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Dr Tim Hawkins' Outputs (4)

Blobs and curves: object-based colocalisation for plant cells (2014)
Journal Article
Nelson, C., Duckney, P., Hawkins, T., Deeks, M., Laissue, P., Hussey, P., & Obara, B. (2014). Blobs and curves: object-based colocalisation for plant cells. Functional Plant Biology, 42(5), 471-485.

Blobs and curves occur everywhere in plant bioimaging: from signals of fluorescence-labelled proteins, through cytoskeletal structures, nuclei staining and cell extensions such as root hairs. Here we look at the problem of colocalisation of blobs wit... Read More about Blobs and curves: object-based colocalisation for plant cells.

The Plant Cytoskeleton, NET3C, and VAP27 Mediate the Link between the Plasma Membrane and Endoplasmic Reticulum (2014)
Journal Article
Wang, P., Hawkins, T. J., Richardson, C., Cummins, I., Deeks, M. J., Sparkes, I., …Hussey, P. J. (2014). The Plant Cytoskeleton, NET3C, and VAP27 Mediate the Link between the Plasma Membrane and Endoplasmic Reticulum. Current Biology, 24(12), 1397-1405.

The cortical endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network in plants is a highly dynamic structure, and it contacts the plasma membrane (PM) at ER-PM anchor/contact sites. These sites are known to be essential for communication between the ER and PM for lipid t... Read More about The Plant Cytoskeleton, NET3C, and VAP27 Mediate the Link between the Plasma Membrane and Endoplasmic Reticulum.

The evolution of the actin binding NET superfamily (2014)
Journal Article
Hawkins, T., Deeks, M., Wang, P., & Hussey, P. (2014). The evolution of the actin binding NET superfamily. Frontiers in Plant Science, 5, Article 254.

The Arabidopsis Networked (NET) superfamily are plant-specific actin binding proteins which specifically label different membrane compartments and identify specialized sites of interaction between actin and membranes unique to plants. There are 13 me... Read More about The evolution of the actin binding NET superfamily.

Emissive europium complexes that stain the cell walls of healthy plant cells, pollen tubes and roots (2014)
Journal Article
Palmer, A. J., Ford, S. H., Butler, S. J., Hawkins, T. J., Hussey, P. J., Pal, R., …Parker, D. (2014). Emissive europium complexes that stain the cell walls of healthy plant cells, pollen tubes and roots. RSC Advances, 4(18), 9356-9366.

The cell-staining behaviour of a set of five emissive europium complexes has been studied in Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 cells and pollen tubes, Nicotiana benthamiana plant leaves and in the root hairs of the wild-type plant Arabidopsis thaliana (Columbia... Read More about Emissive europium complexes that stain the cell walls of healthy plant cells, pollen tubes and roots.