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Richard Myers' Outputs (35)

Preliminary on-sky results of the CANARY experiment with an ELT-elongated sodium LGS (2017)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Bardou, L., Gendron, E., Rousset, G., Gratadour, D., Basden, A. G., Bonaccini, D., Buey, T., Centrone, M., Chemla, F., Lombardi, G., Marchetti, E., Morris, T. J., Myers, R. M., Osborn, J., Townson, M. J., Vidal, F., & Reyes Garcia-Talavera, M. (2017, June). Preliminary on-sky results of the CANARY experiment with an ELT-elongated sodium LGS. Presented at Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes 5, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain

We present on-sky results of wavefront sensing on an elongated LGS. These results are derived from observations made with the multi-object AO demonstrator CANARY on the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) in La Palma. The laser guide star is produced us... Read More about Preliminary on-sky results of the CANARY experiment with an ELT-elongated sodium LGS.

Sky-projected Shack-Hartmann laser guide star (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Butterley, T., Buscher, D. F., Love, G. D., Morris, T. J., Myers, R. M., & Wilson, R. W. (2004, December). Sky-projected Shack-Hartmann laser guide star

PIGS on sky - dream or reality? (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Kellner, S., Ragazzoni, R., Gässler, W., Diolaiti, E., Farinato, J., Arcidiacono, C., Myers, R. M., Morris, T. J., & Ghedina, A. (2004, December). PIGS on sky - dream or reality?

NAOMI: adaptive optics at the WHT (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Benn, C. R., Blanken, M., Bevil, C., Els, S., Goodsell, S., Gregory, T., Jolley, P., Longmore, A. J., Martin, O., Myers, R. M., Ostensen, R., Rees, S., Rutten, R. G., Soechting, I., Talbot, G., & Tulloch, S. M. (2004, December). NAOMI: adaptive optics at the WHT

Wavefront sensing within the VISTA infrared camera (2004)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clark, P., Berry, P., Bingham, R., Bissonauth, N., Caldwell, M., Dipper, N., Dunlop, C., Henry, D., Luke, P., Myers, R., & Robertson, D. (2004, September). Wavefront sensing within the VISTA infrared camera. Presented at Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series

NAOMI adaptive optics system for the 4.2m William Herschel telescope (2003)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Myers, R. M., Longmore, A. J., Benn, C. R., Buscher, D. F., Clark, P., Dipper, N. A., Doble, N., Doel, A. P., Dunlop, C. N., Gao, X., Gregory, T., Humphreys, R. A., Ives, D. J., Øestensen, R., Peacocke, P., Rutten, R. G., Tierney, C. J., Vick, A. J., Wells, M. R., Wilson, R. W., …Zadrozny, A. (2003, December). NAOMI adaptive optics system for the 4.2m William Herschel telescope

Emulating MultiConjugate Turbulence (2002)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Love, G. D., Clark, P., Dunlop, C. N., Kelly, T.-L., Langloids, M., Myers, R. M., & Sharples, R. M. (2002, December). Emulating MultiConjugate Turbulence

Novel adaptive optics with the Durham University ELECTRA system (1996)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Buscher, D., Doel, A., Andrews, N., Dunlop, C., Morris, P., Myers, R., Sharples, R., Vick, A., Zadrozny, A., Haniff, C., & Wilson, R. (1996, December). Novel adaptive optics with the Durham University ELECTRA system

United Kingdom adaptive optics programs (1996)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Gilmore, G., Longmore, A., Myers, R., & Wilson, R. (1996, December). United Kingdom adaptive optics programs