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Dr Tim Hawkins' Outputs (4)

Multiple C2 domains and transmembrane region proteins (MCTPs) tether membranes at plasmodesmata (2019)
Journal Article
Brault, M. L., Petit, J. D., Immel, F., Nicolas, W. J., Glavier, M., Brocard, L., Gaston, A., Fouché, M., Hawkins, T. J., Crowet, J., Grison, M. S., Germain, V., Rocher, M., Kraner, M., Alva, V., Claverol, S., Paterlini, A., Helariutta, Y., Deleu, M., Lins, L., …Bayer, E. M. (2019). Multiple C2 domains and transmembrane region proteins (MCTPs) tether membranes at plasmodesmata. EMBO Reports, 20(8), Article e47182.

In eukaryotes, membrane contact sites (MCS) allow direct communication between organelles. Plants have evolved a unique type of MCS, inside intercellular pores, the plasmodesmata, where endoplasmic reticulum (ER)–plasma membrane (PM) contacts coincid... Read More about Multiple C2 domains and transmembrane region proteins (MCTPs) tether membranes at plasmodesmata.

Polar cell growth and the cytoskeleton (2019)
Book Chapter
Hussey, P., Deeks, M., Hawkins, T., & Ketelaar, T. (2019). Polar cell growth and the cytoskeleton. In K. Lindsey (Ed.), Polarity in Plants. Blackwell

Pulling force deforms hair follicle root sheath nuclei and surrounding dermal collagen matrix differently at infundibulum, isthmus and suprabulbar regions (2019)
Journal Article
Johnson, S., Cowley, K., Hawkins, T. J., & Määttä, A. (2019). Pulling force deforms hair follicle root sheath nuclei and surrounding dermal collagen matrix differently at infundibulum, isthmus and suprabulbar regions. Experimental Dermatology, 28(7), 862-866.

The biomechanical properties of the collagenous dermal matrix are well described but responses to mechanical force by the hair follicles have not been characterised so far. We applied a pulling force on hair follicles to visualise and quantify change... Read More about Pulling force deforms hair follicle root sheath nuclei and surrounding dermal collagen matrix differently at infundibulum, isthmus and suprabulbar regions.