacher shortage that has a negative effect on student learning. This issue is exacerbated in challenging... Read More about Reviewing the evidence base on school leadership, culture, climate and structure for teacher retention.

How finance-based interventions can improve attainment at school for disadvantaged students: A review of international evidence (2023)
Journal Article
See, B., Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., Hitt, L., el-Soufi, N., & Lu, B. (2024). How finance-based interventions can improve attainment at school for disadvantaged students: A review of international evidence. Educational Research and Evaluation, 28(7-8),

The challenge of improving attainment in schools has been a longstanding issue, particularly in developing countries. This paper uses a structured review to examine the best causal evidence from research worldwide on the impact of various strategies,... Read More about How finance-based interventions can improve attainment at school for disadvantaged students: A review of international evidence.

Improving Attendance and Enrolment at School for Children Living in Poverty (2023)
Journal Article
See, B. H., Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., El Soufi, N., Hitt, L., & Lu, B. (2023). Improving Attendance and Enrolment at School for Children Living in Poverty. Nordic Journal of Systematic Reviews in Education, 1(1), 1-29

This paper summarises the findings of a large-scale structured review of 73 studies to iden-tify promising interventions to increase school enrolment and attendance, particularly in less developed countries where school... Read More about Improving Attendance and Enrolment at School for Children Living in Poverty.

Can a code-based approach to marking and feedback reduce teachers’ workload? An evaluation of the FLASH marking intervention (2023)
Journal Article
Morris, R., Gorard, S., See, B., & Siddiqui, N. (2024). Can a code-based approach to marking and feedback reduce teachers’ workload? An evaluation of the FLASH marking intervention. Oxford Review of Education, 50(4), 552-569 .

Heavy teacher workload is of considerable policy concern in many education systems in the world. It is considered one of the main contributory factors in teacher attrition. One aspect of workload that could be addressed is reducing the amount of mark... Read More about Can a code-based approach to marking and feedback reduce teachers’ workload? An evaluation of the FLASH marking intervention.

Lessons for addressing educational disadvantage from a range of studies (2023)
Journal Article
Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., & See, B. H. (2023). Lessons for addressing educational disadvantage from a range of studies. Cogent Education, 10(2), 1-14.

Governments and education systems worldwide have tried using additional cash transfers to encourage school enrolment and attendance, and to reduce the attainment gap between disadvantaged students and their peers. There are now many strands of eviden... Read More about Lessons for addressing educational disadvantage from a range of studies.

The disproportionality of ethnic minority teachers in England: trends, patterns, and problems (2023)
Journal Article
Gorard, S., Chen, W., Tan, Y., Gazmuri, C., See, B., Tereshchenko, A., Demie, F., & Siddiqui, N. (2023). The disproportionality of ethnic minority teachers in England: trends, patterns, and problems. Routledge Open Research, 2(13),

Background: England has an ethnically diverse population; reflected in the teacher workforce, and the student body in schools. However, it is not clear that these figures are in proportion to each other. This paper examines the ethnic profile of stud... Read More about The disproportionality of ethnic minority teachers in England: trends, patterns, and problems.